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Results 4021-4050 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I told you last night that I felt myself unwell with the Commencement of a complaint on my breast. I am this morning obliged to be bled. I s hd be very much obliged to you if you w d be so good as to prevail upon your Collegues to favour me with a visit this morning as I really cannot come out myself. The sooner the better, because I hope with bleeding & one day’s nursing that I may get off...
M r Francis Baretto has as he informs me applied for the Consulate at Madeira and has requested me to mention you to him as an acquaintance. He is a Native of that Island though for many years a Citizen of this Nation He has been known to me for more than ten years and his misfortunes of various kinds have excited my compassion and esteem as I beleive he did not merit them. If I should err...
I flatter myself with the hope that the subject of this note, will not be deemed by you as unreasonable importunity. My son my only son has been a midshipman in the Navy upwards of a year. Before that period he performed a long voyage to India. He is reputed to be well skilled as a navigator, active as a seaman, in addition to which the experience of three years, appears in the opinion of Capt...
With all the respect which is due to your public station, and with the regard I entertain for your private character, the following representation is presented to your consideration.—If in the course of it, any expression should escape me which may appear to be incompatible with either,—let the purity of my intentions;—the candour of my declarations;—and a due respect for my own character, be...
I wrote you very lately, & very largely, without any Interested views but what arise from the pleasure of Corresponding with a Man, whose Confidence, & Friendship, I have long Experienced and wish to Continue. The design of this is to Engage your Interest in a matter which I wish Exceedingly to Accomplish. Applications to great Men are Taxes which they must submit to. your rank & Influence,...
I received yours of October 23. I want to hear from you every day, and I always feel sorrow when I come to the close of a Letter. Your Time must be greatly engrosed, but little of it to spaire to the calls of Friendship, and I have reason to think I have the largest share of it. Winter makes it s approaches fast. I hope I shall not be obliged to spend it without my dearest Friend, I know not...
After having obtained your approbation of an enterprize to the Court of Spain &c for the two largest Frigates, it is painful for me to propose a different arrangement. But So much time has elapsed in getting the Constitution to Sea—& I have no accot. that she has yet got out; that I fear it would be the 15. of August, before the two Frigates could leave Hampton for Europe—they can Safely...
I am lately come from divine Service, if I may be allowed the Expression, performd by the Revd. Mr. Cushing, whom you’re not unaquainted with. He has fill’d my head brimfull, of Portions of Sentences, concerning the spirituall and natural man. If what Mr. Locke says be true, that an intent fixedness on any particular object, will cause an alienation of the rational Faculties, I am under no...
A desire not only to see, but to possess and preserve relicts of those venerable Heroes and Sages whose exertions won, and whose counsels have preserved that glorious liberty which I, in common with millions of my happy fellow citizens enjoy is the cause of my addressing you at present, in which I hope you will excuse the liberty an intire stranger , has thus unceremoniously taken. My wishes...
This being the first instance of capture and trial in my Court under the late Acts of Congress, I take the liberty to inform you that the Ship Niger, brought into this District by Capt. Nicholson of the Constitution, after long and very able arguments by the best Lawyers of this Country, was decreed by me to be restored to the Respondents, together with the ordinary Costs of defence.— It...
Being at this Time at Boston, on my Way to Washington, I have a Favour to ask your Excellency, you will not deny; I have it in Contemplation to remove from Hallowell, on the Kennebec next Season, either to Washington, or Baltimore in Maryland; in case I should fix at Washington I would, Sr. intreat the Favour, that you would give me a Letter of Introduction, There, by which I can find the Way...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully represents to the President of the United States. That the account of the President of the United States—stands charged in the Books of the Treasury with fourteen thousand dollars advanced by Warrants of the Secretary in pursuance of the Act of March 2d. 1797.— for the purpose of closing which account, the Secretary transmits the draft of an...
We beg Leave to acknowledge gratefully your Excellency’s marks of Friendship, and thank you in the best manner for your confidence your Excellency’ll permit us to Lay down before him that we’d be able to make a better employ of a news of such an importance, if we were acquainted with it before it was generally known, this makes us take the Liberty to pray you, if an important news happen’d...
Commodore Gillon has applied to me by letter requesting that I would furnish Captain Joyner with bills of exchange on Paris for Twenty thousand Guilders which sum he says is required to pay the ship accounts of the South Carolina frigate, and is necessary to fit her for sea. As this sum appears to be requisite for the purposes mentioned in Commodore Gillon’s letter to me, I have to request...
A short time before the receipt of your letter of the 4 th. of Nov r: I had written to you & enclosed an account of the cash I had advanced for your Son; and acquainted you that I shoud not draw upon you without your express direction: being unwilling to put you to the least inconvenience in the payment of it. In the letter abovementioned you have desired me to draw upon you for it, unless I...
