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Results 4131-4180 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your letter of Sept. last came duly to hand; but I have neglected to answer it till this late period, being loath to put you to the trouble—of writing, me again, in your feeble and advanced period of life. However, as you have given me a partial history of your Physical habits, I take the liberty to request of you a little further, account, if you feel able for I consider such habits as yours,...
I was fearfull before I left Home of Such a Seige as has taken place. whatever else may be objected to the Treaty, that of a hasty decision cannot and ought not to be of the Number— as people are all alive upon the Subject, there are no doubt many Speaches put into the mouths of particular senators according to their former sentiments & opinions— one day we here of very warm Debates. an other,...
By a resolve of the 76 Association, made in consequence of their high regard for your republican Principles, and gratitude for the Service, you have rendered the nation, I Send you a Copy of Mr: Elliotts Oration, delivered before that Society on the last 4th of July. I also Send you a copy of Mr: Ramsay’s, delivered the year previous. I am aware that you Should have received the latter long...
Your favour of the 29th. ult. which I recd yesterday, distressed me. I cannot, however, allow myself to believe for a single moment that you anticipated such a consequence. It appears to imply that for the sake of disposing of a few more copies of the Naval History, I had departed from your instructions; & sent states that instead of one per every mail, I had sent two or three. Were I capable...
Yesterday morning Mr. C. Humphreys handed me your letters and the dispatches of Mr. Gerry & others. I have now the honor to inclose some copies of our order for requiring the departure of aliens, pursuant to the act of Congress passed the 25th of June last. If the form of the Order meets your approbation, I respectfully submit to your consideration whether during your absence from the seat of...
My last to you was of the 12/23 of May. I have not received any from you since yours of the 28th. of April. Enclosed you will receive the latter part of my letter to Mr: Livingston, which I pray you to forward with a proper direction. I send them open to you for your private Information. The matter these mentioned is what is alluded to in my last. Since the new British Ministry have consented...
Depuis Samedi des affaires domestiques, et aussi quelques-unes des publiques, m’ont obligé à une course, qui m’a empêché de vous féliciter, plutôt de la Burgoyna de 2de., qui vient d’avoir lieu en Amérique. Je le fais aujourd’hui de tout mon coeur. Je jouis à la fois de ma joie, de celle des Etats-Unis, du Roi de France, de la vôtre de celle de tous les amis et gens de bien, à l’occasion de ce...
Having it in contemplation to prepare the Biography of Roger Sherman Esqr., one of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and having been informed by his relatives that you were intimately acquainted with his private & political character, I beg leave very respectfully to request, that you will give the weight of your authority to the opinion which has already been formed, in relation...
The Hon. Mr. Adams will herewith receive a volume of Col. Taylor’s Enquiry &c. on the Government of the United States—a Bill of which will be forwarded to you when a copy of the 2d Edition of Arator is sent on. — which will not be out for some weeks — The firm of J. M. & J. B. Carter, being dissolved, the business of the concern is left for settlement in the hands of Sir, / Most respectfully /...
I have the honour of acquainting your Excellency, that an Express from Congress is at last arrived, with their Ratification of the Definitive Treaty. Inclosed I send Copies of the President’s Letter, the Recommendatory Resolution, and the Proclamation, together with three Letters for yourself. We have written to M r Hartley, that we are now ready to make the Exchange. With great Respect, I am,...
Yours of the 26 th of Jan’ ry I received last evening. You talk of not rising till june. why I know not what I shall possibly do, every Farm to Man—and with hands perhaps that I am unacquainted with. a scene of Buisness quite distant from me, when my Garden & potato Yard are full enough for me to attend to. why I shall have to travell from one Farm to the other, and not bring much to pass...
Ma Lettre de ce jour étôit à la poste, lorsque j’ai appris de source, que, conformement aux desirs des principaux membres, présens ici, des Et. d’holl e. Mr. Snelle Député de la part de Dort aux gecom̃it, leerde Raaden, ayant proposé à ses Collegues, pour prévenir tout tumulte pendant la nuit prochaine, & pour veiller à la sûreté des dits Membres, de donner aux-mêmes aujourd’hui les ordres aux...
