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Df , in Joseph Reed’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The draft includes the heading “Instructions for the Waggon Master Genl.” Neither the draft nor the Varick transcript has a dateline, but it is probable that these instructions were given to Goddard about the time of his appointment as wagon master general. See General Orders, this date .
Mr. Madison was to set out on Monday last, & is expected here to-day. we have some matters of considerable interest for consultation on which we shall be glad to have your aid.   The death of mr Purviance has vacated an office of value. my knolege of the personal worth of mr Nicholson & of his standing with the nation at large, could leave no doubt in my mind as to the propriety of offering it...
Last Sunday evening, in great haste, I happened to direct a letter, on the subject of printing the Laws of the United States in Connecticut, to Mr. Gallatin, instead of you. Gen. Stanton, a member from Rhode Island, bore this letter, and probably will have delivered it to the Secretary of the Treasury, as requested. I have therefore written a note to Mr. Gallatin to explain the mistake, and...
I wrote about a week ago to mr Yancey to hurry down my tob o from Bedford . it was lying at Lynchbg so I presume will be with you in the course of a week. I expect too that the mill here is now ready to begin to deliver my flour. our river being swoln by the rains I have been unable to go there to inform myself of a certainty. I have a note in the Virginia bank for 1125.D. renewable on the 22...
Yes I have been Sick confined to my chamber with a slow fever. I have been unhappy through anxiety for my dear Boy, and still am apprehensive of our terrible coast should he come upon it, besides the tormenting cruizers infest our Bay with impuinity and take every thing. You have heard I suppose that the passengers all left the Ship and went to Bilboa upon Gillions abusive treatment of them....
I have received your letter of Decr. 17th. It was not my intention that the relative rank of your officers should have been finally determined on, and made known to them unless you had arranged it according to the list I forwarded, but as your motives have no doubt been just in so doing, I shall sanction the arrangement. The Gentlemen of your regiment who have received subsequent appointments,...
40726th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. Artaud dined at Mr. Rimbert’s. In the afternoon Mr. D. went and took a ride.
A Bill for new modelling the form of government and for establishing the Fundamental principles of our future Constitution Whereas George king of Great Britain & Ireland and Elector of Hanover Be it therefore enacted by the authority of the people that the said George the third king of Great Britain < formerly holding & exercising the kingly > < power > < office within this colony be , & he is...
Je ne connois personne ici, Monsieur, qui a des terres à vendre en Amérique, et meme s’il y en avoit, je ne vous conseillerois pas du tout d’en acheter ici. Si vous etes dans l’intention de vous établir en Amérique, il vaudroit mieux d’y passer, d’y voyager, et d’y rester quelque-tems avant de décider le centre de votre etablissement. Le climat, le sol, la société, influent beaucoup sur notre...
I intended some time since to have returned an answer to the letter you did me the honor to send me of the date of Oct. 10. relative to the communications to be made to Congress at the opening of the approaching session; but delayed it, expecting leisure to mature my ideas on the subjects to be brought into view: but that leisure has not yet occurred; and therefore now beg leave to submit the...
Letter not found : from Maj. Gen. Steuben, 27 June 1779. GW wrote Steuben on 1 July: “I have been favoured with four letters from you three of the 22d and one of the 27th.”
I receivd a note from Colonel Harrison this morning desireing I would State to your Excellency in writeg the complaint I yesterday made against Brig. General Stark. My principal Complaint against him is, that he has discharged a man from my Regiment who had at the time of his discha[r]ge more than twelve months to serve, and this without my knowledge altho present in Camp or a certificate from...
413[Diary entry: 18 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
18. Went to a Barbicue of my own giving at Accotinck. Mr. Robt. Alexander & his Bror. George came home with me.
I have lately been obliged to make so large a temporary detachment, that it becomes indispensibly necessary to call in the Recruits from the States nearest at hand. You will therefore be pleased to dispatch orders to the superintending Officers to send forward, to the Army, such as may have come in to the places of rendezvous, and to exert themselves to collect and send in any which may yet be...
