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Results 4001-4010 of 184,431 sorted by author
I never heard a Word of your Arrival, untill this Day. I sincerely congratulate you upon it, and hope the fine Cargo you have brought will Set you at your Ease. Pray how did you leave all Friends and all Things at Baltimore, and in the rest of America? What is become of my old Friends Johnson, Paca, Chase, and many others? Baltimore flourishes, it seems in trade, which I wish may be increased,...
You cannot imagine how much I am obliged to you for your early Information of the glorious News. I have Since received ample details of it from America, but your Letter reached me several days Sooner. I last night recd yours of 23 Novr—and will write you more fully upon it soon. We shall agree in every Thing I believe but the Article of L 6857: 3s, which you charge me for 29 Feb. 1780, as an...
O that I had the talent at description of a Homer a Milton or a Walter Scott I would give you a picture of a hill that I have visited with more pleasure than I should mount Ida or Monticello. Mr David Hyslop has been importuning me for seven years to dine with him in Brookline: I have always declined till last Tuesday when taking my grandson George Washington Adams for my guide and aid de camp...
I nominate William McGuire of Virginia to be Chief Justice of the Mississippi Territory— William Henry Harrison Esqr: of Virginia to be Secretary of the Territory, north west of the River Ohio— Josiah Blakely of New York to be Consul of the United States in St. Jago in the Island of Cuba— DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have rec d the Letter you Yesterday did me the Honour to write me, and will lay before you, all the Accounts I have, which are little more than Sums of Money rec d. for my Salary as Soon as I can get at my Books and Papers, which are at the Hague. M r Grand will be able to furnish you with the Account of the Monies paid by him or by the House of Horneca Fizeaux & Grand at Amsterdam for the...
40061772. Decr. 23. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Major Martin at the Office. He is very gracious with the first Man in the Province. The Governor spoke very handsomely, of all my Council.—“He did you Justice,” &c. &c. The Major is to dine with me tomorrow. He wishes for Warr, wants to be a Colonell—to get 1000 st. a Year for 8 or 10 Years that he may leave Something to his Children, &c. &c.—“An Ensign in the Army is Company for any Nobleman...
Upon my Return to Town, to day I found your Favour of the 5th. instant: that of 31. Ult I had recd before. Am curious to know what Use will be made in the States of overyssell of the Memorial of the Russian Ministers. Will it be used as a Pretext for delay? It is really a Serious Thing, that great affairs should be thus obstructed by little ones. This Memorial promises more than Mr Fox’s...
4008[Fryday Feb. 23. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday Feb. 23. 1776. Resolved that Congress will on Monday next resolve itself into a Committee of the whole, to take into Consideration the Letters from General Washington.
Your address has been forwarded by Colonel Spencer as you requested, and demands a respectfull return. The approbation of any of the Inhabitants beyond the Mountains, is very acceptable to me for reasons which cannot be mistaken. You must share the Fortunes of your Bretheren in the Atlantic States, whether prosperous or adverse. Seperated from them you would soon be the Prey of one or another...
M r Adams presents his Compliments to M r Hazard, and returns, with Pleasure, the Proposal for printing his valuable Collection of State Papers, with a Subscription. RC ( NHi :Gilder Lehrman Coll., on deposit); endorsed: “Vice Presid t. Adams.” New York City bookseller Ebenezer Hazard (1744–1817) widely advertised his plans to compile and print his Historical Collections; Consisting of State...