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Results 40791-40800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
As the fitting up of the Joiners work in the Office story of the S Wing of the Capitol is required to be pushed on as fast as possible, it becomes necessary for me to know, what sort of materials the floors are intended to be of.—I have understood from Mr. Latrobe, that they were to be of Tile , but have no knowledge of any being provided for that purpose—Should they ultimately be of Wood, it...
Having this day sent in my Resignation, to Mr. Madison as Commissioner of the Cumberland-Road, I feel that, I owe to you some personal explanation on that head— In the beleif that I could have rendered Services in that business, I undertook the Duty you were pleased to assign me, with great chearfulness, looked forward to its Execution, with much pleasure, and was successfully making my...
The anxiety that I feel for my brothers situation, and Mr. Minor’s absence from home, induces me to take the liberty of obtruding my self, to your notice, by inclosing Ryland’s, letter to me, on the subject of his inteded residence in Europe. You, will I, trust Good Sir, excuse my forwardness, and be assured of the high respect, & esteem of Dr. Sir Your Most Obt. Sevt. DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters...
I some weeks since received the enclosed—I deem it proper to submit it to your eye altho it is not an Official letter—At your leisure you can look at it—Respecty. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have taken a liberty which may require an apology. Thinking it necessary, I have, without your permission, inserted in the life of General Washington parts of letters written by you to him at the time of his appointment to the command of the army which was to be raised in 1798. I have ventured to do this because I thought it impossible that the act could be offensive to you, & because I had...
I last night recieved your truely tender and kind letter words cannot describe the feelings with which I read it my heart swelled with gratitude and love and I almost ceased to think the stroke so bitter which proved to me how dear I am to your heart. Your plan is so perfectly agreeable that I beg you will take the house and if possible have it prepared and my Children with you by the time I...
§ From François de Navoni. 6 July 1806, Cagliari. Sends JM duplicate letters, the last dated 1 Dec. last year, which Navoni entrusted to an American captain who was loading Cagliari’s salt for Baltimore. JM will certainly have received that letter and considered its contents, which ask that Navoni be sent patents of confirmation, as Commodore Morris charged him. The present letter will be...
¶ From Peter R. Beverly. Letter not found. 6 July 1806. Acknowledged in Jacob Wagner to Beverly, 7 July 1806, which stated that in JM ’s absence Wagner had forwarded the packet it contained to “Mr. Gill,” with the request that Gill render Byrd Beverly “such aid as he should find to correspond with the nature of his pursuit” ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 15).
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer les deux excellentes brochures de Mengotti qui m’ont été confiées par Mr. Reibelt. Je vous remercie mille fois de la manière obligeante dont vous avez bien voulu vous en dessaisir en ma faveur; et, surtout, Je vous prie d’accepter les excuses que Je vous dois pour les avoir gardées si longtemps. J’avois commencé à traduire en Anglois une de ces brochures “Il...
Je profite de l’offre obligeante de Mr Jh. Vaughan, pour vous adresser un éxemple. de mon Voÿage à l’Ouest des Monts-Alleghanÿs: trop heureux, Monsieur le Président, a mon arrivée dans les Etats-Unis de pouvoir vous en faire hommaÿe, sur tout s’il se trouve digne de Votre approbation. Je joints a cet ouvrage Un petit mémoire sur les Arbres forestiers des Etats-Unis; quelques remarques...