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Results 401-450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
401 Draper, Lyman C. Madison, James Lyman C. Draper to James Madison, 31 December 1833 1833-12-31 Since I addressed you last, I have left Lockport, Niagara County, New-York, and have taken up my...
402 Turpin, William Madison, James William Turpin to James Madison, 25 December 1833 1833-12-25 This is only to Cover the Declaration of the Representatives of ten States, Assembled in...
403 Madison, James Newman, John F. James Madison to John F. Newman, 24 December 1833 1833-12-24 Your letter of Aug. 16, did not find its way to me, till the day before yesterday. We had recd....
404 Madison, James Chapman, John G. James Madison to John G. Chapman, 23 December 1833 1833-12-23 I have received your letter of the 23d. inst: No apology was necessary for the request it makes,...
405 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, 17 December 1833 1833-12-17 J. Madison with his cordial respects to Mr. Everett thanks him for the Copy of his excellent &...
406 Chapman, John G. Madison, James John G. Chapman to James Madison, 17 December 1833 1833-12-17 With every apology for this intrusion upon you, I have to ask the favor of being allowed ( if it...
407 Coupland, William R. Madison, James William R. Coupland to James Madison, 10 December 1833 1833-12-10 The bearer Mr. Shelton Davis is sent to your house for the Piano Forte given her some years ago...
408 Madison, James Featherstonhaugh, George William James Madison to George W. Featherstonhaugh, 8 December … 1833-12-08 I have just recd. your of the 6th. I am glad to find the public attention in Virginia at length...
409 Madison, James Parks, G. D. L. James Madison to Bushrod W. Clark and G. D. L. Parks, 7 … 1833-12-07 The friendly spirit in which your letter of the 22d Ult is written makes me regret that I can not...
410 Featherstonhaugh, George William Madison, James George W. Featherstonehaugh to James Madison, 4 … 1833-12-04 I had the unfeigned pleasure of receiving your letter, respecting the proper manner of opening to...
411 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 2 December 1833 1833-12-02 A friend at Washington will forward to your care a Chair for exercise by rocking, and I have...
412 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 1 December 1833 1833-12-01 I have just recd. the inclosed papers from Docr. Carr with a request that I wd. forward them to...
413 Madison, James Spotswood, George W. James Madison to George W. Spotswood, November 1833 1833-11-01 I have recd. your letter of the 11th and am glad to learn that you find the change made in your...
414 Madison, James Sergeant, John James Madison to John Sergeant, 30 November 1833 1833-11-30 J. Madison, with his best respects to Mr. Sergeant, thanks him for the Copy of his able and...
415 Carr, Frank Madison, James Frank Carr to James Madison, 30 November 1833 1833-11-30 I forward to you, as Rector of the University, the inclosed reports that they, being somewhat...
416 Fendall, Philip Richard Madison, James Philip R. Fendall to James Madison, 30 November 1833 1833-11-30 It again becomes my duty, in the absence of Mr. Gurley, to trouble you with a request for your...
417 Madison, James Livingston, Edward James Madison to Edward Livingston, 29 November 1833 1833-11-29 J. Madison requests the favor of Mr. Livingston to have the enclosed letter handed to Majr. H....
418 Madison, James Lee, Henry James Madison to Henry Lee, 26 November 1833 1833-11-26 I received Sir, on the 9th instant your letter of Sepr. 15th. and enclose copies of such of your...
419 Madison, James Kennedy, John P. James Madison to John P. Kennedy, 22 November 1833 1833-11-22 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Kennedy thanks him for the copy of his Address before the...
420 Clark, Bushrod W. Madison, James Bushrod W. Clark and G. D. L. Parks to James Madison … 1833-11-22 Although unacquainted with you personally, yet your reputation and public acts have endeared you...
421 Rives, William Cabell Madison, James William C. Rives to James Madison, 21 November 1833 1833-11-21 The constant hope, from day to day, of being able to make the visit to Montpelier, on which Mrs....
422 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 20 November 1833 1833-11-20 I return the note you obligingly forwarded signed & the blank for the sum filled. The blanks for...
423 Madison, James Washington, Peter G. James Madison to Peter G. Washington, 19 November 1833 1833-11-19 I have recd. your letter of the 16th. and am sorry that I can give no information on the subject,...
424 Vail, Aaron Madison, James Aaron Vail to James Madison, 18 November 1833 1833-11-18 Under the auspices of an acquaintance formed some years ago, while on a visit to your...
