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Results 40111-40140 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
My Nephew informs me that you propose to set off for Shenandoah tomorrow. Particular matters...
I have duly recieved your letter of Aug. 7. and am much gratified by the favorable sentiments you...
I am favored with the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, and thank you for the...
As I know you are well acquainted with the lands, and the encreased price of them, of late, in...
After I had written to you on Saturday, I saw Lund Washington, who informed me that he had seen...
As (if I understood you rightly the other day at Lomax’s) you are high Sheriff of this County, I...
Recollecting that there must have been associates in the biographical commemoration of the act of...
J. M. with his respects to Mr. Gilpin acknowledges the receipt of his able & eloquent Speech on...
I have received yours of the 4th. inst: and am glad to learn that my communications of Ocr. last...
I was duly favored with yours of the 9th. inst: accompanied by your “Life of Thomas Jefferson,”...
I am exceedingly sorry for the accident of which you inform me in yours of the 25th. The only...
Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Gilpin for the pamphlet he has been so kind as to send him. no...
I have reced. your letter of the 21st. instant. The Consulate at Barcelona is not at present...
Your favour of Feby 8. with the little volume on the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, were so long...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour per Capt. Osborne, with the Model of...
ALS : University of Virginia Library I receiv’d your Favour by the Hand of Mr. Abel James. An...
I am favored with your letter of Dec. 18. and am sorry it is not in my power to give any...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Gimbrede and his thanks for the very elegant Cameo...
Th: Jefferson returns to mr Girardin the Prospectus of his work to which he becomes willingly a...
Your favor of Aug. 12. is duly recieved, covering the letter of mr Reynolds and some printed...
I have thought it safest to put my answer to mr David under your cover. I have formerly been...
Your favor of the 1 st is recieved and I am happy to learn that you are settled so much to your...
I have no document respecting Clarke ’s expedition except the letters of which you are in...
I think I once saw in your hands a copy of the approbatory resolution of our assembly, past after...
I will with pleasure examine the Cahiers you have sent me. I send you Ramsay ’s revoln, La Motte...
Your messenger finds me to the elbows in the dust of my book-shelves. I recieved my Catalalogue...
Your favor of the 7 th has been recieved, and I now send you the letter of mr Page which you...
When it was determined in March last that the whole of the funds of the University , which could...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Gerardin Girardin & is sorry he cannot furnish him...
I send you by the bearer the parallel ruler you desired and return the catalogue you were so kind...