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Results 40951-41000 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Transcript: John L.W. Mifflin, Middlebush, N.J. (1955) I am glad to learn that the Flour is mostly if not all got up to Conegocheeg, and that you have so good a Prospect of getting Waggons to forward it to Wills’s Creek. The Governor has sent down the Bill and proposes to pass it with about 30 Amendments, of which one is that the Commissioners named in the Act to dispose of the £5000 for...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 110. The Power of calling the Assembly together whenever the Publick Service requires it, in the intermediate Times of their Adjournments, we presume is, and ought to be, lodged in the Governor of this Province; and we do not recollect any Instance in which it has been either disputed or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I embrace this first Opportunity that hath presented itself to return You my thanks for the very polite and Hospitable Entertaintment I met with from You when I was at Philadelphia last Year, and have deferrd it till now, that the only Subject of my Letter might not be an acknowledgment of Your Civilities, which, I believe You had rather perform than be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Excues my writeing when I tell you it is the great regard I have for you will not let me be Silent, for Absence rather increasis than lesens my affections then, my not receiveing one line from you in answer to 3 of my last letters March the 3d and 31st and April the 28th gives me a Vast deal of uneasiness and occation’d many tears, for Suerly I have wrote...
Copy (extract): The Royal Society; printed (in full) in Benjamin Franklin, Expériences et Observations sur l’Electricité faites à Philadelphie en Amérique , Thomas-François Dalibard, trans. (2d edit., 2 vols., Paris, 1756), II , 307–19. Peter Collinson presented the scientific portions of this letter to the Royal Society on Dec. 18, 1755; it was printed in the Philosophical Transactions, and...
ALS : Yale University Library Before this reaches you, you will have heard that the House is adjourn’d. A Bill to strike £10,000 Exchange Money is pass’d, and nothing else done. I spoke several Times to the Speaker and Committee, about sending you some Money by the Return of the Members; but Mr. M’Conaughy slipt away without Leave, and so without their Knowledge; and afterwards the Business...
Letterbook copy (incomplete): Massachusetts Historical Society [ Missing ] therefore take the Freedom of desiring you to deliver him the Inclosed and to shew him your wonted Civility with the Curiosities of your City. My Compliments wait on Madam Franklin and I am, Sir Your assured Friend and Servant. The “Inclosed” was undoubtedly a letter to Jonathan Belcher, Jr. (1710–1776), who was...
ALS : Yale University Library This is only to acknowledge the Receipt of three very agreable Letters from you, and to promise an Answer as soon as I have a little got thro’ a Hurry of Business, that beats every philosophical Thought out of my Head. As you are on the Study of Magnetism, I send you herewith a Work of the greatest Master of Practical Magnetics that has appear’d in any Age. With...
MS Minutes: Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania The trustees of the College of Philadelphia on June 10 (see above, p. 29) appointed Franklin and five others to examine and report on a draft of rules and statutes, probably prepared by Franklin himself, which had been submitted to the board for adoption. On July 11 Franklin reported as president that the committee had considered the draft...
Extract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania General Edward Braddock and advance units of his army reached a point about nine miles from Fort Duquesne, July 9, when they ran into a force of French and Indians commanded by Capt. Daniel Liénard de Beaujeau. In the three-hour engagement that followed the British were utterly defeated. Braddock was mortally wounded (he died on the 13th) and more...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , July. 17, 1755. Whereas an advertisement was published sometime ago by the subscribers hereof, desiring those who were indebted to them for more than one year’s Gazette to discharge the same, of which little or no notice has been taken, but many continue a great number of years in arrear; this may therefore serve to let such know, that if they do not...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have your obliging Favour of the 14: Instant: and thank you for your intended Civility to my Son if he shoud pass in his way from Halifax thro’ your City—but by a Letter I received from him yesterday of the 1: of this Month, the Motions and Commotions at Halifax are so great that he seems uncertain when and whither he shall make his Rout. The...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I shall be oblidg’d to you for letting me know what the Paper I have had from you Comes to also to make up the Quantity 100 Reams. Pray let me know as Soon as possible about your Supplying me constantly as I am obligated to wait your answer persuant to your Desire. I am, Sir Your Most humble Servant Inclos’d I send you Some News Papers. Addressed: To /...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Altho’ I wrote you 21: Current yet I am to ask your Pardon for the Trouble of this which is to pray you to forward by the first Opportunity to my Son at Halifax my Letter now lying in your hands together with the inclosed which will oblige, Sir, Your ready Friend and Servant. See above, p. 110. The one referred to in Belcher’s letter, July 9...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives, 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 117. Col. Thomas Dunbar, commander of Braddock’s army after the defeat on the Monongahela, decided to withdraw his demoralized troops instead of making a new attack from Fort Cumberland, and on July 16 informed Governor Morris that he planned to bring two regiments into winter quarters at...
