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Results 40951-41000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
40951 Adams, John Thaxter, Joseph From John Adams to Joseph Thaxter, 28 August 1822 1822-08-28 Your letter from Edgarton of the 21st: instant, gave me great pleasure. The sight of your name...
40952 Washington, George General Orders, 27 January 1778 1778-01-27 Any Articles to be sent in to our prisoners in Philadelphia must be left with the Commissary of...
40953 Madison, James From James Madison to James Bowdoin, [13] May 1805 1805-05-13 Mr Elisha Tracy of Norwich, in Connecticut will have explained to you the circumstances of the...
40954 Lincoln, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Lincoln, 13 September … 1803-09-13 Yesterday your ten packages were Shipped on Board the Schooner Alert Azariah Smith Master...
40955 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 April 1774] 1774-04-17 17. Attempted to go to Alexa. Church but broke the Poll of the Chariot & returnd. Colo. Lee went...
40956 Sargent, Winthrop Washington, George To George Washington from Winthrop Sargent, 20 February … 1784-02-20 Desirous of contributing to the Amusement of your Excellency I do myself the honor to Transmit...
40957 Le Guen, Charles Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Le Guen, 7 November … 1781-11-07 ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je prend la liberté de vous remettre Copie de la Lettre...
40958 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Thomas Mann From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, 13 … 1800-01-13 I have suffered the Post day to come upon me for two weeks past so unexpectedly as to be unable...
40959 Roane, Spencer Jefferson, Thomas Spencer Roane to Thomas Jefferson, 20 June 1821 1821-06-20 The enclosed numbers , on a most important subject, were written by me, and published in the...
40960 Barton, Benjamin Smith Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Smith Barton, 13 January … 1806-01-13 § From Benjamin Smith Barton. 13 January 1806, Philadelphia. “I find, by the President’s letter...
40961 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 18 August 1781 1781-08-18 You will be pleased to give the Officer commanding the Artillery upon the West side of the River...
40962 Lee, Charles Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Lee, 18 December 1798 1798-12-18 Agreeably to your direction I have taken into consideration the memorial of Joseph Barrell...
40963 Jefferson, Thomas Coffyn, Francis [From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Coffyn and Others, 22 … 1786-06-22 [ Paris, 22 June 1786 . An entry in SJL reads: “Francis Coffyn &c. as above May 31. Eleven...
40964 Jefferson, Thomas Spafford, Horatio Gates Thomas Jefferson to Horatio G. Spafford, 26 April 1814 1814-04-26 Your letter of the 7 th inst. is just recieved and finds me within a few days of my departure for...
40965 Mathieu, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Mathieu, 18 March 1801 … 1801-03-18 18 March 1801, Naples. Encloses statement on U.S. ships in port between 1 July and 31 Dec. 1800...
40966 Chaumont, Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de … 1778-01-01 AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Chaumont à L’honneur de rèprèsenter à Messieurs les...
40967 Van Schaick, Goose Washington, George To George Washington from Col. Goose Van Schaick, 29 … 1779-07-29 Letter not found : from Col. Goose Van Schaick, 29 July 1779. GW wrote Van Schaick on 3 Aug.: “I...
40968 Jay, Peter Augustus Jay, John To John Jay from Peter Augustus Jay, 1 August 1798 1798-08-01 I am happy to learn from the Newspapers that you have safely arrived at Albany— I am sorry...
40969 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 15 March 1787 1787-03-15 So far all is well. No complaints; except against the weathermaker, who has pelted me with rain,...
40970 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William Temple From Benjamin Franklin to William Temple Franklin, 10 … 1776-09-10 ALS : Bruce Gimelson, Chalfont, Pa. (1978) It is possible that a Line from Lord Howe may be left...
40971 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 August 1768] 1768-08-03 3. Wind Eastwardly—with appearances of Rain but none fell.
40972 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 26 … 1781-02-26 I had the honor of receiving last night, your Excellency’s two letters of the 20th instant, one...
40973 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 19 … 1779-01-19 My last was of the 16–18 of this month. Contrary to our expectations and to our great surprise,...
40974 Washington, George Walker, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Walker, 1 April 1781 1781-04-01 I have received Your Letter of the 30th of March, and feel myself sensibly distressed at the...
