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Results 4001-4050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
4001 Washington, George Forman, David From George Washington to Brigadier General David … 1777-11-01 When I last had the pleasure of seeing you, I advised you to Collect all the shoes stockings...
4002 Eppes, Mary Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mary Jefferson Eppes, 18 April … 1801-04-18 I recieved your letter only yesterday My Dear Papa nor did I know ‘till a few days before that...
4003 Madison, James Crowninshield, Benjamin W. From James Madison to Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 27 … 1816-06-27 I have recd. yours of the 25th. and return the letter from Mr. Kerr, who I presume is the former...
4004 Shaw, William Smith Adams, Abigail William Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams, October 1801 1801-10-01 Some time since Andrew Foster, a relation of Mrs. Otis, applied to Mr. Otis for admission as...
4005 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 October 1789] 1789-10-12 Monday 12th. Received the Compliments of the Count de Pentheve, commanding his most Christian...
4006 McNeill, John Roll of George Washington’s Company, 28 August 1757 1757-08-28 No. Mens Names when Inlisted County Age Size Trade Country Description Jno. Sallard } Serjeants...
4007 Washington, George General Orders, 28 September 1775 1775-09-28 The enquiry into the Conduct of Dr Church, Director General of the hospital, and the respective...
4008 Willink, Van Staphorst & Hubbard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Willink, Van Staphorst & … 1792-05-30 Our last Respects were under date of 30 December since when We are honored with Your esteemed...
4009 O’Brien, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard O’Brien, 20 May 1802 … 1802-05-20 20 May 1802, Algiers. Notes the arrival on 15 May of an Algerine frigate with a Portuguese...
4010 Rodney, Caesar A. Madison, James To James Madison from Caesar A. Rodney, [4 April] 1809 1809-04-04 You will observe by the enclosed letter, that Mr. Dallas wishes to know, what he is to do with...
4011 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 27 February 1783 1783-02-27 I read in a great Writer, Montesquieu that “l’honneur, en imposant la loi de servir, veut en être...
4012 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 6 … 1815-10-06 Last week I Sent Letters to Newyork for you Mrs Adams, and the children. I write now to Say that...
4013 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 February 1767] 1767-02-02 2. Frozen Morning, clear still & pleast. afterwards.
4014 Jefferson, Thomas Lúïsçiús, A. Van Stipriaan From Thomas Jefferson to A. Van Stipriaan Lúïsçiús, 3 … 1806-05-03 I have recieved the treatise describing the very ingenious Bathometer for sounding the depths of...
4015 Bond, Phineas Jay, John To John Jay from Phineas Bond, 11 August 1789 1789-08-11 I have now the Honor to enclose the Commission I hold, as his Majesty’s Commissary for all...
4016 Franklin, Benjamin Todd, Anthony From Benjamin Franklin to Anthony Todd, 2 September … 1764-09-02 ALS : Public Record Office We have just receiv’d some important News from Presqu’isle on Lake...
4017 Mandrillon, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Mandrillon, 1 June … 1790-06-01 Rue des ⟨J⟩euners no. 26. My General, Paris June 1. 1790. The letter with which your Excellency...
4018 Report of a Committee on By-Laws for St. John’s Lodge … 1732-06-05 MS not found; reprinted from Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Abstract of the Proceedings … 1885 ,...
4019 Rose, Joseph Warner Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Warner Rose, 15 November … 1805-11-15 § From Joseph Warner Rose. 15 November 1805, Worcester. “I have taken the earliest opportunity on...
4020 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 29 April 1798 1798-04-29 I am doom’d my dear Sister to be the messenger of death to you. I believe for five weeks past my...
4021 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 7 July 1781 1781-07-07 I have recd your favor of the 30th ulto. I take if for granted that this letter will meet you...
4022 Jefferson, Thomas Leiper, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Leiper, 27 October 1824 1824-10-27 Since my solicitation of July 22. at your request the ground on which I stand is entirely...
4023 Adams, John Quincy 18th. Monday. 1782-11-18 This morning we set off from Varsala in a boat and went 5. miles as far as Kůmlinge. Fine weather.
4024 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 August 1777 1777-08-19 The Weather still continues cloudy and cool and the Wind Easterly. Howe’s Fleet and Army is still...
4025 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Smith to Thomas Jefferson, 19 December 1810 1810-12-19 Knowing the interest, you take in the state of our foreign relations and the solicitude, you feel...
4026 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 23 January … 1792-01-23 [ Newport, Rhode Island ] January 23, 1792 . “Yesterday I recd. your Circular Letter of the...