MS not found; reprinted from The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XVII (1893), 275–6. Till our new building is finished, which I hope will be in two or three weeks, I have no room to accommodate a clerk. But it is my intention to have one, though my business is so small that I cannot afford to give more than I have always given, Viz.: Diet at my own Table, with Lodging and...
ALS : Massachusetts Archives By the Phi: Post received the Inclosed from Mr. Franklin which he desired me to forward to you and to desire you to forward it imediately by this post to Mr. Chew requesting him to forward it to Mr. Franklin at Boston. He writes “the Substance of the letter may be printed but not entire as we have not the Governors leave to whom it was directed. At least the...
Copy: Miss Ailsa Joan Mary Dick-Cunyngham, Prestonfield House, Edinburgh (1955) Written in the style of the King James Version of the Bible, the Parable against Persecution was one of Franklin’s pleasantest hoaxes, affording him and his friends much amusement. He wrote it at least as early as the summer of 1755 and took copies of it and other ephemeral pieces to England when he went over two...
Copy: American Philosophical Society; also copy: Liverpool Record Office In a letter to Benjamin Vaughan, Nov. 2, 1789, Franklin discussed his “Chapter of Abraham and the Stranger” (see immediately above) and then went on to say: “When I wrote that in the form you now have it, I wrote also another, the hint of which was also taken from an ancient Jewish tradition; but, not having the same...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The House is not yet together: But the Speaker and a Number of the Members are of Opinion that a Common Messenger will be sufficient to carry the Letters; and are not inclin’d that any Gentlemen should be charg’d with them in Behalf of the Publick. They hope the Colonel does not mean to come to Philadelphia but only into this Province, to be near the...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 121. Meeting on July 25 after receiving news of Braddock’s defeat, the Assembly resolved that £50,000 be granted for defense of the province and that a committee of the whole consider ways and means of raising it. Following adoption on the 29th of resolves to tax “all Estates, Real and...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 123–6. Governor Morris responded on August 6 to the Assembly’s message of the day before, and the Assembly appointed a committee of eight, including Franklin and four other members of the last committee, to prepare a reply. It was reported and approved the next day and sent to the governor on...
ALS : American Antiquarian Society I received your Favour of the 1st Instant, and have forwarded the Letter to Capt. Orme. Mr. Pownall is gone to New York, and I return his Letter per this Day’s Post. I shall acquaint the Governor, as you desire, that the Records of your Proceedings are with Mr. Banyar. Our Assembly have sent up a Bill to give £50,000 to the King’s Use, of which part might be...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755, pp. 144–52. The Assembly’s long message of August 8 to Governor Morris had been the first heavy salvo in the battle over taxation of the proprietary estates. Words, however, could scarcely effect the settlement of the issue, since the governor insisted he was enjoined from approving such bills by the terms of his...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 153. We have considered the Governor’s Message of the 16th Instant, with the Extract from Governor Lawrence’s Letter to Governor Phips, in which it is observed, “That if the excellent Laws prohibiting the Transportation of Provisions to Louisburg continue in Force for two Months longer, there...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 155–6. On August 16, while the Assembly was considering the long message to the governor which they sent three days later, Morris informed the House that, since the treasury was exhausted, he would “readily pass a Bill for striking any Sum in Paper-Money the present Exigency may require;...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 356–9. As you have my former papers on Whirlwinds, &c. I now send you an account of one which I had lately an opportunity of seeing and examining myself. Being in Maryland, riding with Col. Tasker, and some other gentlemen to his country-seat, where I and my son were entertained by...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I received your Favours of May 28 and June 1. I believe I have already wrote you, that our Friend Smith is not thought here to be the Author of the Pamphlet you mention: ’Tis generally suppos’d to be the Governor’s (with some help from one or two others) as his Messages are fill’d with the same Sentiments and almost the same Expressions. He is, I think, the...
