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Results 40111-40140 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
With the profoundest reverence of respect, it has again fallen to my happy lot, in behalf of the...
My spinning machine is safely arrived, and also your letter of the 27 th covering the drawings...
E. Randolph has the honor of informing the President, that Dr Way’s presence may be dispensed...
As I shall probably not have an opportunity of dispatching letters for America, after that of...
The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred a...
40116General Orders, 13 August 1779 (Washington Papers)
The officers who have or shall hereafter conduct any of the Massachusett’s nine months’ men into...
40117[Diary entry: 3 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear and Cool. Wind fresh from the Northwest.
Amongst the various changes produced, & to be produced in Europe, by the abdication of the...
11 October 1804, Department of State. “Your letter of the 21st. ult. enclosing a copy of the...
Enclosed is the Letter of Mr Tucker which I mentioned to you the other day. The good sense &...
It is a duty I owe myself to give you a summary of my pretensions to the public favor; & relying...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de souhaiter le bonsoir a Monsieur franklin...
Jefferson. Jan. 23.—an abridgt. of that of Dec. 27. (see above)—except such parts are marked thus...
May I be permitted to present myself to your remembrance,—and in the first place enquire...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dans Lincertitude Si Monsieur Franklin a Connoissance d’un...
Although not personally acquainted with you, yet permit me to take the liberty of giving you my...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Wheaton, with thanks for the copy of his “Anniversary...
Last night, I received your Favour of the 17. If both Governments are possessed of the Contéents...
Your favor of Mar. 21. came to hand on the 24th. and as it proposed a different statement from...
Your letter of Feb. 25. never got to my hands till last night. the purchase of the horse from you...
LS : American Philosophical Society Ayant entendu dire, Monsieur, que vous preniez un hotel à...
un Malheureux pere de famille peut être inconnuës de Vous, acablées des mauxs Les plus...
Trifling information may be of use until more authenic information comes to hand—I therefore take...
New Bern [ North Carolina ] April 12, 1794 . “I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the...
When distinguished Discernment & Patriotism unite in selecting men for Stations of Trust and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here last Evening just in time to see the last of...
The inclosed Letter contains the first notification the Executive have received of the existence...
I have duly rec d your favor of the 13 th . The general idea of disposing of the supernumerary...
The reason of my presuming to address you on the subject of the culture of Wool, is, because it...
Copy: British Museum; draft: American Philosophical Society I have been so totally ocupied with...