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Results 40101-40150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
40101 Coxe, Tench Madison, James To James Madison from Tench Coxe, 10 February 1807 1807-02-10 I have the honor to inclose to you an extract from a letter from Silas Dinsmore, Indian agent of...
40102 Franklin, Benjamin Darling, Thomas From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Darling, 10 February … 1747-02-10 ALS : Miss S. Berenice Baldwin, Woodbridge, Conn. (1959) I wrote a Line to you per last Post,...
40103 Armstrong, John Washington, George To George Washington from Maj. Gen. John Armstrong, 17 … 1777-09-17 Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. John Armstrong, Sr., 17 Sept. 1777. Armstrong wrote GW at 8:00...
40104 Patterson, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Patterson, 6 March 1816 1816-03-06 The ordinary repairs of the Mint, the director has considered himself as authorized to make, from...
40105 Dodge, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Richard Dodge, 19 … 1775-08-19 I have inclosed the Discoveries of the Day. I have no intelligence of importance. I would...
40106 Jefferson, Thomas Patterson, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Patterson, 17 October … 1806-10-17 Your favor of the 14th. was recieved last night. as to the salaries at the mint which are to be...
40107 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 April 1775] 1775-04-17 17. Wind very fresh from the Southwest with Rain in the Night.
40108 Cocke, John Hartwell Jefferson, Thomas John H. Cocke to Thomas Jefferson, 15 November 1819 1819-11-15 Yours of the 5. inclosing D r Cooper s 3 letters, did not reach me until late the day before...
40109 McHenry, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James McHenry, 15 October … 1798-10-15 I have the honour to inclose your Commission as Major General in the army of the United States,...
40110 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 March 1771] 1771-03-14 14. Rid to my Mill & came home by Posey’s. Captn. Adam dined here. Although Robert Adam of...
40111 Whitney, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Whitney, 3 June 1826 1826-06-03 With the profoundest reverence of respect, it has again fallen to my happy lot, in behalf of the...
40112 Jefferson, Thomas Thornton, William Thomas Jefferson to William Thornton, 3 July 1812 1812-07-03 My spinning machine is safely arrived, and also your letter of the 27 th covering the drawings...
40113 Randolph, Edmund Washington, George To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 17 May 1795 1795-05-17 E. Randolph has the honor of informing the President, that Dr Way’s presence may be dispensed...
40114 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 18 … 1813-02-18 As I shall probably not have an opportunity of dispatching letters for America, after that of...
40115 Jay, John Report Regarding the Exemption of Consuls from Import … 1787-09-25 The Secretary of the United States for the Department of foreign Affairs, to whom was referred a...
40116 Washington, George General Orders, 13 August 1779 1779-08-13 The officers who have or shall hereafter conduct any of the Massachusett’s nine months’ men into...
40117 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 September 1769] 1769-09-03 3. Clear and Cool. Wind fresh from the Northwest.
40118 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 11 July 1814 1814-07-11 Amongst the various changes produced, & to be produced in Europe, by the abdication of the...
40119 Madison, James Shee, John From James Madison to John Shee, 11 October 1804 … 1804-10-11 11 October 1804, Department of State. “Your letter of the 21st. ult. enclosing a copy of the...
40120 Belknap, Jeremy Adams, John To John Adams from Jeremy Belknap, 31 July 1795 1795-07-31 Enclosed is the Letter of Mr Tucker which I mentioned to you the other day. The good sense &...
40121 Otis, Samuel A. Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel A. Otis, 16 March 1789 1789-03-16 It is a duty I owe myself to give you a summary of my pretensions to the public favor; & relying...
40122 Barbeu-Dubourg, Jacques Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Barbeu-Dubourg, 1 June 1779 1779-06-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de souhaiter le bonsoir a Monsieur franklin...
40123 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 23 January 1798 1798-01-23 Jefferson. Jan. 23.—an abridgt. of that of Dec. 27. (see above)—except such parts are marked thus...
40124 Mills, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Mills to Thomas Jefferson, 16 June 1820 1820-06-16 May I be permitted to present myself to your remembrance,—and in the first place enquire...
40125 Grand, Rodolphe-Ferdinand Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Rodolphe-Ferdinand Grand, [29 … 1783-11-29 AL : American Philosophical Society Dans Lincertitude Si Monsieur Franklin a Connoissance d’un...