425 Washington, Peter G. Madison, James Peter G. Washington to James Madison, 16 November 1833 1833-11-16 The fund of information you are known to possess of the events of our Revolutionary struggle,...
426 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 15 November 1833 1833-11-15 I have yours of the 13th. & enclose herein a Blank note as requested. I am much pleased to learn...
427 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 14 November 1833 1833-11-14 It is very late, but I hope you will permit me even now to acknowledge the receipt of your two...
428 Lee, Henry Madison, James Henry Lee to James Madison, 14 November 1833 1833-11-14 It is some time since I had the honour to receive and acknowledge your letter of the 14th. of...
429 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 13 November 1833 1833-11-13 Since I was favored with yours of the 23d. Ult. I have recd. a letter from Col. Mercer,...
430 Madison, James Monroe, A. G. James Madison to A. G. Monroe, 12 November 1833 1833-11-12 I have received your letter of the 29. Ult. I sincerely regret that the situation which suggested...
431 Spotswood, George W. Madison, James George W. Spotswood to James Madison, 11 November 1833 1833-11-11 The first consideration in writing you this letter is the desire I feel to hear how you and dear...
432 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 9 November 1833 1833-11-09 You perceive that I have availed myself of your permission to keep the pamphlet which you kindly...
433 Madison, James Magill, Alfred T. James Madison to Alfred T. Magill, 8 November 1833 1833-11-08 J. Madison, with his respectful salutations to Professor Magill, thanks him for the Copy of his...
434 Madison, James Page, Francis James Madison to Francis Page, 7 November 1833 1833-11-07 I have recd. your letter inclosing a printed Copy of a Petition to the General Assembly in be...
435 Mercer, Hugh Madison, James Hugh Mercer to James Madison, 2 November 1833 1833-11-02 Altho’ you have heard from mr allen on the Subject, yet I cannot forego the Pleasure I feel in...
436 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, October 1833 1833-10-01 I have seen no evidence yet that a Successor has been appointed to Mr Breckenridge. I hope the...
437 Madison, James Verplanck, Gulian C. James Madison to Gulian C. Verplanck, 28 October 1833 1833-10-28 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. Verplanck thanks him for the Copy of his elegant &...
438 Page, Francis Madison, James Francis Page to James Madison, 28 October 1833 1833-10-28 You will confer a very lasting service which will be gratefully remembered by the heirs of the...
439 Madison, James Patterson, William James Madison to William Patterson, 26 October 1833 1833-10-26 Your favor of the 14th. was duly recd. and your suggested precaution followed as to the calves,...
440 Madison, James White, Thomas W. James Madison to Thomas W. White, 26 October 1833 1833-10-26 J. Madison with his respects to Mr. White presents his thanks for the copies of Mr. Badgers...
441 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 23 October … 1833-10-23 I have just recd. the inclosed letter from a Come of Stud in the University, and must ask the...
442 Madison, James Cooper, W. H. James Madison to W. H. Cooper and Others, 23 October … 1833-10-23 I have recd young Gentlemen, your letter of the 21st and have forwarded it to the other members...
443 Madison, James Rives, William Cabell James Madison to William C. Rives, 21 October 1833 1833-10-21 Your favor of the 4th. was duly recd. I had not forgotton the intimation of which I am reminded...
444 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 19 October 1833 1833-10-19 I have recd your favor of the 16th. A man with a Cart & a Cow, and two boys to assist in bringing...
445 Longacre, James B. Madison, James James B. Longacre to James Madison, 14 October 1833 1833-10-14 It is entirely owing to circumstances apart from my own intentions, that I have deferred the...
446 Patterson, William Madison, James William Patterson to James Madison, 14 October 1833 1833-10-14 I duly received in Course your much esteemed favor of 25th August, and was glad to see that Mrs...
447 Madison, James Weaver, David James Madison to David Weaver, 13 October 1833 1833-10-13 Since the receipt of your last Mr Brockman has made some enquiries respecting the disposal of the...
448 Tucker, George Madison, James George Tucker to James Madison, 13 October 1833 1833-10-13 If you have found time to look over the manuscript with which I ventured to trouble you in July,...
449 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 8 October 1833 1833-10-08 Your favor of the 7th is just recd. We had counted with confidence on the opportunity it...
450 Madison, James Patton, Louisa M. James Madison to Louisa M. Patton, 8 October 1833 1833-10-08 Your letter of the 3d. Septr. was duly recd. My acquaintance with the Grand father of your...