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Results 41-70 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Friday, July 18. In the intervals of the meetings of the Convention, the Board met and passed the...
The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved That the Visitors will expect from the...
Benjamin Galloway of Elizabeth Town Washington County and State of Maryland respectfully presents...
N. Hampsh. 5. Verm. 4. ✓ — Betton, Silas ✓ — Chamberlain ✓ — Claggett. Clifton. ✓ — Chittenden...
A quorum of the Board was not formed untill Friday, July 12th. when John H. Cocke & Joseph C....
This Indenture made this Henshaw day of July one thousand eight hundred and A Madison nine,...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library In Compliance with your Request I this Morning applied to a...
Aborn Henry. to be Consul. Martinique Aborn Thomas was one of the Midnight appmts as Coml. Agent...
Office of the Colonization Society This certifies that the Hon. Daniel Waldo is a Member for...
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To       Greeting: Reposing especial...
In the great mass of our country Middle Southern & Westward The progress towards a final...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 15, 1756. I arrived here last Night. We met...
1805. June 4 . in bank 56 .69 Salary for May 2083 .33 borrow bk US. 1979 . borrow bk Columb. 1484...
Heads of a lease to Richard Gamble. 5. fields North of the road, of 40 acres each. to wit 4. on...
Notes of Wabash Salines. on Saline creek which empties into Ohio 16. mi. below Wabash the Saline...
Notes on a Draught for a second inaugural Address. The former one was an exposition of the...
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia declared at a late Session almost unanimously, that S....
All Govts. hitherto bad: either tending to despotism, or to anarchy & thro’ that to despotism....
The plan proposed by the gentleman from Northampton, freed as it has been from one of its...
Saturday, July 12. The Board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved That James Monroe &...
estimate May 4. 05 draughts ✓ bk US. Short 500 . ✓ Jones & Howell 144 .47 644 .47 Checks ✓...
Memorandum. Letters received for me at N. York before the last day of September, to be forwarded...
thinks it more desirable than probable that on discussing the urgent case of S. C, abstract...
1805 July 5. after taking up my 2 notes of May to bk US. & Col. = 3600. & payg Colston 400. I...
Compact express or tacit, [begin? bein?] & essence of free Govt. social compact, theoretical, but...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from Medical testimony that ardent...
Draft (fragment): Library of Congress This fragment in Franklin’s hand is written on what appears...
Adam Gantz of the City of Baltimore respectfully shewes to your Honor that being encouraged by...
Notes for consideration, & for instructions to any armed vessels which may be sent out to protect...
At a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on...