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Results 401-430 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
401[August 1765] (Adams Papers)
Hannah Place vs. Atwood. Introduced into the family at 13. Constant Understanding that she should be paid. A Pittance left to ’em by their Uncle. He cutt . No particular Bargain for Wood or service. Hannah Atwood . Had one of em constantly as a Maid. My Husband promised to pay her. The fore part of the Time Mary worked, the latter Hannah. Hannah worked but very little abroad the whole Time....
402[December 1765] (Adams Papers)
How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer, and Fall. In the Course of my Business, as a Surveyor of High-Ways, as one of the Committee, for dividing, planning, and selling the North-Commons, in the Course of my two great Journeys to Pounalborough and Marthas Vineyard, and in several smaller Journeys to Plymouth, Taunton and Boston, I had...
How great is my Loss, in neglecting to keep a regular Journal, through the last Spring, Summer, and Fall. In the Course of my Business, as a Surveyor of High-Ways, as one of the Committee, for dividing, planning, and selling the North-Commons, in the Course of my two great Journeys to Pounalborough and Marthas Vineyard, and in several smaller Journeys to Plymouth, Taunton and Boston, I had...
404Decr. 19th. 1765. (Adams Papers)
A fair Morning after a severe Storm of 3 days and 4 Nights. A vast Quantity of rain fell. About 12. O Clock came in Messrs. Crafts and Chase and gave me a particular Account of the Proceedings of the Sons of Liberty on Tuesday last, in prevailing on Mr. Oliver to renounce his Office of Distributor of Stamps, by a Declaration under his Hand, and under his Oath, taken before Justice Dana, in...
405Fryday. Decr. 20th. 1765 (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. Dined with Mr. Rowe, in Company with Messrs. Gridley, Otis, Kent, and Dudley. After Dinner, went to the Town House, and Attended with the Committee of the Town of Boston and many other Gentlemen in the Representatives Room till about Dark, after Candle Light, when Mr. Adams, the Chairman of the Committee, received a Message from the Governor, by the Deputy Secretary, purporting...
406Saturday Decr. 21st. 1765. (Adams Papers)
Spent the Morning in sauntering about, and chatting with one and another—The Sherriff, Mr. Goldthw ai t, Brother Sewal &c—upon the Times. Dined with Brother Kent; after Dinner received a Hint from the Committee that as I was of Council for the Town I not only had a Right, but it was expected I should attend the Meeting. I went accordingly. The Committee reported the Answer of the Board to...
407Sunday [22 December]. (Adams Papers)
At Home, with my family. Thinking.
4081765. December. 23d. Monday (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. After Dinner rambled after Messrs. Gridley and Otis but could find neither. Went into Mr. Dudleys, Mr. Dana’s, Mr. Otis’s office, and then to Mr. Adams’s and went with him to the Monday night Clubb. There I found Otis, Cushing Wells, Pemberton, Gray, Austin, two Waldo’s, Inches, Dr. Parker—And spent the Evening very agreably, indeed. Politicians all at this Clubb. We had many...
409Decr. 24th. 1765. (Adams Papers)
Returned from Boston. Spent the afternoon and Evening at Home.
At Home. Thinking, reading, searching, concerning Taxation without Consent, concerning the great Pause and Rest in Business. By the Laws of England Justice flows, with an uninterupted Stream: In that Musick, the Law knows of neither Rests nor Pauses. Nothing but Violence, Invasion or Rebellion can obstruct the River or untune the Instrument. Concerning a Compensation to the Sufferers by the...
411Decr. 26th. 1765 Thursday. (Adams Papers)
At Home by the Fireside viewing with Pleasure, the falling Snow and the Prospect of a large one. The gallant Struggle in America, is founded in Principles so indisputable, in the moral Law, in the revealed Law of God, in the true Constitution of great Britain, and in the most apparent Welfare of the Nation as well as the People in America, that I must confess it rejoices my very Soul. For you...
412Decr. 27th. 1765. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
In unforeseen Cases, i.e. when the State of things is found such as the Author of the Disposition has not foreseen, and could not have thought of, we should rather follow his Intention than his Words, and interpret the Act as he himself would have interpreted it, had he been present, or conformably to what he would have done if he had foreseen the Things that happened. This Rule is of great...
413Decr. 28th. 1765. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Weymouth with my Wife. Dined at Father Smiths. Heard much of the Uneasiness among the People of Hingham, at a sermon preached by Mr. Gay, on the Day of Thanksgiving, from a Text in James, “Out of the same Mouth proceedeth Blessing and Cursing,” in which he said that the ancient Weapons of the Church, were Prayers and Tears, not Clubbs, and inculcated Submission to Authority, in pretty...
414Decr. 29th. 1765. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Heard Parson Wibird. Hear O Heavens and give Ear O Earth, “I have nourished and brought up Children and they have rebelled against me.”—I began to suspect a Tory Sermon on the Times from this Text. But the Preacher confined himself to Spirituals. But I expect, if the Tories should become the strongest, We shall hear many Sermons against the Ingratitude, Injustice, Disloyalty, Treason,...
