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Results 4051-4100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I thank you Sir for the copy of your Polyglot grammar which you have been so kind as to send me....
J B Benson, presents to you, his warmest feelings, and best wishes, for your recovery—and trusts...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the copy of your Fauna Americana which you have been so kind as to...
I heartily rejoice that your health is restored, and congratulate the lovers of your country and...
Your letter of May 31. is duly recieved requesting me to give an opinion on the questions in...
The reciept of your letter of the 2 d inst. has given me great pleasure; for altho’ I had omitted...
The Baron de Syon will have the honor of presenting you this letter. He has been travelling from...
’Tis long since I have had the pleasure of hearing from you, except indeed thro’ the public...
My last respects to you, were under date of the 4 th of may, by the Ship Caroline for New York;...
Thomas Jefferson of Monticello, to Th: Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 Dollars June To 10 corinthian...
I now inclose your private account with me, balance due me 178 Doll rs 50 C ts —I am hourly, in...
Thomas Jefferson, of monticello, to Th: Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 June To a piedestal of white...
I wrote you a letter yesterday expressing my fear that a former one had miscarried, and yesterday...
I duly rec d your favor of the 18 th inst. and communicated it to D r Dunglison, who on...
Your last, accompanying the Catalogue was duly received, & the Books, you requested forthwith,...
Mr. Thomas Grafton Addiron junr. having a wish to be employed in the public service has requested...
I wrote to you on the 1 st inst. and having rec d no answer I am afraid my lre has miscarried. it...
I am quite at a loss how to write to D r Greenhow. I have examined his whole correspondence and...
Knowing the deep & truly paternal interest which you take in the improvement & future prospects...
I lately had a letter from my relative T. W. Maury with a most pleasing report of the continuance...
I have duly received your favor of the 11 th with the catalogue it covered, and which I now...
Dr Jarvis with great truth and propriety observes that “the Religion of the Indians has not be...
Let me express to you my gratitude for your last note on reading which I had a foretaste of the...
I herewith hand you Sales of Six Hhds. Tobacco nett proceeds $597. 80/100 which I hope will prove...
you have done very right, dear Sir, in not publishing my letter of Apr. 24. I should have had...
Perhaps you will be a little Surprised, to receive a letter from an old friend after an absence...
Your Sister informs me my dear Thomas that you are preparing to enter College in the Month of...
Your favor of May 16. came duly to hand. I had before heard of the accident which had happened to...
There arrived here Friday, 3 boxes of Books from Hamburg amounting in all to 5 or 600 Vols wholly...
The last time I saw you and Mr. Jefferson you both I believe Emtied your purses for me. Mine...
On arriving in Richmond from monticello I soon ascertained facts respecting Mr Minor whom you...
Trustees of the University of Virginia Bought of Cummings Hilliard & Co —Invoice. No 1— vols size...
During a recent journey into the eastern part of Virginia, it was suggested to me by a friend,...
9. yds ticklenburg a slip of thread for d o ViCMRL .
Your letter of the 8 th instant I have rec’d & have also rec’d this morning a letter from M r...
The Dr. handed me this morning Mr Websters address delivered at Bunker’s Hill, upon condition...
D r Thomas Jefferson of Virginia in Acco t Curr t with Tho s Appleton C r 1825. 1825 Doll r cts...
it is now a quarter of a s entuary since I left Philadelphia to Endeaver to bring you in as...
A question has been raised, upon Section 17, Article 4 th and Section 26 Article 3 rd of our...
If I forget not I had the honour of mentioning to you in conversation, that in consequence of a...
Th. Jefferson presents his compliments to Dr Dunglison and begs leave to introduce to him Dr...
I fear you have thought me remiss is not having answered your letter ere this—but, I have been...
Your note of the 13 th requesting me to have a bill of Exchance on London for $6000 procured for...
Benjamin has gone thro’ & revis’d the full course prescrib’d in order to be ing admitted into the...
I have rec d yours of the 8th:, and agreeable to your request, have remitted Jonathan Thompson,...
14 June 1825— Massimiliano Ravenna Sculptor Carrara D r To cash p’d him at different times...
As it is possible my dear George that you may hear a rumour that your father was drowned I hasten...
We must now procure a bill of exchange w hich will nett 6000. D. in London, and it should be of...
Since writing you, which has been many months past, I have been through a World of Fatigue both...
I regret much that an usage, which has been uniformly observed since the existence of our...