James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Richard Cutts, 1 July 1825

To Richard Cutts

July 1. 1825

Dear Sir

Mr. Fowler of Allen’s Lot. & Exc: office holds a note of mine for $500 payable on the 10th. instant. From his letter to me on the subject I infer that the enclosed Check will be a payment not inconvenient to him; and I prefer it to the risk & trouble of remitting bank notes by the Mail. On substituting the check for the promisory note, be so good as to send me the latter in a cancelled State. Should Mr. Fowler not be satisfied with this mode of taking up the note, let me know it as quickly as possible that the debt may be otherwise provided for within the time limited. Friendly respects

James Madison

RC (MHi). Addressed by JM to Cutts “2d. Comptroller Washington.” Docketed by Cutts.

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