The House of Representatives concur in the bill sent from the Senate, entitled “An act to continue in force the act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for the payment of pensions to invalids, and for the support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers.” Printed Source--Senate Journal.
Je me faisois une grande feste, samedy dernier, D’avoir Ihonneur de vous voir, de diner avec vous et de boire a votre santé chez monsieurs alain, mais 1’utilité de votre travail pour le bien public m’a fait supporter plus aisement cette privation, j eus cependant eté bien content de pouvoir vous parler moy même au sujet des besoins urgents ou commence a se trouver la fregatte du roy de france...
La Poste, qui part à 5 heures aujourd’hui, & un mal de reins violent, m’obligent de renvoyer la réponse aux honorées vôtres à Jeudi prochain. Ce matin L. H. P. ont pris une Conclusion conforme au Préavis de la Province d’Hollande, Sur les Instructions à donner à leurs Plénipo: pour arriver à la Paix générale. Il y a de l’inconstitutionel dans cette Conclusion, en ce qu’elle n’est point...
I have the satisfaction to acknowledge your kind Letters of the 19th: Novm. & 1st. inst. The favourable opinion you have been pleased to express of my Address is very grateful to my feelings. The belief, that the effort I was about to make when I commenced this Address, would plead strongly with minds like yours in favour of the Author, altho, his work should not merit much praise cheered me...
Tho revelling in what you justly call luxury, planting and adorning the place round me, yet you have presented me with the highest luxury in producing a people emancipated and enjoying their natural rights under just & equal laws procured by your exertions. Did envy enter into my composition you would have no small share of it. but my walk is humble and limited. I endeavour that the good is...
The recent death of Doctor Way has left the office of treasurer of the mint vacant, to which Mr John Knap a native of Maryland, but for some time an inhabitant of Philadelphia wishes to be appointed. This gentleman some time since produced to me recommendations from the Governor of Maryland, the Chancellor and one or two private gentlemen of that State in whom I have confidence, which bore...
I beg leave through you to inform the Senate that pursuant to the second Section of the Act establishing the Treasury Department which expressly makes it the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury “to digest and prepare plans for the improvement and management of the Revenue and for the Support of public Credit ” I have digested and prepared a plan, on the basis of the actual revenues , for the...
I have attentively considered the letter of the judge of the United States for the district of Pennsylvania, dated the 8th instant, relative to the act of Congress entitled “An act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt,” which he thinks deficient in many particulars. 1st. He states it as doubtful whether the act vested judicial power in the judge relative to the discharge of...
It is no interference with my publick employments to write to you. I can command some portion of almost every day, and the priviledge of using it in this way is most gratifying to me. Michiavel says war ought to be the only study of a prince. We shall indeed, Sir, be taught, by terrible experience, that it must henceforth be more the study of our republick. One of our Colonels told me not long...
I am without any of your favours for some time. Not a word of news to write about that concerns your country. We English yet think that the Mynheers will trukle to, and we are even so idle as to suppose Russia will be with us. Four mails are due from Holland, and we are extreemly anxious for the Answer to our memorial. If it is possible to get it before it comes out in the foreign news papers,...
It has been a long time since I broached the important subject of the admission of the United States of America to the neutrality, but I feel that I do not have arguments strong enough to discuss this issue. And as you know, it is better to say nothing at all in such cases than not to say enough. Indeed, I am perplexed as to how to demonstrate that this démarche would not derogate from the...
I have the honour to present to you a copy of a poem that has attained some celebrity in this country I do not send it to you that I think it is worthy of your notice but as a testimony of respect that an unknown youth holds the venerable patriot to whom our country owes so much—I should never sir have presumed to forward you this work faulty as it is but that being flattered by the favourable...
One hundred and twenty American vessels have sailed from the Port of Cronstadt for the United States during the present Season—The two last of them were Captain Bainbridge, for Philadelphia, and Captain Leach for Boston, in the American Hero a vessel belonging to Lieutt: Governor Gray.—They sailed on the first of this month and both of them carried letters from us.—They were the last vessels...
Having transmitted to Mr Pickering, additional documents, numbered from 36 to 50 inclusively, you will probably peruse them. The first, contained a copy of a motion, I made to the other Envoys; to put an end, as early as the 21st of October 1797, to the disgraceful communications of X & Y. at the bottom of the original, is a note in the handwriting of General Pinckney, which shews, that it was...
The last post I had the honour to forward to your Excellency a letter from our very distressed Friend who desires I would inform you that he hopes to be able to attend his Duty soon and to set out for that purpose next week. His health was somewhat better for Bath but the loss of his son has been a most severe stroke indeed and I fear much that his proposed Journey to Paris will not assist in...