The Secry of the Treasury presents his respects to The President. He finds it will be impracticable for him without injury to the public service to leave town on Monday , but he will do it the day after & overtake the President. However he begs leave to inform the President that from the information received, there is no prospect of a pretty general assembling of the Pennsylvania & N. Jersey...
As you naturally take an Interest in every thing that relates to the Embargo; permit me to direct your attention to a letter, which appeared in the Enquirer of this City on Tuesday last. That letter is from the Pen of John Gamble, the eldest Son of Col. Robert Gamble of this city. W. J. Gamble has always pursued the rank of politics of his father. and was the only one, except one, who opposed...
By the resighnation of Colo: Hartley of the 11th Pennsya Regt—I, as eldest Lieut. Colo: of the line, considered myself, intitled to the same, and accordingly, wrote to the Hone the Executive Council of the State of Pennsya, requesting they would, recommend me to the Board of War, and procure the Appointment to which I was intitled. The Council, in consequence of a certificate sign’d by Genl St...
I have the honor of transmitting herewith, an Engraving of John Paul Jones , which I received yesterday for the embellishment of his Life, which is now, in press: my object in enclosing this engraving to you, is, to ask your opinion as to the likeness , design, & c . and if you think the facsimilie of his signature is Correct. My great anxiety in having the Work & likeness Complete must be, my...
In a letter from General Hamilton, enclosing the one I now forwd to you, I am requested to change, or modulate his directions to you, in any manner which to me shall appear most conducive to the Public Service. His directions comport with my ideas; but I shall be more pointed in drawing your attention to the Site at, or as near, as one can possibly be obtained, to the Arsenal which is...
The Petition of Jesse Page, and Wife, of Ann Arundel County, in the State of Maryland; respectfully sheweth, that they are the Parents of a Profligate Son, who now lies, in Confinement, for Desertion, at the military Corps, in Frederick Town; Your Petitioners would beg Leave, to represent, that they have always sustained a fair and reputable Character, in Society—that their Son, Shadrach Page,...
I wrote you last week that I expected to sail on board the Catherine, Captain Ingersoll, from Hamburg for New-York— But he goes so much sooner than I expected, that I am unable to take the advantage of this opportunity, and shall be obliged to wait for another— Perhaps even, I may embark for Philadelphia, though from various reasons I am averse to going there; balanced only by the single...
I rec’d yr Favor of the 17th inst. this Day by your Messenger. The Narrative of the Deposition recited, seems to agree with what is containd in the Northern Papers as to the Reinforcement of Men, Provisions &c. brought up the Missisippi, which together with what’s imported to Louisburg and Quebeck the French have found Time eno[ug]h to strengthen every Fortress and Place We have been long...
Your father & the late Peyton Randolph, as securities for John Randolph were answerable to mrs Ariana Randolph for an annuity of an hundred & fifty pounds sterling a year from the death of her husband as long as she should survive him. John Randolph having died insolvent the debt falls on the representatives of your father & on mr E. Randolph as representative of Peyton Randolph, each being...
You will believe me, when I inform You, that I am grievously disappointed in only having to acknowledge the reciept of just two Lines and an half from You by Capt. Grinnell. I am sorry that the Shortness of your Notice has deprived me of so much Happiness. The Card however will keep alive my Expectations ’till the promised Letters arrive. But lest Miss Nabby should think I set no Value upon...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I had the honor to deliver the paper upon the Influenza together with a letter (copies of both which are herewith inclosed) to a friend* in London, near a Year since, to be transmitted to your Excellency, which I afterwards was given to understand were delivered to——Barclay Esqr., who was so obliging as to undertake to be the bearer of to Your...
Will you allow me Sir, the honor of presenting, and afford me the gratification of perusing the pamphlet herewith forwarded? containing an account of the Battle of Bunker Hill by Major Genl. Dearborn, and a feeble endeavour on my part, to repel the charges therein made, against the character and conduct of the late Major Genl. Israel Putnam. In ordinary cases, I have deemed the pamphlet in its...