4027 Smith, William Stephens Adams, Abigail Smith From William Stephens Smith to Abigail Smith Adams, 20 … 1813-07-20 I have your letter of the 16th I hasten to ansr. it as I have by the same post receivd a Letter...
4028 King, Rufus Adams, John To John Adams from Rufus King, 27 October 1787 1787-10-27 I intended to have written to you previously to my departure from New York— M r. Jay has...
4029 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 November 1773] 1773-11-08 8. But little wind in the forepart of the day. In the Afternoon it got to So. East & much rain fell.
4030 Jay, John Campo, Bernardo del From John Jay to Bernardo del Campo, 1 February 1782 1782-02-01 M r Jay presents his Compliments to M r Del Campo, and requests to be informed whether he has as...
4031 Mustafa Baba, Dey of Algiers Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mustafa Baba, Dey of Algiers … 1802-10-17 We Salute and pray for your health and happiness. Your Consul OBrien in your name demanded The...
4032 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 3 January … 1806-01-03 I return the Charleston recommendations. In a conversation with General Sumpter respecting the...
4033 Adams, John Huntington, Samuel From John Adams to the President of Congress, No. 50 … 1780-04-23 Paris, 23 April 1780. LbC ( Adams Papers ). Although a note to the Letterbook copy of...
4034 Short, Peyton Washington, George To George Washington from Peyton Short, 22 July 1798 1798-07-22 I had the honor of receiving your Letter of the 16th inst. directed to the care of Genl...
4035 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 17 January 1796 1796-01-17 This serves to advise you that I have this day drawn on you for [150]. Doll. at three days sight...
4036 Lynch, Simon Madison, James To James Madison from Simon Lynch, 1 November 1804 … 1804-11-01 1 November 1804, Nantes. “Confirming my last respects of the 26th. September, I have now the...
4037 Dufief, Nicolas Gouin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 13 April … 1803-04-13 Le Dr. Priestley était parti depuis plusieurs jours, pour se rendre à sa terre, lorsque j’ai reçu...
4038 McHenry, Margaret Allison Caldwell Adams, Abigail Margaret Allison Caldwell McHenry to Abigail Adams, 8 … 1798-10-08 It was with the greatest concern I heard of your late illness, since which time I have felt very...
4039 Sparks, Elijah Madison, James To James Madison from Elijah Sparks, 23 February 1813 1813-02-23 Unbend your mind for a few Moments, from national, and vastly more interesting considerations;...
4040 Dobbyn, Hannibal Adams, John From Hannibal Dobbyn to John Adams, 28 May 1796 1796-05-28 The Memorial of Hannibal William Dobbyn humbly sheweth That Memorialist came to America in the...
4041 Madison, James Steele, John From James Madison to John Steele, 24 November 1808 1808-11-24 I have lately shipped to your care in the Sloop John Hand Junr. Master, Twenty six Boxes,...
4042 Freëý (Frey), —– Parien de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Baronne de Frëý, 18 June … 1779-06-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society Cest Madame de Fréÿ epouse de Mr le baron de fréÿ premier...
4043 Randolph, Thomas Mann Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, 12 March … 1798-03-12 We rec’d. your two letters of the 22d. Feb. on the 3 inst. and that of the 2d. on the 10th. I...
4044 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 21 July 1820 1820-07-21 I send by the stage under care a friend of mine, your bundle Books rec d from M r Gibson — They...
4045 Madison, James Term of the Senate, [26 June] 1787 1787-06-26 Read moved that the term be nine years. Mr. Madison. In order to judge of the form to be given to...
4046 Jefferson, Thomas Buchanan, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Buchanan, 22 September … 1785-09-22 By my letter of Jan. 13. I took the liberty of praying you to send me Hayes’s newspapers to the...
4047 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 February 1797] 1797-02-20 20. Cloudy with a little rain in the forenoon—variable afterwards. Wind So. West. Mercury 39....
4048 Gavino, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Gavino, 17 February 1803 1803-02-17 Since my last No. 113 under the 11: Inst., orders is come to the Emperours Agent here to get the...
4049 Smith, Samuel Harrison Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Harrison Smith, 13 … 1823-12-13 I duly received your favor of the 2 d of August in reply to mine of the 22 d of July. I did not...
4050 Jefferson, Thomas Muter, George [From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 15 February … 1781-02-15 [ Richmond, 15 Feb. 1781. An entry in the War Office Journal (Vi) under this date reads as...