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Results 401-430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : Joseph W. P. Frost, Kittery Point, Maine (1954) I receiv’d yours per Mr. Baynton with the...
Fredericksburg, 7 July 1748 . “This Indenture made the seventh day of July in the year of our...
Printed in George Fisher, The American Instructor: or Young Man’s Best Companion . … The Ninth...
Extract : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The most friendly Advice I can give you, is, to...
MS form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society James Read (see above, p. 39...
ALS : New-York Historical Society I received your Favour of the 12th Inst. which gave me the...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I have receiv’d your several Favours of April 1. June 2. June 14...
ALS : Pierpont Morgan Library I receiv’d your Favour of April 25, with the Maps, &c. I am glad...
MS not found; reprinted from Sparks, Works , VII , 37–8. I received your favor of the 28th, with...
MS not found; reprinted from extract in Sparks, Works , VII , 39–40. I send you herewith the late...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I here return thee Hen: Ellis’s Tract of his...
ALS : Buffalo Historical Society I have just Time to acquaint you that yours per Cowie is this...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , December 1, 1748; also copy: MS Minutes, Philadelphia...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I received your Favour of the 9th Inst. with the Voyage...
Draft: New York Public Library ’Tis some Time since I receiv’d a considerable Account against you...
As its the greatest mark of friendship and esteem absent Friends can shew each other in Writing...
417GW to ——, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
I should receive a Letter or Letters from you by the first and all oppertunetys with the greatest...
As its the greatest mark of friendship and esteem you can shew to an absent Friend In often...
This comes to Fredericksburg fair in hopes of meeting with a speedy Passage to you if your not...
The Receipt of your kind favor of the 2d of this Instant afforded Me unspeakable pleasure as I am...
421Memorandum, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
When I see my Brother Austin to Enquire of Him whether He is the Acting Attorney for my Brother...
422Memorandum, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
Mem. To Survey the Lands at the Mouth of Little Cacapehon & the Mouth of Fifteen Mile Creek for...
423Memorandum, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
Memorandom to have my Coat made by the following Directions to be made a Frock with a Lapel...
424Memorandum, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
Memorandom to Charge Mrs Ann Washington with 4/9 pd. the 20 of July to a Maryland Hou[se]wife as...
425Poetry, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
AD , DLC:GW . For background to this document, see the editorial note to GW to Ann Washington,...
426Poetry, 1749–1750 (Washington Papers)
AD , DLC:GW . For background on this document, see the editorial note to GW to Ann Washington,...
427Poor Richard Improved, 1749 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris … for the Year of our Lord 1749 . … By...
MS : Yale University Library This document, consisting of the first four pages of a letter,...
ALS : Yale University Library This just serves to cover a Bill of Exchange for £8 8 s. o d....
Letterbook abstract: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I return’d him the Reliquiae Bodleianae...