I have for many Months made it a rule, to enclose to you a Newspaper, every week, and I have intended that it never should be without at least one Letter, from myself or some one of the family, to you or my Mother—I believe this intention has never entirely failed; but it has not always been possible for me to write, myself—The reasons of this are so well known to you, that I hope they will...
Carter’s Grove, 11 Aug. 1791 . In response to TJ’s of 1st, he is sorry to report failure of scheme to sell timber for Paradise. Wilkinson says sales will be offset by cost of cutting and carrying to market.—Specie value of Paradise’s paper is £968.5.6 ⅓, of which all but £62.8 is in Virginia Loan Office Certificates. In final settlement, he would be obliged to TJ for information about value of...
Your very obliging letter of the 25. Ult , has been received and I cannot but be grateful for the friendly interest you take for the success of my proposed Publication, as also for the advice afforded me towards applying for Some Vacancy under Government. Previous to entering on any other subject I beg leave to Say, that I exceedingly regret, the evident changes in your health as mentioned in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I never was more amuzed with political Speculations, than Since my Arrival in this country.— Every one has his Prophecy, and every Prophecy is a Paradox.— One Says America, will give France the Go By. Another that France and Spain, will abandon America. A Third that Spain will forsake France and America. A Fourth that America, has the Interest of all Europe...
I am very sensible of the testimony of respect rendered me by the Calliopean society , in naming me an honorary membe r of their institution. if distance has rendered my personal a ction with them impossible, I am endeavoring nevertheless to m erit the association with which they have honored me, by emp loying the slender faculties which time and nature have spared me in fostering an...
Perhaps before this reaches you, you will have heard that the British have impliedly acknowleged our independence—by giving a commission of the 23d. of September to Mr Oswald to treat with The thirteen United States of America . Many are sanguine in expecting that peace will be the result of the Negotiations, for my part I have hopes, but if it should not be the case I shall not be much...
I was informed in the course of the last year that there was in the prison of Dunkirk a person of the name of Alexander Gross confined as hostage for the ransom of the sloop Charlotte taken by the privateer Countess d’Avaux, Capt. Carry, in Feb. 1782. I learn that his owners refused to release him, and that the owners of the privateer have since stopped paiment and become bankrupt. I will be...
Four of your fellow Citizens overwhelmed by the calamities of the times, with large families totally destitute of the means of Subsistence, are incarcerated by the government of their Country for—debt. Attached to the Republican Administration of that government by every tie which can direct & controul the affections of man, they have thro’ a series of misfortunes & sacrifices supported &...
435General Orders, 1 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Colonel Hall was President March 1779. Ludwick Wolfe, Trumpeter in the Marechausie Corps was tried for, “Concerting a plot to desert to the enemy and carry with him two horses the property of Captn Von Heer.” The court are of opinion he is guilty of attempting to desert to the enemy being a breach of the 4th Article of the 6th section of the Articles of War &...
I am in this moment favoured with a letter from Mr Bourne informing of my having lost my Object in the mint Department & I’ll assure you my Dr Sir the impression on my feelings is severe indeed—as I presume you had not the least doubt of my success from your conversation last had with me. I have on the strength made arrangments which will result injuriously to me—such as borrowing some money...
The circumstance of having offered my late report to Congress to the two houses which rendered two copies necessary & the extreme press of business in the office in preparing for my resignation prevented my sending you a manuscript copy of that Report. I have now corrected a printed copy for you which I have the honor to send herewith. With true respect & attacht I have the honor to be Sir Yr...
At this important Crisis, when war with all its train of Calamities seems ready to burst upon us; when by the malice of our Enemies we are reprisented as a divided people, a people inimical to the measures of our own Government, and wanting confidence in it; We deem it our duty as Citizens of the United States explicitly to declare, our fullest faith in the Integrity and Wisdom of all the...
Your Favour of the fourth of october, I have had the Honour to receive, and have dispatched the Resolution inclosed in it to Paris to go from thence to Spain: but I hope M r Lamb is already on his Passage for America. The Commotions in New England, will terminate in additional Strength to Government, and therefore they do not allarm me I have lately received from Lord Carmarthen officially the...
