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Results 4051-4100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4051 Smith, Isaac Sr. Adams, John To John Adams from Isaac Smith Sr., 29 February 1776 1776-02-29 I wrote you One or two letters not knowing of your being coming home all that time. We have...
4052 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 5 January 1800 1800-01-05 The Secretary of War respectfully requests the attention of the President of the United States,...
4053 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 September 1776 1776-09-23 There are perticuliar times when I feel such an uneasiness, such a restlessness, as neither...
4054 Palfray, Warwick, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Warwick Palfray, Jr., 2 August 1819 1819-08-02 In sending you the Essex Register, we intended to do ourselves pleasure, and to assist the daily...
4055 Lovell, James Adams, John James Lovell to John Adams, 5 July 1784 1784-07-05 I did not omit to write by the Conveyance of one of the most amiable Women I ever knew. I only...
4056 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 14 … 1819-07-14 I yesterday received your Letter announcing the death of Judge Tudor but the melancholy news...
4057 Cunningham, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cunningham, 15 February 1804 1804-02-15 I duly received your esteemed favor of the 16th Ult. I assure you, without reserve, that I shall...
4058 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 7 March 1783 1783-03-07 The post of yesterday brôt me your obliging favour of the 5 th. of this month N.S. in which you...
4059 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 6 May 1800 1800-05-06 Conformably to your directions, I requested, and had an interview, with Mr. Waln this morning and...
4060 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 26 April 1780 1780-04-26 I have at Length had the Pleasure of recieving your very friendly Letter of the 22d. Feby. last....
4061 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 15 November 1798 1798-11-15 I have rejoiced in the fine weather which we have had Since your absence, and tho to day it...
4062 Thompson, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Thompson, 12 July 1796 1796-07-12 Desirous of contributing efficaciously to the advancement of a Branch of Science which has long...
4063 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 16 March 1782 1782-03-16 Vous aurez reçus par le Chariot de poste parti d’ici à 1 heure après midi, un paquet contenant...
4064 Cerisier, Antoine Marie Adams, John To John Adams from Antoine Marie Cerisier, 17 October … 1780-10-17 I was an ardent partisan of the noble cause of America, only on account of my great love for...
4065 Bradford, Alden Adams, John To John Adams from Alden Bradford, 1 December 1818 1818-12-01 Mr Shaw has suggested to me the propriety of omitting (in the proposed Vol. of Masstts. State...
4066 Adams, Ann Frances Harrod Adams, John To John Adams from Ann Frances Harrod Adams, 8 February … 1819-02-08 I have heard, with some surprize, your proposition to Mr Adams that we should once more take up...
4067 Meredith, John L. Adams, John To John Adams from John L. Meredith, 5 August 1819 1819-08-05 I have in contemplation, in concert with Isaac Walker a qr. blood Indian of the Wyandot tribe, to...
4068 Quincy, Josiah, III Adams, John To John Adams from Josiah, III Quincy, 7 June 1825 1825-06-07 John W. Boott Esq. of this city being desirous, with his friend Mr M Cale, of Philadelphia, to...
4069 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 17 December 1777 1777-12-17 Congress will receive by this post our approbation of the Confederation . It passed the house of...
4070 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 30 November 1807 1807-11-30 I received a few days since your very kind letter which I am ashamed of answering by a few lines;...
4071 Dayton, Elias Adams, John To John Adams from Elias Dayton, 4 July 1798 1798-07-04 The members of the society of the Cincinnati in the state of New Jersey, this day convened at...
4072 Ellery, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Ellery, [ca. 6] March 1790 1790-03-06 Engaged as you are in public business, and this State not having shown a disposition to join the...
4073 Lee, Charles Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Lee, 5 May 1797 1797-05-05 In communicating to you a state of the Union at this time when you have been convened by my...
4074 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink, 31 July 1783 1783-07-31 Your Excellency’s Letter for the Honourable R: Livingston Esq r. by want of Ships opportunity we...
4075 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 25 October 1789 1789-10-25 I presume you have reachd Braintree before this day I hope the sight of your Friends and of your...
