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Results 4001-4050 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
4001Cash Accounts, October 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash Octr 2— To Cash of Mr Robt Brent in Excha. for Bills £ 8. 5. 0 To Cards at Sundry times 7.12. 6 15— To Cash of Mr Joseph Valentine 149. 0. 1 Contra Octr 2— By two Bushels of Oats 3/6—Gave Servants 7/6 0.11. 0 By Ferriage & Ferrymen at Fredericksburg 0. 7. 6 4— By Expences at Caroline Court House 0. 8. 6 By Ditto at Hubbards 27/10.  Ferriages &ca at Danzies 12/ 1.19.10
Since my last long Letter from this place I recd Intelligence from the neighbouring Indians that they discover’d where a large Body of the Enemy had just pass’d about 28 Miles above us and seem’d to bend their course this way, a Delaware spoke to some of their Savages who told him they were off a large Party design’d for this place, I at 2 oClock this morning Detach’d an officer & 20 alert...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote on the 26 and 27 of 7 br. last the First via Bristol and the other intended by our Friend C Kelby who is taking shipping at NY . in the 1st I sent our Agent Bill and the Governors proposed Amendments copied by the Clerk and in the other the Vindication of the Commissioner and Assessors of Cumberland County against the Representation...
Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society Yours I received by the Philadelphia Packet, Captain Budden, relating to the two protested Bills of Scott and McMichael’s; but I had got them renewed, with the Damages, and sent them off, before yours came to hand; however, that does not signify much, as the last Sett, of Course, will not be presented for Payment. I am glad to find, as you will...
4005[October 1760] (Adams Papers)
Waited on Mr. Gridley for his Opinion of my Declaration Lambard v. Tirrell, and for his Advice, whether to enter the Action or not. He says the Declaration is bad and the Writ, if Advantage is taken, will abate. For It is a Declaration on a Parol Lease, not on a Deed, and therefore the Lessee’s Occupancy ought to be sett forth very exactly, for it is his Occupancy, not any Contract, that...
4006Octr. 7th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Waited on Mr. Gridley for his Opinion of my Declaration Lambard v. Tirrell, and for his Advice, whether to enter the Action or not. He says the Declaration is bad and the Writ, if Advantage is taken, will abate. For It is a Declaration on a Parol Lease, not on a Deed, and therefore the Lessee’s Occupancy ought to be sett forth very exactly, for it is his Occupancy, not any Contract, that...
This serves to cover a certificate of the Tobo I shipd you in the Cary, which I hope will answer the end of a Bill of Lading. I am told it will do instead of Recording the Bill, and as it is less expensive and soonest come at, I embrace the method. Since my last I have passd a set of Bills in favour of Mr George Brent (instead of Robt Brent) for Two hundred pounds Sterling which please to pay...
40081760. Oct. 9th. (Adams Papers)
In Support of Complaint in Case Neal’s Action is not entered. I do not know, nor is it possible for your Honours to determine, what Reason induced the Plantiff to renounce this suit. Whether it was, because the Estate is insolvent, or because he had no Cause of Action, or because his Action was mislayed, or because his Writ was bad, which by the Way is very probable, considering who drew it,...
40091760. Oct. 11th. (Adams Papers)
Neals Action is entered so that I have two Actions to defend by Pleas in Bar and three of the Actions I entered, are to be defended, Clark is to Plead in Abatement and Tirrell and Thayer are, I suppose, to plead to issue. Clark gave a Note of Hand to Captn. Brackett in his Life time, and after his Death, on a Reckoning with the Administratrix, a Ballance was found due to the Estate upon Book,...
40101760. Octr. 13th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Attended Mr. Niles’s Court this morning for John Holbrook Junior in an Action of his against Benja. Thayer Junior. Holbrook agreed with Thayer, to submit all Demands together with both Actions to 3 men. Mr. Niles told me, that he consulted Mr. Thatcher about entering his Action against Mrs. Brackett. Thatcher told him, it was as likely that she would recover Costs against him, as that he would...