I am honoured with your letter of the 5th. inst. If you have felt pleasure in recognizing in me the friend & pupil of a Man whom you knew & esteemed; you may judge of my Satisfaction, in discovering that his modest mind had not escaped your just discernment. He was all that you describe; to all Mankind he was an enlightened instructor; to me he was almost a father, for he loved me with filial...
Dr. Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr. Adams, and sends such of his Trunks as can be got at; W.T.F. in whose Chamber it is suppos’d there may be more, being gone to Paris; and having with him Mr. F’s Carriage prevents his waiting on Mr. Adams immediately as he would otherwise wish to do; but Mr. F. requests the Honour of Mr. Adams’s Company at Dinner to-morrow. RC ( Adams Papers ).
We hear of your being at Philadelphia and wish You a comfortable Session there. The spring is now opening and with this (probably) some grand Important Scenes that will call for the Wisdom of the Politician and the Skill and Bravery of the Warrior. Troops are dayly marching from this State to the several Places of their Destination and were all the Levies compleated from the several States,...
I am this Moment informed of a safe opportunity of conveying you a Letter, and as such another may not soon offer, I must not omit it. My opinion coincides with yours as to the Impropriety of treating with our Enemies on any other than an equal footing. We have told M r Oswald so, & he has sent an Express to London to communicate it, and to require further Instructions. He has not yet rec d ....
J’ai reçu avec grand plaisir l’honorée vôtre du 3 Nov. & j’ai fait déjà usage de son contenu & dans une Lettre au Congrès, & auprès de ces Messieurs d’Amsterdam. Vous recevrez, Monsieur, incessam̃ent par le canal indiqué de Mr. C. Storer, the true history of a Madman. Au mois de 7br. dernier je reçus une Lettre de Mr. D. Humphreys, Secr y. to the Commission of the Am n. Min rs. Pl. , qui en...
I received by our Thursday Post, yours of Decbr 18 & 23 together with the Bennets Strictures. you may be sure Bennet is a favorite writer with me for two reasons. the first is; that he is ingenious enough, to acknowledg & point out the more than Egyptian Bondage, to which the Female Sex, have been subjugated, from the earliest ages; and in the Second place; that he has added his Mite, to the...
18 Feb Passed the day quietly at home excepting returning a few morning visits 19 Mr A. dined at Mr Lowndes’s and I called for Mr & Mrs: Smith and Mr: A. to accompany me to the French Ministers. Mr S declined going—We found a small company assembled and the party was tolerably agreeable—I was engaged at a Ball at Mrs: Gales’s and intended to go from Mrs: de Neuvilles quite early but Mr A....
I have been duly favoured with your letter of the 4th Instant. A warrant for 1000 dollars in your favour has issued. If any authorisation from you had been sent to your son or any one else, your signature on the warrant would have been unnecessary. But as it is, it will be indispensable. Perhaps however the Treasurer may pay in expectation of it. The Question when the Vice President entered...
I Heartily Give You joy, My dear Sir, Upon the Happy Conclusion of Your dutch Negotiations. Every Body Here Congratulates me not only As a Zealous American, But Also as Your long Professed friend and Admirer. And tho’ the Court Air Has not So Much Altered My Republican Principles as to Make me Believe the Opinion of a King is Every thing, I was the other day pleased to Hear the King of france...
La Lettre dont vous m’avez honoré en date du 21e. May, m’est très-précieuse, puisqu’elle me procure l’avantage d’entrer en liaison directe avec Vous, que je desirois depuis longtemps. Ce n’est que confusement, et par la voix publique, que j’ai appris votre heureux retour d’Amérique, dont je vous félicite; ce que j’aurois déjà fait, si j’avois su que vous fussiez à Paris. J’ai été bien mortifié...
I have received a Line from my Brother which informs me of your desire of a particular Account of the Action at Charlestown. It is not in my Power at present to give so minute an Account as I should choose being ordered to decamp and march to another Station. On the 16 June in the Evening I received Orders to march to Breeds Hill in Charlestown with a party of about one thousand Men consisting...
Your favour of Jany 29th. directed to me in Boston, was forwarded, and received a short time after. It is always a high gratification to be honoured with a line from one, whose character and public services are held in grateful recollection. I take the liberty of enclosing the papers of 24th and 31st inst. presuming you will be, at least amused by a curious exhibition, which may be called...