ALS : Yale University Library I have been employ’d almost all this Summer in the Service of our unfortunate Army, and other publick Affairs, that have brought me greatly in Arrear with my Correspondents. I have lost the Pleasure of conversing with them, and I have lost my Labour: I wish these were the only Losses of the Year: But we have lost a Number of brave Men, and all our Credit with the...
Copy: Yale University Library I beg Leave to introduce to you the Revd. Mr. Allison Rector of our Academy; a Person of great Ingenuity and Learning, a catholic Divine, and what is more, an Honest Man; For as Pope says By Entertaining then this Gent. with your accustomed Hospitality and Benevolence, you will Entertain one of the Nobility. I mean one of Gods Nobility; for as to the Kings , there...
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote to you yesterday, and now I write again. You will say, It can’t rain, but it pours: For I not only send you manuscript but living Letters. The first may be short, but the latter will be longer and yet more agreable. Mr. Bartram I believe you will find to be at least 20 folio Pages, large Paper, well fill’d, on the Subjects of Botany, Fossils, Husbandry,...
ALS : Yale University Library At the same time I acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of March 12th from New Haven, and May 20th. from Newport, I must beg your Pardon for not answering them sooner. Mr. Allison will tell you how my Time has been devoured this Summer, and how impracticable it has been for me to keep up my philosophical Correspondencies. I have not yet made the Experiment I...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , September 4, 1755. This introduction preceded a reprinting of John Pringle’s “Account of several Persons seized with the Goal Fever, working in Newgate; and of the Manner, in which the Infection was communicated to one entire Family,” from Phil. Trans ., XLVIII , pt. I (1753), 42–55. Because of BF ’s interest in the subject as it related to German...
LS : Harvard College Library You may remember that when I last had the Pleasure of seeing you, I mention’d the Inconvenience attending the Want of a Fund to increase and improve your College Library. I imagined that a Subscription set on foot for that purpose might with proper Management produce something considerable. I know you are a Friend to the College, and therefore take the Freedom of...
ALS and enclosed translation: American Philosophical Society Begone, Business, for an Hour, at least, and let me chat a little with my Katy. I have now before me, my dear Girl, three of your Favours, viz. of March the 3d. March the 30th. and May the 1st. The first I receiv’d just before I set out on a long Journey and the others while I was on that Journey, which held me near Six Weeks. Since...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I believe that you will be supprised to hear from one who am an entire Stranger and living at so great a distance; but as I have often heard so great a Character of your Ingenuity and extensive Publick-Spirited Benevolence I shall mention no more by way of Apology for troubling you on this occasion, than that your Plan for promoting of Useful knowledge...
Copy: American Philosophical Society; also copy: Library Company of Philadelphia I have just receiv’d your two favours of the 1st. and 4th. of September; in Answer to the former I inclose you a Copy of a Paragraph in my Letter to Colonel Dunbar upon that Subject. As to the Affair of the Waggons and Horses which you engag’d for the Use of the late General Braddock’s Army, I think it of the...