By Mr Turnbull who is just past this for Philadelphia I am informd that you have lately drawn 500 Hunting Shirts—500 Waistcoats—& 500 Overalls, in addn to the Cloathing you obtaind sometime ago—By a late return from Genl Putnam who Comds at Peeks kill, dated the 31st Ulto it appears that of your Regiment, he has only 21. Men at that Post—And, by a Return from Genl Parsons of the 13th of the...
Beg leave to lay before your Excellency the pretentions that the Regiment commanded by Colo. Crane, has to rank in the Brigade of Artillery. The first Regiment of Artillery rais’d in these United States for their defence in —75, was commanded by Colo. Gridley; in the latter end of —75, or beginning of —76, the Regiment was newly arrang’d and recruited, and the command given to Colo. Knox,...
Had I indulged my own feelings, I should long since have imbraced the opportunities which circumstances afforded, of obtruding my self on you personally. But during the war I thought it greater kindness to keep aloof, and attend to the more essential points of Duty. It is now not without diffidence this Application is made to you for the appointment of Inspector for this City or District,...
443[Diary entry: 8 November 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 8th. Thermometer at 52 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 62 at Night. Clear all day, with the Wind high from the No. Wt. Went up to Alexandria, agreeably to a summons, to give testimony in the Suit depending between the Estate of Mr. Custis and Mr. Robt. Alexander. Returned by the New Barn which had got about half the Rafters up. Found Mrs. Stuart, Miss Stuart, and all Mrs. Stuarts...
Printed in The American Weekly Mercury , March 27, 1729. ——Quid non mortalia Pectora cogis Auri sacra Fames! Virgil. One of the greatest Pleasures an Author can have is certainly the Hearing his Works applauded. The hiding from the World our Names while we publish our Thoughts, is so absolutely necessary to this Self-Gratification, that I hope my Well-wishers will congratulate me on my Escape...
It is a Melancholy thought to Me that While I Could Be So Happy at Mount Vernon, I am Still Almost As much Separated from you as I have Been for five Years in the Coalitionary prisons—But Altho’ I Lament, yet I Cannot Repent the determination we Have Been obliged to take—Much Less on Account of My Health which Has Been Recovering fast Enough, than for the very Bad and Lingering Condition in...
I perceive by the Gazettes, that the Philosophical Society of this City, is required to meet on friday next. I am reminded by it, to ask if the names of Buchan and Anderson have ever yet been proposed as Members? Yours always RC ( DLC ); addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 31 Dec. 1793 and so recorded in SJL . Recorded in SJPL . The advertisement for the 3 Jan. 1794 meeting...
24 June 1804, Lisbon. “I was honored a few days since with your favour of the 8th. of March past. The information alluded to was from a Captain, who acquainted me as a positive fact, that the Collector of the Port from which he sailed, would not allow him to take British Seamen and told him that after the first of September the Government had instructed the Collectors not to clear our Vessels...
I received your Letter of Jan’ry 23 d and was gratified to find your Hand writing improving. I know you are attentive to what is passing in the political World, indeed who can be an indifferent Spectator, in Times so critical, so allarming and so big with Concequences as the present? I send you a late publication under the signature of scipio, [ “ ]Reflections on Monroe’s view of the conduct...
I addressd. your excellency a few days ago on the rumourd. defeat and Surrender of Genl. Hull’s Army. Since which we have recd. the detail and it appears that the British have got possession of the important post of Detroit in the usual way. Can any faith be held with a Nation So lost to every principle of honor, and So degenerated as to employ no other weapons but bribery, corruption , and...
This will be Delivered to you My Dear Father by Beverly Randolph whom you may reccollect to have seen at your house in the Spring 1806. Mrs. Madison has been so kind as to procure for him young Nourse’s place during his absence or untill some thing better offers. enclosed is a little seal of my Mother that I Must beg the favor of you to have mended and My watch key if it is possible to make it...