James Madison Papers

Lyman C. Draper to James Madison, 31 December 1833

Mobile, Alabama, 31st December, 1833.

Dear Sir,

Since I addressed you last, I have left Lockport, Niagara County, New-York, and have taken up my residence in this city. I received your second letter some time previous to my departure. I have a few inquiries to make of you, which, I sincerely trust will not give you the least trouble to answer, but should you decline, you will please to pardon me for thus troubling you.

You will please to have the goodness to inform me about your ancestors—their professions—their places of residence, and more particularly about your father. And furthermore, I should be thankful to have you inform me whether you was born on the 5th March, 1750, in Montpelier, Orange County, the place of your present residence.

You will please accept my most humble, but sincere wishes, that the evening of your long and useful life, may be spent in peace and happiness. Yours Respectfully.

Lyman C. Draper.


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