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Results 4101-4150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The Room which I thought would have been an Hospital or a Musaeum, has really proved a Den of...
This is the last Opportunity I shall have to write you from Braintree for some Weeks. You may...
I have Thoughts of sending you a Nest of Letters like a nest of Basketts; tho I suspect the...
Here am I all alone, in my Chamber, a mere Nun I assure you, after professing myself thus will it...
We arrived at Captn. Cunninghams, about Twelve O’Clock and sent our Compliments to Dr. Perkins....
The Deacon and his Three Children are arrivd and the Operation has been performed, and all well....
Mr. Cranch informs me that Hones will go to Town tomorrow, and that I may not miss one...
I think I write to you every Day. Shall not I make my Letters very cheep; don’t you light your...
Yours of April 15th. this moment received. I thank You for it—and for your offer of Milk, but We...
Three of our Company, have now the Small Pox upon them, Wheat, Badger, and Elderkin. We have seen...
Why my good Man, thou hast the curiosity of a Girl. Who could have believed that only a slight...
It was not forgetfulness, that prevented my writing. You must not ascribe to forgetfulness my not...
Many have been the particular Reasons against my Writing for several days past, but one general...
Your Friendly Epistle reach’d me a fryday morning, it came like an Infernal Mesenger, thro fire...
Returned from a Ramble in Town which began at 10 in the Morning. Dined with my Friend S. Adams...
Your desire that I would write every Opportunity is punctually observed by me, And I comply with...
I promised you, Sometime agone, a Catalogue of your Faults, Imperfections, Defects, or whatever...
This Morning received yours by Mr. Ayers. I can say nothing to the Contents at present, being...
Welcome, Welcome thrice welcome is Lysander to Braintree, but ten times more so would he be at...
I have this Evening been to see the Girl.—What Girl? Pray, what Right have you to go after...
I am much obliged to you for the care you have taken about help. I am very willing to submit to...
When I wrote you by the Doctor I was in hopes that I should have been out the next day, but my...
How many months have passed away since I have either written or received a line from my Dear...
I have been determined, a long Time, to write you by the first Opportunity that should present,...
Tomorrow being Commencment, suppose this will not fail thro want of a conveyance. I therefore...
I wrote to you a week ago, and sent my Letter part of the way, but like a bad penny it returnd,...
I heard to Day that the Doctor had a Letter from Mr. Cranch, and that he was still very Ill, poor...
Mr. Etter was so good as to come this morning and inform me that his Sons would go to Salem...
Your kind letter I receiv’d to day and am greatly rejoiced to hear you are all so well. I was...
I have just returnd from Weymouth, where I have been for a week past. It seems lonesome here, for...
The Doctor talks of Setting out tomorrow for New Braintree. I did not know but that he might...
I have but a few Moments, to congratulate you on the fresh Blessing to your Family.—Another fine...
I return you Dr. Smollet, the Modern Travels, and the Funeral Elegy: with thanks for the lent of...
I embrace with Joy, this Opportunity of writing you. Mr. Langdon, who is to be the Bearer, was so...
We have lived thro the Heat, and Toil, and Confusion of this Week. We have tried three of the...
I Congratulate you upon the fine weather we have had since your absence; if it has been as...
Your kindness to me in a former absence, requires some acknowledgment in this. I write to you,...
I have very little of a political, or of any other kind of entertainment to give you. Yet I...
Three Days since I received your obliging Favour of February 21st. for which I thank you. The...
I write you, not from the Noisy Buisy Town, but from my humble Cottage in Braintree, where I...
I have just returned from an agreable excursion, in the course of which I had the pleasure of...
There is no Business here —And I presume as little at Braintree. The Pause in the English Trade,...
P.S. There is another Gentleman whose History and Character I want to know more of, than I do at...
I take an opportunity by Mr. Kent, to let you know that I am at Plymouth, and pretty well. Shall...
The kind reception I met with at your House, and the Hospitality with which you entertained me,...
I shall pass over in silence the Complementary introduction to your Letter, not because these...
Do not my Worthy Friend tax me with either Breach of promise; or neglect towards you, the only...
Alass! How many snow banks devide thee and me and my warmest wishes to see thee will not melt one...
i thank you for your last letter i have have had it in my mind to write to you this long time but...
I sincerely Congratulate my much Esteemed friend on the Restoration of the invaluable Blessing of...