James Madison Papers

William Turpin to James Madison, 25 December 1833

416 Broome St Newyork Decr 25 1833

[Estee]md Friend

This is only to Cover the Declaration of the Representatives of ten States, Assembled in Philadelphia 4 Decr,

I Received in due time your Kind Letter of the 9th of August, I lived Near 60 years in South Carolina, 40 years I a Lone Advocated the Cause of the Oppressed Affricans, now God has Raisd up 40 Millions of Consiensious people throughout the World to advocate their Cause, & is dailey adding more to their Number, now at the Age of 80 years, tho blessed with perfect health & activity of Body & Mind, hope I may be permitted to Retire, may Gods will be done not mine Accept my best Love & Esteem

Willm Turpin


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