James Lovell to Abigail Adams, 23 November 1779
James Lovell to Abigail Adams
Novr. 23. 1779
Dear Ma’am
Instead of sending the inclosed to the Navy Board I shall from Time to Time direct them as now, that after you have had the Amusement (such as it is) of reading them you may forward them to the Friend for whom they are designed, through the Care of the Navy Board at Boston.1 If you are quite indifferent as to this method, I will lodge them in future where those for Mr. Dana are lodged by my Direction. Yrs. affectionately,
Col. Langdon2 Yesterday carried some Papers from me directed to Mr. A or in his Absence to the Navy Board. They were only of the Kind now sent, but former Numbers.
RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “Mrs. Adams Braintree.” For the (missing) enclosures see note 1.
1. Lovell’s next letter, 27 Nov., following, makes clear that what he was forwarding to JA through AA, for her to read if she cared to, were the weekly numbers of the Journal of Congress as printed under Congress’ resolve of 31 March; see above, Lovell to AA, 19 July, note 1.
2. Woodbury Langdon (1739–1805), a New Hampshire member of the Continental Congress who was returning home on leave ( ; , 4:lv).