40975 Adams, John March [1754]. 1754-03-01 Beg inning of March Had a small flurry of snow. There was snow in Cambridge on 2 March and “a...
40976 Jefferson, Thomas Pendleton, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Pendleton, 13 August … 1776-08-13 Yours of Aug. 3. came to hand yesterday. Having had no moment to spare since, I am obliged to sit...
40977 Washington, George Hancock, John I. Notes for Letter, 10 July 1775 1775-07-10 The time of my arrival. The Situation of the Troops—Works—& things in genl—Enemy on Bunkers Hill....
40978 Vaughan, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Vaughan, 1 July 1808 1808-07-01 Four Double & one Single Keg White lead ground in oil were shipped to Mess Gibson & Jefferson of...
40979 Parsons, Samuel Holden Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Samuel … 1779-05-23 I have inclosd the Commission and Resignation of Lt Hitchcock of the 8th Regiment, and request...
40980 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1777-08-04 This will be Handed to you by the Count de Puluski General de Larme de la Republique de Poloigne,...
40981 Humphreys, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Humphreys, 23 September … 1800-09-23 After a long suspension of our correspondence, I take occasion of resuming it by enclosing to you...
40982 Newenham, Sir Edward Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Sir Edward Newenham, 14 … 1784-12-14 ALS : American Philosophical Society There dwells an uneasiness in mine & Lady Newenham’s mind,...
40983 Jones, William Draft of a Naval General Order, [ca. 29 July] 1813 1813-07-29 The palpable and criminal intercourse held with the enemys forces blockading and invading the...
40984 Cathalan, Stephen Madison, James To James Madison from Stephen Cathalan, Jr., 28 March … 1804-03-28 28 March 1804, Marseilles. Received a duplicate of JM’s 9 Apr. 1803 letter and his 1 Oct. 1803...
40985 Madison, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Madison, 7 August 1818 1818-08-07 On my return two days ago from a Meeting appointed to report to the Legislature of the State a...
40986 Madison, James Cathcart, James Leander From James Madison to James Leander Cathcart, 30 … 1827-01-30 ¶ To James Leander Cathcart. Letter not found. 30 January 1827. Calendared in the lists probably...
40987 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 10 May 1836 1836-05-10 At the request of Mr. Madison who is too feeble to write, I subjoin a copy of the reply he...
40988 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 7 September 1780 1780-09-07 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous félicite de tout mon coeur de la bonne nouvelle de...
40989 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William Thomas Jefferson to William Short, [29] June 1819 1819-06-29 Your favor of June 22. is recieved. that of May 25. had come to hand in due time, and was in my...
40990 Childs, Francis Hamilton, Alexander Bill and Receipt from Francis Childs, [12 November … 1787-11-12 Alexander Hamilton Esqr. to Francis Childs Dr. 1787 Nov. 12. to advertising the Farm for Sale on...
40991 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 26 … 1795-06-26 I have direct information in confidence, that the Minister of France by a letter received...
40992 Washington, George General Orders, 31 July 1782 1782-07-31 The field officer of the day for the Garrison of Westpoint is requested to send a Duplicate of...
40993 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, [9 March 1812] 1812-03-09 As the Intelligencer will not publish the Message & documents just laid before Cong s for the...
40994 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 August 1774] 1774-08-14 14. Went to Pohick Church with Mr. Custis. Found Messrs. Carlyle, Dalton, Ramsay, Adam, & Doctr....
40995 Malcom, William Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel William Malcom, 12 … 1780-10-12 Two days ago, a Body of the Enemy Landed at South Bay—By comparing informations they consist of...
40996 Linn, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Linn, 30 May 1798 1798-05-30 I ask leave to present you with a discourse delivered on the late fast day. It would have...
40997 Clinton, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Clinton, 21 November … 1778-11-21 I have just recd a Letter from Genl Hand accompanying one to your Excellency and am happy to...
40998 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1777-02-02 I have not been favd with a line from you since the 24th Ulto. Anxious for the Success of the...
40999 Hill, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Hill, 9 December 1771 1771-12-09 Colo. Carter Braxton & Mr Phil. Claiborne inform’d me some time ago that you Immagined you should...
41000 Rumney, John Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from John Rumney, Jr., 22 January … 1788-01-22 I now inclose you all the Papers that I have recd from Mr Swan of Baltimore respecting the Estate...