4151765. Decr. 30th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
We are now concluding the Year 1765, tomorrow is the last day, of a Year in which America has shewn such Magnanimity and Spirit, as never before appeared, in any Country for such a Tract of Country. And Wednesday will open upon Us a new Year 1766, which I hope will procure Us, innumerable Testimonies from Europe in our favour and Applause, and which we all hope will produce the greatest and...
4161765. Tuesday. Decr. 31st. (Adams Papers)
Went to Mr. Jo. Bass’s and there read Yesterdays Paper. Walked in the Afternoon into the Common and quite thro my Hemlock Swamp. I find many fine Bunches of young Maples, and nothing else but Alders. Spent the Evening at Home with Neighbour Field. The national Attention is fixed upon the Colonies. The Religion, Administration of Justice, Geography, Numbers, &c. of the Colonies are a...
417[January 1766] (Adams Papers)
Severe cold, and a Prospect of Snow. We are now upon the Beginning of a Year of greater Expectation than any, that has passed before it. This Year brings Ruin or Salvation to the British Colonies. The Eyes of all America, are fixed on the B ritish Parliament. In short Britain and America are staring at each other.—And they will probably stare more and more for sometime. At Home all day. Mr....
Severe cold, and a Prospect of Snow. We are now upon the Beginning of a Year of greater Expectation than any, that has passed before it. This Year brings Ruin or Salvation to the British Colonies. The Eyes of all America, are fixed on the B ritish Parliament. In short Britain and America are staring at each other.—And they will probably stare more and more for sometime. At Home all day. Mr....
4191766. Jany. 2d. Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
A great Storm of Snow last night. Weather tempestuous all Day. Waddled thro the Snow, driving my Cattle to water at Dr. Savils. A fine Piece of glowing Exercise.—Brother spent the Evening here in chearful Chat. At Phyladelphia, the Heart and Hand fire Company has expelled Mr. Hewes Hughes the Stamp Man for that Colony. The Freemen of Talbot County in Maryland have erected a Jibbet before the...
4201766. Jany. 3d. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Fair Weather and Snow enough. Major Miller, Dr. Savil and Mr. Joseph Penniman spent the Evening, with me. Agriculture, Commerce, Fishery, Arts, Manufactures, Town, Provincial, American, and national Politicks the Subject.—Anecdote, in the Beginning of the Year, Deacon Penniman was for reducing the Salary of the School Master from 330 to 300£. The Master Penniman insisted on keeping half the...
4211766. Jany. 4. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Edes & Gill’s Gazette brought in. I find that Somebody has published the very scene in Shakespears H enry 8, which I have put into Ld. Clarendons Letter to Pym. This brings to my Mind again Ld. Bacons Doctrine of secret, invisible Connections and communications, and unknown undiscovered Laws of Nature. Hampden writes to Pym on the Failure of Justice in America, on the shutting up of the Courts...
422Sunday. Jany. 5th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Wibird all Day. A Sacramental Sermon on “It is finished.—”
423Monday [6 January]. (Adams Papers)
At Home. Mr. Smith and Mr. Penniman dined here.
424Tuesday [7 January]. (Adams Papers)
At Boston. Hampden has given us in Yesterdays Gazette, a long Letter to Pym upon shutting up the Courts, in which he proves from Holts and Pollexfens Arguments at the Revolution Conference, from Grotius De Jure Belli, B. 1. C. 3. §. 2. that shutting up the Courts is an Abdication of the Throne, a Discharge of the Subjects from their Allegiance, and a total Dissolution of Government and...
425Wednesday Jany. 8th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
At Home. Wrote &c.
At Home. Must such a Number of new Crimes be committed, to decide which of these two, Caesar or Pompey, shall be master in Rome? One would hardly purchase at that Price, the good Fortune of having Neither of them for Master. Grotius De Jure Belli et Pacis B. 2 C. 16. §. 22. N. 1. The Interpretation that restrains the Import of Words is taken either from an original Defect in the Will of the...
427Thurdsday. Jany. 9th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
At Home all day. Mr. Smith, Dr. Tufts, Dr. Savil, Mr. Bass &c. here.
428Fryday. Jany. 10th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Humphry Ploughjogger received a Letter from a Friend, thanking him for his good Advice and presenting him with a Crimson, Homespun Cap to wear with his Hide, as a Reward. —Mr. Etter came in before Dinner, about his Petition to the General Court for Assistance in his stocking Weaving Business.—Went in the afternoon with my Wife to her Grandfathers.—Mr. Cleverly here in the Evening. He says he...
429Saturday Jany. 11th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
A Rain. In one particular, I must confess the Americans have not acted with their usual Acuteness of Understanding, and Firmness of Spirit. I mean in that very strange Piece of Conduct of their shutting the Courts of Justice. I call it their Conduct, tho it is apparently against the general Judgment of the People, and it ought to be charged on a few Individuals, who have Other Things in View...
430Sunday Jany. 12th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
Heard Mr. Wibird all day, at Evening Mr. Etter, here.