Letter not found: from Richard Washington, 16 Oct. 1760. On 14 July 1761 GW wrote to Washington : “I have had the pleasure of receiving your obliging favours of the 16th October and first of January following.”
40121760. Octr. 17th. (Adams Papers)
What are the Questions, on which Mrs. Bracketts Bars to Danas Actions turn?—The first Question is, whether any Action at all can be maintained vs. the Administrator of an Insolvent Estate excepting for Debt due to the Crown, for sickness and funeral Charges? And the second is, whether an Action brought before the Representation of Insolvency, can be maintained, i.e. Whether an Administrator,...
40131760. Oct. 17. (Adams Papers)
In the Beginning of May 58 Mr. Lambard, the Plantiff, gave a Lease of a House and Barn and Land in Germantown mentioned in the Writ to the Defendant Mr. Tirrell, and this Lease you will have with you. You will find by it, that Tirrill was to give illegible initial &c. the same Rent, that is sued for, in the present Action. In May 1759, i.e. at the End of the Year, Mr. Lambard went into the...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since the above, Duplicate of my Last, I have received yours by the Packet of the 22d and PS 23d of August with the inclosed Papers which bring us down to a preparation for a Hearing upon our Acts on the 27th. where, on this Side the Water, we must leave the Issue under Providence to your Care of which we have no Doubt; I am, however, pleased...
I forbore in my Letter of the 28th Ulto to mention what quantity of Tobo you might probably receive from myself and Ward from our Plantation’s on York River till I came down here, and now I am almost as much at a loss as I was then, to guess; so bad is the Tobacco, and so short are the Crops (where proper care is taken to cull it, and that I have strictly chargd all my Overseers to do, being...
ALS : The Royal Society Having procur’d some thin Glass Balls of about an Inch and a half in Diameter, with Stems, or Tubes of eight or nine Inches in length, I electrified them, some positively on the inside, and others negatively, after the manner of charging the Leyden Bottle, and sealed them hermetically. Soon after, I applied the naked Balls to my Electrometer, and could not discover the...
ALS : Library of Congress It is, as you observed in our late Conversation, a very general Opinion, that all Rivers run into the Sea , or deposite their Waters there. ’Tis a kind of Audacity to call such general Opinions in question, and may subject one to Censure: But we must hazard something in what we think the Cause of Truth: And if we propose our Objections modestly, we shall, tho’...
4018Cash Accounts, November 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash Novr 4— To Mr Wm Hunter for a horse sold him £ 35. 0.0 To The Speaker on Acct of Colo. Thos Moores Bond 500. 0.0 5— To Interest of Francis Fosters Bond 25. 0.0 To Doctr Craik Shoeing his Horse 0. 4.0 Contra Nr 3— By Tea 1/.  By Subscripn Wmsburg Purse 20/ 1. 1.0 By Do for Colo. Fairfax 10/. Weatherbornes Acct 16/9½ 1. 6.9 1/2 5— By Barbers Acct £1.13.  paid for Toys 4/1½ 1.17.1 1/2
4019[November 1760] (Adams Papers)
Dana says the Administrator ought not to regard the Disgrace or Trouble or Expence of a Commission of Insolvency, but if it is in the least degree suspicious, that the Estate will not prove sufficient, he must represent it so, at his first Appointment i.e. every Day, that he takes to enquire into the Value of the Estate, and the Number of Debts, is at the Risque of the Creditors, and if any...
4020[3] Novr. 1760. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Dana says the Administrator ought not to regard the Disgrace or Trouble or Expence of a Commission of Insolvency, but if it is in the least degree suspicious, that the Estate will not prove sufficient, he must represent it so, at his first Appointment i.e. every Day, that he takes to enquire into the Value of the Estate, and the Number of Debts, is at the Risque of the Creditors, and if any...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania State of the Transaction at the Exchequer, relating to the Parliamentary Grant for the Year 1758 The Sum given to Pennsylvania and the Lower Counties jointly, for their 2727 Men, is £29,993 0 0 By General Abercrombie’s Report, there were of these effective Men in the Field, From Pennsylvania 2446 From Lower Counties 281 2727 Therefore the Proportion to...