The great Distance that separates us occasions that we can hear of each others welfare but seldom. This therefore ought to induce us, as we were formerly much acquainted, to embrace every opportunity to write in order to perpetuate that friendship and regard that once so eminently subsisted between us. It would to me be highly acceptable could Letters be conveyed backwards and forwards...
a Bostonian who reveres the “Sage of Quincy” takes the liberty of transmitting him this newspaper from Ohio—as possibly it may not reach his retreat He cannot avoid expressing his gratification, that after all the shallow abuse which has been recently poured forth upon the present administration, there is a good feeling in the Western country, correspondent to that which is felt by the high...
I should have had the pleasure of answering your respectfull favour of 20th. past ere now had I not waited to have inform’d you what was doing here. The States are still sitting and I have reason to believe will not adjourn soon, various are the Reports of their proceedings but from what I am able to gather from there I can depend on. The Grand business is done between the Northern Powers on A...
In Compliance with the Request of Sir John Sinclair I have the Pleasure of transmitting to you herewith enclosed a Book which I recd. from him two Days ago. As it is now probable that Col. Smith will meet with a greater number of opportunities of sending it than will occur to me, I shall take the Liberty of committing it to his care— Be pleased to present Mrs. Jay & my best Compts. to Mrs....
My last Letter to you was written in Sepbr. I closed it, because I knew not how to think upon any other subject than the solemn one I had just past through; since that date I have received a Number of Letters from you, written in April, May, june and 2 in july. To hear from you is a satisfaction, but the whole tenor of your Letters rather added to my melancholy, than mitigated it. The state of...
The trial of Fries for high treason which was commenced on monday the 6th. instant and which from that period has alone occupied the court was concluded yesterday at 10 oclock at night. The prisoner had the assistance of able counsel Dallas Lewis and Ewing and after a fair & patient trial before an impartial court has by an unexceptionable jury been found guilty. During the trial of the...
Mr. Fynje having communicated us his conversation with your Excellency last evening, we beg leave to assure you, that we’ll gladly do all what lays in our power to give you Satisfaction; We therefore to convince you of our inclination in this respect do without any hesitation Accept of the terms you proposed of 4 1/4 pct. for the Remedium and other Charges. The other point we’ve proposed to...
It is with peculiar satisfaction that I prent to you, at the request of the Officers & privates of a Troop of Horse, organised and equipped at this place, their resolutions and Address Rendering their Services to the united States; and they are equipped, Sir, in a manner that would & do honor to any Troop of Horse in the World. Their offer, Sir, is the effusion of pure patriotism, and may be...
Quoique je puisse & doive être certain que V e. Exc e. a régulierement connoissance de mes Dépeches à l’hon ble. Départment des Aff. Etr., j’ai néanmoins cru devoir prendre la liberté de m’adresser directement à Elle, pour Solliciter, Monsieur, votre Attention Spéciale à un Article dans celle du 14 au 23 de ce mois, & aux annexes, où il est question de l’honneur qui nous est fait par...
I have had a severe Fit of the Gout which has confined me six Weeks; but it is now going off, and I flatter myself that it has done me a great deal of Good. I have just received a Letter from Dr. Ezra Stiles, of which the inclosed is an extract. Please to communicate it to Mr. Searle, and then give it to M. Dumas if you judge it proper for Publication. I have also a large and particular...
I received by the last mail the Letters of two, so that I fare as you do, and the Stormy Weather last post Day prevented my getting Letters to Boston tho I had one ready. I cannot think the loss very great, for I have very little either interesting, or amuseing to entertain You with. yet you are pleasd to express so much pleasure at receiving them, Such as they are, that I ought not, and do...
Ma derniere du 14 e. étoit partie, lorsque celle de Mr. votre fils à mon Epouse nous apprit que vous avez été fort malade, &, heureusement, mieux à présent. Nous prenons la part que nous devons & à l’indisposition passée, & à votre convalescence, dont nous vous félicitons de grand coeur. Mrs. Matthieu Van Arp & Co: m’écrivent ce qui suit d’Amst. 15 e Oct. “Le Vaisseau Américain l’Elisabeth,...
