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Results 40111-40140 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
When the Letter you did me the Honour to Address to me arriv’d, I was absent from Town, but it...
Enclosed is a Letter Genl Huntington has requested me to forward. I had ordered the Two...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Robert Howe, 19 Nov. 1779 . GW wrote Howe on 20 Nov. : “I have...
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed five Acts of Congress, Viz. one of 12th and four...
On the rec’pt of this letter you will be pleased to collect the whole of Baylors regt under your...
I send you a Sacradotal Villain who came from new York the day before yesterday he effects a...
July 17th being Sent for by generr. Patterson Surspacted For helping the amaricans presiners to...
In Council, 19 Nov. 1779 . Transmits resolution of Congress, enclosed in letter from Samuel...
40119Saturday 20th. (Adams Papers)
This morning about 6 o clock spy’d a sail about 2 miles of f . We sent the courier de L’europe to...
A brave fellow from Boston Captn. Carr, gives me an Opportunity of writing one Line, to let you...
This moment gives me an Opportunity of writing to you but I have very little to write. We are now...
AL : American Philosophical Society Chaumont a L’honneur d’envoyer a S. Ex. M. Franklin unne...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I am a subject to the 13 United Colonies of America I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Beg Lave to Refer your Eccellency to My Respects of the 2d...
40125General Orders, 20 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
The baggage of the Maryland line to be embarked tomorrow morning as early as possible and sent to...
The great Regard I have for Justice, & the well grounded Esteem, I have for an extreamly injured...
I had the Honor on the 16th Inst. to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 9th—In answer to...
The position which Lord Sterling and Col. Abeel wrote such a flattering account about, has...
The Memorial of Col. Moses Hazen humbly sheweth, That the Canadian Regiment your Excellency’s...
I was last night favored with yours of yesterday. The two Connecticut Brigades are to Encamp on...
Herewith you will receive Mr Pulteney’s lucubrations—and my thanks for the perusal of them. He...
On Monday Evening I had the honor to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 10th, with the...
I have been honoured with Your Excellency’s Letter of the 16th. I assure you Sir, I should esteem...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 18th. It would have been a very desirable thing to have...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Woodford, 20 Nov. 1779 . In his second letter to...
[ Williamsburg ] 20 Nov. 1779 . Approval, with the concurrence of the executive, of the purchase...
Williamsburg, 20 Nov. 1779 . Alexander Stewart of Rockbridge co. has offered to supply the state...
The Board of War apprehending that the mention of the appointment of an assistant Clerk to them,...
I take the liberty of transmitting you a duplicate of an Act of Congress passed the 16th of March...
40140Sunday 21st. (Adams Papers)
Nothing remarkable to day except calm all day. 6 o clock. It begins to freshen. We go about 3...