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Results 4101-4150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Gen. Swift presents his respects to President Jefferson & encloses a catalogue of the Library of...
Doct. Caldwell, of the University of Transylvania, being on his way homeward from a short...
I have the honor to enclose a card for the celebration on the seventeenth ; An occasion on which...
I recieved the enclosed extract this morning from the North. The Source from whence it comes is...
Captain Glassel heretofore of my neighbourhood, supposing that a trip to Scotland may aid an...
Ambitious to have my name associated, in some respects, with one who has so long and so justly...
I find by your favor of the 7 t I did not express myself in a way to be unstood by you relative...
Yours of the 22 d ult. is at hand. The Saxon Books have been ordered from England, & will be...
Presuming upon an acquaintance it was my happiness to form, many years ago, and upon the...
A letter just rec d from mr Thompson Collector of N. York informs me that he has rec d for me...
Your favor of May 31. is just rec d informing me that you had some time ago rec d & forwarded to...
John W. Boott Esq. of this city being desirous, with his friend Mr M Cale, of Philadelphia, to...
D r Emmet can have both the large basement rooms & to be arranged as he pleases for his chemical...
We have just learnt the afflicting dispensation which has befallen you, and while forwarding the...
In finishing the Library room of the Rotunda in what way do you propose securing it at the head...
Although I have not honor of your personal acquaintance, but resting on the information that I...
Altho’ our institution has been successful in the main, yet in some of it’s details fortune has...
I yesterday received your melancholy Letter my Dear George informing me of the low state of Mrs....
It was a rule with Rex and Roy. to cause a vir to be Scent, a La Mort,’ that did Sir, Contre Ciel...
It is not long since I was apprised that the state of your affairs had become doubtful, and only...
By the mail with this, we send you the sheets of your excellent work. The book is just from the...
Know all Men by these Presents, That we William Hilliard of Cambridge County of Middlesex and...
I have expected for some years that I would once more visit Virginia, the Country that gave me...
The copying of our Catalogue was finished yesterday, and I now inclose it. in my letter of May...
In a letter of a few days age to mr Hilliard I informed him that the mail by which that letter...
Upwards of thirty years have passed over our heads since I had the pleasure of seeing you, &...
For two or three days past, Papa has been more unwell than usual; not with any new complaints,...
I intended to have called on you to day, and had actually set out, but have been compelld to...
A clock is wanting for the Rotunda of the University; the size and strength of it’s works must be...
This instrument of Accord and Agreement entered into between Thomas Jefferson Rector of the...
This will be handed you by Doct r Waterhouse of Cambridge, a distinguished character, and...
Judge Dade I am informed resides near Dumfries Prince William County— I trust we have not...
I must first congratulate you on the successful issus of the labors in which we were associated...
Permit me to make known to you my friend M r Ogden who will hand you this—he is the only...
I am induced by the great interest which you manifest in behalf of the V a University, to beg the...
After much hesitation it is with extreme reluctance that I at length determine to trouble you...
I herewith transmit a letter & invoice received per the Ship Martha, Freeman master from...
You will perhaps recollect that in the early Part of last year, I took the liberty of forwarding...
The only definite proposition I can obtain from M r Wyer is that the collection of specimens in...
a sack of salt. ViCMRL .
D r Waterhouse having long had “ a concern of mind “ to visit the shrine of S t James and S t...
I have lately received from my friend Mr Halkett a copy of the accompanying work and one for Mr...
on my arrival here, I found two letters and a bill of lading from Gowan and Marx, concerning the...
From a letter recently received, from a young gentleman now in Richmond, Mr Holbrook, I learn...
Your letter of the 13 th received yesterday, on my return from Lynchburg, imposes on me a very...
I inclose you the Report rendered by mr Gilmer to the Visitors on his return, together with the...
I arrived at this place yesterday, on my return from Lancaster and have to-day had an interview...
I have heard with the deepe s t regret of your present, or late indisposition, & agreeable to...
Permit me to introduce to you our young friend M r George B Bibb, of Alabama, the only son of...
When I wrote to you last about the claim of Mr. Bonnycastle, I had not the least conception of...