Centinels are again Posted at my Lodgings. This I suppose a mistake L: Col: Parke having inform’d me as from you, that there was a second resolution of Congress respecting me that I was to apply for it and go in Consequence to give my Parole. I did by Mr. Wade yesterday even: apply for it but could find no other but the first. I went to your Lodgings, your Servant told me you were abroad. I...
Meeting with a safe hand going to London the other day I did myself the honour of sending to you through Mr. King a pamphlet written lately by Boulay (de la Meurthe) of the 500. It is a very remarkable work—a view of the causes of the English Revolution by Cromwell & of its failure. He forces the lines of events when they run at all together into a parallel—& to my mind absolutely with a view...
If your Letter of 20. May were the only one from you upon my files yet unanswered, every look at its date would give me a pang of self-reproach—How then shall I acknowledge at the same time the receipt of those of 31. Decbr. and of 2. 8. 13. 29. January, and apologize for not having replied to them sooner—During the Session of Congress, your indulgence would readily account for my...
I yesterday had the honor of receiving your communication of the 28th Ulto. advising me of the appointment of your Nephew Mr. Shaw as my successor in the Capacity of Private Secrety. The flattering testimony you have given me of the discharge of my duties while in your family, be assured Sir I consider as an additional evidence of that friendly regard which has taught me to Value your Esteem...
Since my last of the 3 d of August I am favoured with yours of the 26 th of June, 6 th of July, 26 th of August & 11 th of September, & am much obliged to You for the papers inclosed in the July Letter, as well as for the useful Information contained in all of them. The Conduct of the Court of London, clearly indicates, & convinces Us on this Side the Atlantic that they have an unfriendly...
I have not received a Line from You of a later date than the 3 d Instant the last week is the only one which has past since you left me, without Letters I hope it is not oweing to any other cause than the difficulty of passing the North River. we have had this Day Something very like a snow storm. it has Bankd some tho not very deep. it is two Months tomorrow since you went away, and we have...
By a Letter from one of the most lovely of Women in your Quarter of the Continent, I find you are engaged about a governmental Constitution for Massachusetts Bay. And by another Letter from a Friend of a different Sex I find that, after a free and full Discussion of Principles you have determined to constitute a free Republick. From the unanimous Result of your past Deliberations I am led to...
Your letter of the 2d. inst. returning the dispatches from our envoys of the 17th. of May, is just receivd. I now perceive that my having omited to accompany those dispatches with a letter requires an apology. After decyphering it, I had been engagd with the heads of departments until it became necessary to forward the package immediately to you, or to lose a mail which I was not inclind to...
I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed communication from a Committee of the Corporation of this City— I am Sir / with very great respect / Your Hb. Sert. MHi : Adams Papers.
Prompted by the purest principles of patriotism, and inspired with the warmest zeal for the maintenance of our Liberties and independence, We presume at this momentous Crisis, to offer to the Executive magistrate of one Country our sentiments and determinations. Considering ourselves as individually outraged in every insult offered to our Government, We should do injustice to our own feelings,...
I embrace the occasion of enclosing some letters, to thank you and Mrs Adams for the comfortable accommodation of your house at Bush Hill. While the inhabitants of this City are panting for breath, like a hunted hare, we experience a in the Hall at Bush Hill a delightful and animating breeze The paragraphs in the Connecticut and New York papers relative to your journey indicate envy and...
Quoique je n’aie encore vu personne, je prends néanmoins la plume, pour avoir l’honneur de vous dire, qu’après y avoir bien murement pensé depuis que nous nous sommes quittés, il me semble que vous ne pourrez vous passer, pour éviter tout blâme et inimitié, lorsque vous viendrez ici pour la démarche en question, de faire votre premiere visite chez M. l’A—— de F—— afin de lui donner...
Inclosd is the answer of the secretary of the Senate to a request that he woud furnish the department of state with the names of the Senators. There being no official certainty of the Senators newly elected to serve after the 3d. of March may produce some doubt respecting the propriety of a summons addressd to them individually. There is not to be found on the files of this department any copy...
The obligation confered by the letter you did me the honor to write in September last will always be highly estimated, and as the subject on which I took the liberty of troubling you appears to involve important considerations particularly as to our treaties. I beg leave to inclose the printed documents laid before the Legislature of this State. I am sorry to add in vain. With great Respect...