Adams Papers

From John Adams to Ebenezer Hazard, 28 February 1791

To Ebenezer Hazard

Senate Chamber Feb. 28. 1791

Mr Adams presents his Compliments to Mr Hazard, and returns, with Pleasure, the Proposal for printing his valuable Collection of State Papers, with a Subscription.1

RC (NHi:Gilder Lehrman Coll., on deposit); endorsed: “Vice Presidt. Adams.”

1New York City bookseller Ebenezer Hazard (1744–1817) widely advertised his plans to compile and print his Historical Collections; Consisting of State Papers . . . Intended as Materials for an History of the United States, 2 vols., Phila., 1792–1794. He wrote to JA on 26 Feb. (Adams Papers) soliciting his patronage in publishing the work that JA had identified thus in 1774: “Hazard is certainly very capable of the Business he has undertaken—he is a Genius.” A full set of Hazard’s edition, once in JA’s library at MB, has been lost (vol. 4:492; JA, D&A description begins Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. description ends , 2:109; Catalogue of JA’s Library description begins Catalogue of the John Adams Library in the Public Library of the City of Boston, Boston, 1917. description ends ).

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