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Your favor from Fredericksburg came safe to hand. I inclose you the extract of a letter I...
The Subscribers Citizens of the United States residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beg...
In a postscript (dated 8th. Inst.) of my dispatch No. 54, I communicated to you copy of a note...
My last letters to you have been of the 13th. and 20th. of Nov. since which I have recieved yours...
The Federal Convention plunged into its momentous assignment without great delay chiefly because...
On observing to several friends in Congress (who are in favour of a renewal of the Charter to the...
47[Diary entry: 13 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
13. Still at home. Mr. Dulany & Mr. Custis went to Mrs. Frenchs after Breakfast. The two young...
I have collected and reviewed the Papers relating to Mr. Prioleaus Petition. If you persist in...
I have the honor to forward to you a letter, covering a certificate of the election of Nicholas...
Your letter of the tenth of July has been delivered to me. I have given full information to Cl....
New York, November 30, 1787. On this date at the annual assembly of the St. Andrew’s Society of...
Your letter of yesterday came duly to hand. I am aware of the difficulties there would be in the...
on the forth of February I rote you Respecting some ornaments for a Frize and Incloasd a Letter...
Count de Montauto Governor of this City has informed me of the Commissioners having made...
I enclose you some lines which were written very hastily yesterday morning immediately after...
I am honor’d with your kind Favor of 28th Ulto, which I only receiv’d by last sundays Post —it...
You have very much gratified me by the collection of choice fruit trees you have been so good as...
Malgré toute ma diligence je ne fais que d’achever la traduction que j’ai L’honneur de vous...
59General Orders, 3 May 1776 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial of the Line, consisting of one Colonel, one Lieut. Colonel, one Major,...
Since my Letter of April 26th. yours have been received of March 12. 12. 13. 13. and 19. Before...
I have little to add to the letter of which I Send duplicates the absence of the First Consul &...
The last papers announce the nomination of Alexander Wolcott Esqre. as an associate Jud⟨ge o⟩f...
[ New York, August 7, 1800. On August 9, 1800, Stockton wrote to Hamilton : “I have had the...
6424th. (Adams Papers)
Snow’d all night, and this forenoon. I attended meeting all day: Mr. Hilliard preached, but not...
I have the honor to enclose a letter from Mr Read Senator from South Carolina, containing an...
I feel myself highly flattered by the notice you were pleased to take of my Oration, in your...
The letters to Mr. Hammond & Mr. Pinckney appear to me proper, according to the facts stated in...
Monday July 19th. The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved, That it is the duty of the...
I left New York on Friday morning with Augusta, and proceeded in M rs : M c :Vickar’s Carriage to...
By the inclosed paper I presume there are arrived for me on board the packet three small boxes of...
I have made an arrangement to forward by express the result of the convention of New Hampshire to...
In Consequence of a Recommendation from the Governor & Council of the State of...
I received the honor of your Excellency’s letter of 11th inst: Mr Caldwell being at Philadelphia...
Your letter of the 4th of March remains yet to be answered. The question there stated is in...
The accounts of the reciepts and expenditures during the year ending on the 30th. day of Sep....
I am now to acknowledge the receipt of two of your favours, during the session of Assembly, but...
AL : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you upon my arrival in Liverpool as did my Friend...
78[Diary entry: 10 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
10. At home all day alone.
I Should have Long Since wrote your Excellencey was there any thing in this Quarter worth...
Valley Forge, February 13, 1778 . Orders Haskell to rejoin regiment. Df , in writing of H, George...
81General Orders, 14 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
Congress have been pleased to pass the following resolve. Resolved—That in consideration of their...
The last litigated question relative to titles here was decided yesterday. I have the pleasure to...
MS : The Royal Society; also copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences At the reading of this...
I am favd with yours of the 25th instant from Fort Mifflin. Before this reaches you Lt Colo....
Be pleased to accept my cordial thanks for the inquiries you have made as to an engineer for this...
Harriet Welsh writes me that George and you intend to visit Mrs. de Wint during the vacation and...
You are intrusted with a Command of the utmost Consequence to the Interest & Liberties of...
Th: Jefferson incloses to Genl. Dearborne the draught of his message to Congress, of which he...
25 January 1802, Bremen. Reports that nothing material has occurred since his 13 July dispatch....
Copy: Library of Congress I am glad you have settled your affairs to your Mind relating to the...