MS not found; extract reprinted from New York Colonial Documents , VI , 1008–9. Conraed Weiser informs me that the Six Nations have actually sent a Message to the Indians in their Alliance at Aukwick and the Ohio, to sharpen their arrows and prepare for war, for they are now determined to drive the French from Ohio, and do all in their power to assist the English. In a letter from Pownall to...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your very kind and acceptable Favour by Mr. Allison, with the MSS . accompanying it, for which you have my Thanks. When have perused shall return the MSS . With my Thanks I now return Dr. Knights most ingenious Treatise on Magnetism . I have this Commencement resigned my Imployment in the College: shall this Week set out for Newport, where expect to...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 169–76. The final session of the 1754–55 Assembly, September 15–30, was utterly fruitless. Governor Morris made plain his contempt by delaying his attention to the most trifling matters and by withholding his principal message for nine days. In turn the Assembly sent him a series of nagging...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania In June 1755 Franklin had written that he “liked neither the Governor’s Conduct, nor the Assembly’s; and having some Share in the Confidence of both, I have endeavour’d to reconcile ’em but in vain,” and that “Our Friend [William] Smith will be very serviceable here.” By November, however, Franklin thought Governor Morris “half a Madman” and a year...
MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XXXV (1911), 251. There is several wife’s and widdows I understand in town whose husbands are wounded and killed in the late defeat, they are destitute of all necessarys and many unable to support themselves and children. I want to speak with some of you on this subject for which I ordered the bearer to acquaint you...
Transcript of fragment: Rosenbach Foundation Speaker Isaac Norris entered a long note on an interleaved sheet in a copy of Poor Richard improved , 1755, following the calendar for December. He first copied an advertisement from the Antigua Gazette or Public Advertiser , Aug. 12, 1755, in which George Thomas, former governor of Pennsylvania and now governor of the Leeward Islands, defended...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d your Favour of the 17th June per Mr. Winslow, with a Paper inclos’d, that has given me very great Pleasure. I thank you for it sincerely, which is all I can now do, being just setting out on a Journey to Virginia. I fear I cannot at present be impartial enough to give you a just State of our Provincial Disputes. I am perhaps too much engag’d in...
MS not found; I : extracts reprinted from Connecticut Historical Society Collections , XVII (1918), 183; II : extract: American Philosophical Society. On October 25 Franklin wrote Richard Partridge, London agent for the Pennsylvania Assembly and for other colonies, saying in the opening sentence that he was enclosing a copy of an earlier letter sent by Captain Joy (see below, p. 230). Neither...
ALS : The Scheide Library, Princeton, N.J.; duplicate: University of Toronto Library Mr. Hall has wrote to you for a Fount of English, and a Fount with a Longprimer Face on a smaller Body for the Gazette, on my Account. Inclosed is a Bill for £109 8 s . 4 d . Sterling, drawn on the Revd. Mr. Saml. Chandler, which I doubt not will be readily paid. I know not well how my Account stands with you,...
Printed form, with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these Presents, That I   John Read of the County of York in Pensilvania, one of the Waggon Masters in the late Expedition under General Braddock  Have constituted, made and appointed, and by these Presents do constitute, make and appoint, my trusty and loving Friend   Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia...
ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [ Missing ] Altar, to be an Anvill; the two Hearts, Yours and Katy’s. And when they are welded together and made one, let that same Cupid fly with it to Your very affectionate PS Mrs. Franklin happens to see this Letter before I close it, and tells me I have not rightly interpreted the Seal. She agrees that the two Hearts on the Altar represent...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I could not avoid meeting the Assembly, who are now Sitting, but must rise in two or three Days, when I purposed to proceed for Virginia; But your Letter to Mr. Nelson mentioning your Intention of being here in ten Days, and being very desirous of seeing you in order to settle our Money Account and concert Measures relating to a farther Supply of Cash to...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I have settled Col. Hunter’s Account and find a Ballance in my Hands of £835 0 s . 3½ d . Pensilvania Currency, which shall be paid to your Orders, if you find it necessary to draw on me. I enclose you a Copy of a Letter I have just received from General Shirley, with a Copy of his Warrant to you for the Payment of such Sums to me as the Waggon Affair may...