4076 Warren, Mercy Otis Adams, John To John Adams from Mercy Otis Warren, 12 October 1775 1775-10-12 I Write again from Waterton, where I Arrived Yesterday with your Excelent Friend who has been so...
4077 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 10 June 1815 1815-06-10 It is long since we have exchanged a letter, and yet what volumes might have been written on the...
4078 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 23 August 1798 1798-08-23 Last evening I was honoured with your letter of the 16th covering your answer to the address from...
4079 Grand, Ferdinand Adams, John To John Adams from Ferdinand Grand, 3 May 1779 1779-05-03 Permitt me to express how sorry I have been at not being able to comply sooner with your desires,...
4080 Bradford, William, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from William Bradford, Jr., 22 March 1794 1794-03-22 I have the honor of transmitting to you a report upon the claims of the French Settlers at...
4081 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 14 February 1819 1819-02-14 I have received you kind Letter of the 3d: instant, full of good counsel, of which I hope at the...
4082 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 23 October 1781 1781-10-23 I wrote you just after I arrived here, and gave you a short sketch of my Journey from Amsterdam...
4083 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 26 September 1786 1786-09-26 My last letter to you was dated the 27 th. of August, since which I have recieved yours of Sep....
4084 Ogden, Uzal Adams, John To John Adams from Uzal Ogden, 26 November 1800 1800-11-26 I send you by this day’s post, a Pamphlet published yesterday, entitled “a Letter to Major...
4085 Meredith, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Meredith, 16 December 1795 1795-12-16 My Specie accounts ending the 31st. Decemr. 1794 31st. March and 30th. June 1795 and the War...
4086 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 5 June 1779 1779-06-05 LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress The Chevalier de La Luzerne sat...
4087 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 11 September 1799 1799-09-11 I have the honor to transmit, in a packet accompanying this letter, fifty Mediterranean...
4088 Macpherson, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Macpherson, 18 June 1798 1798-06-18 Attached to the Government of the United States, from a conviction of the blessings which we...
4089 Cranch, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Cranch, 28 February 1801 1801-02-28 Colo. Charles Semmes, of Alexandria. This gentleman I have never seen, to my knowledge. General...
4090 Sarsfield, Guy Claude, Comte de Adams, John To John Adams from the Comte de Sarsfield, 5 June 1783 1783-06-05 M de Sarsfield a lhonneur de faire bien des complimens a Monsieur Adams et de luy envoyer la...
4091 Murray, William Vans Adams, John To John Adams from William Vans Murray, 17 May 1799 1799-05-17 I this moment received the inclosed official letter , an answer to the one from me, of which I...
4092 Murray, William Vans Adams, John To John Adams from William Vans Murray, 17 August 1797 1797-08-17 A few days since I did myself the honour of enclosing a few of the Nouvelles Politiques—& now...
4093 Malcom, Samuel B. Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel B. Malcom, 9 May 1812 1812-05-09 You will not be surprized, if your Young, neglectful, but it is hoped, remembered friend, Should...
4094 Heysham, Robert Adams, John To John Adams from Robert Heysham, 29 June 1792 1792-06-29 I take the liberty of enclosing my account, which you will perceive is certified by Mr. Otis, and...
4095 Netherlands, States General of Adams, John VII. Proposed Amendment to Article 9: A Translation, 29 … 1782-08-29 Article 9, in order to remove all difficulty, should be changed in the following manner. It is...
4096 Otis, Samuel Allyne Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Allyne Otis, 8 February 1812 1812-02-08 With my hopes that you & your good Lady enjoy a good degree of health & spirits, & my best wishes...
4097 Cranch, Richard Adams, John Richard Cranch to John Adams, 3 November 1781 1781-11-03 By Capt. Haydon who arrived here the day before yesterday I received a Pacquet of News-Papers and...
4098 Hamilton, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Hamilton, 29 October 1798 1798-10-29 I shall with pleasure obey the command contained in your letter of the 17th instant and shall...
4099 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 30 May 1786 1786-05-30 In my letter of the 11th. instant I had the honour of inclosing you copies of letters relative to...
4100 Picket, A. & J.W. Adams, John To John Adams from A. & J.W. Picket, 30 March 1818 1818-03-30 Considering you a patron of literature & science, & a well wisher to the general interest of...