40126 Bingham, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Bingham, 5 May 1812 1812-05-05 Although not personally acquainted with you, yet permit me to take the liberty of giving you my...
40127 Madison, James Wheaton, Henry From James Madison to Henry Wheaton, 29 January 1821 1821-01-29 J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Wheaton, with thanks for the copy of his “Anniversary...
40128 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Adams, 23 August 1785 1785-08-23 Last night, I received your Favour of the 17. If both Governments are possessed of the Contéents...
40129 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Brown, 4 April 1791 1791-04-04 Your favor of Mar. 21. came to hand on the 24th. and as it proposed a different statement from...
40130 Jefferson, Thomas Brown, Lewis Thomas Jefferson to Lewis Brown, 11 March 1813 1813-03-11 Your letter of Feb. 25. never got to my hands till last night. the purchase of the horse from you...
40131 Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre-Augustin Caron de … 1779-12-08 LS : American Philosophical Society Ayant entendu dire, Monsieur, que vous preniez un hotel à...
40132 Leroy, Lewis Jefferson, Thomas Lewis Leroy to Thomas Jefferson, 18 February 1818 1818-02-18 un Malheureux pere de famille peut être inconnuës de Vous, acablées des mauxs Les plus...
40133 Vaughan, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Vaughan, 30 October 1807 1807-10-30 Trifling information may be of use until more authenic information comes to hand—I therefore take...
40134 Daves, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Daves, 12 April 1794 1794-04-12 New Bern [ North Carolina ] April 12, 1794 . “I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the...
40135 Jay, John Washington, George From John Jay to George Washington, 6 October 1789 1789-10-06 When distinguished Discernment & Patriotism unite in selecting men for Stations of Trust and...
40136 Williams, Jonathan Jr. Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Williams, Jr., 20 … 1774-07-20 ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here last Evening just in time to see the last of...
40137 Jefferson, Thomas Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … From Thomas Jefferson to Steuben, 7 February 1781 1781-02-07 The inclosed Letter contains the first notification the Executive have received of the existence...
40138 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 25 May 1810 1810-05-25 I have duly rec d your favor of the 13 th . The general idea of disposing of the supernumerary...
40139 Anonymous (Pastor Americanus) Washington, George To George Washington from Pastor Americanus, 17 March … 1794-03-17 The reason of my presuming to address you on the subject of the culture of Wool, is, because it...
40140 Franklin, Benjamin Bouquet, Henry From Benjamin Franklin to Henry Bouquet, 30 September … 1764-09-30 Copy: British Museum; draft: American Philosophical Society I have been so totally ocupied with...
40141 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 June 1771] 1771-06-11 11. At home in the forenoon. In the afternoon Rid by the Ferry Plantation to the Mill and back.
40142 Lee, Richard Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Henry Lee, 26 July … 1778-07-26 Letter not found : from Richard Henry Lee, 26 July 1778. On 10 Aug., GW wrote Lee : “A few days...
40143 Wyandot Chiefs Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wyandot Chiefs, 16 August 1805 1805-08-16 The Speech of the Chiefs of the Wiandots at Upper & Lower Sanduskies, to the President of the...
40144 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1776-09-03 I find many of the Soldiers belonging to the Battalions, that suffered the Most, in the late...
40145 Virginia Delegates Jefferson, Thomas Certificate from the Virginia Delegates in Congress, 5 … 1780-09-05 Philadelphia, 5 Sep. 1780 . Certifies that Congress has received authenticated copies of state...
40146 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Henry Knox, 29 August 1782 1782-08-29 You are hereby appointed to the command of West point and its Dependencies—But as the Army will...
40147 Republican Citizens of York County, District of … Madison, James To James Madison from the Republican Citizens of York … 1812-09-10 10 September 1812. A convention of “more than six hundred republican citizens,” members of the...
40148 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 23 August 1803 1803-08-23 I intended to have written you at some length by this opportunity, but my engagements, of various...
40149 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 16 April 1823 1823-04-16 Your favor of the 9th. did not come to hand till the evening before the last. From a...
40150 Adams, John Fryday March 21st. 1766-03-21 A fine Spring like Morning. The Birds of many Sorts, as sprightly and musical.