4022Nov. 5th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
I presume upon the common sense of the World that no offence will be taken at the Freedom of the following Sentiments while the utmost Deference for Authority and Decency of Language is preserved, as Persons of obscure Birth, and Station, and narrow Fortunes have no other Way, but thro the Press to communicate their Tho’ts abroad, either to the high or the low. The Vacancy, in the highest seat...
Braintree 5 November 1760. Printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 1:167–168 . See above, JA to Jonathan Sewall, post 10 Sept. 1760 and note there. Printed : ( JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams
Please to Credit my Acct for the Inclosd Draft on you and oblige Yr Most Hble Servt LB , in GW’s hand, DLC:GW . Col. Philip Johnson’s draft for £56 drawn on Farell & Jones of Bristol was returned protested ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 94 ). See Joseph Valentine to GW, 27 May 1760, n.3 . For...
I am apprehensive, that by some mistake or other, my Letter of the 24th Ulto and the Duplicate were put on Board the same Ship; I therefore send other Copies under this Cover. My Friend and Acquaintance Mr Bartholamew Dandridge having purchasd an Entaild Estate in Lands of one Charles Lewis procurd an Act of General Assembly for Docking the said Entail (other Lands of equal value being settled...
Letter not found: from James Gildart, 9 Nov. 1760. On 3 April 1761 GW wrote to Gildart : “Several of your favours now lye before me, but the last of Novr 9th I shall particularly take notice of.”
ALS : The Royal Society What pass’d at the Society last Thursday night, was chiefly, a Motion for an Address to the King, which was agreed to, and a Committee appointed to make a Draft. The Society adjourn’d to Monday night, to hear the Address and agree upon it, which was also done. On Thursday next at the Meeting we are to be inform’d when it is to be presented. I hope I shall have the...
4028Novr. 14th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Another Year is now gone and upon Recollection, I find I have executed none of my Plans of study. I cannot Satisfy my self that I am much more knowing either from Books, or Men, from this Chamber, or the World, than I was at least a Year ago, when I wrote the foregoing Letter to Sewal. Most of my Time has been spent in Rambling and Dissipation. Riding, and Walking, Smoking Pipes and Spending...
40291760. Novr. 14th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
I am just entered on the 26th Year of my Life, and on the fifth Year of my studies in Law, and I think it is high Time for a Reformation both in the Man, and the Lawyer. 25 Years of the Animal Life is a great Proportion to be spent, to so little Purpose, and four Years, the Space that we spend at Colledge is a great deal of Time to spend for no more Knowledge in the science and no more...
40301760. Novr. 14. Friday. (Adams Papers)
The Title is “The History of the Common Law of England.” The Frontispiece, I cannot comprehend. It is this. Ἰσχυρον ὁ ΝÓ ΜΟΣ έσ τ ὶν ἄρχοντὰ His great Distribution of the Laws of England is into Leges scriptae and Leges non scriptae. The first are Acts of Parliament which are originally reduced to writing before they are enacted, or receive any binding Power, every such Law being in the first...
40311760. Novr. 15th. Sat. (Adams Papers)
Spent last Evening at Coll. Quincys, with Coll. Lincoln. Several Instances were mentioned, when the Independency and Superiority of the Law in general over particular Departments of officers, civil and military, has been asserted and maintained, by the Judges, at Home. Ld. Cokes Resolution in the Case of —— in oposition to the opinion, and even to the orders, and passionate Threatnings of the...
The Seven pounds Cash I Receved from Richard Stephens on account of Mr John Ballendine I Repaid to Richard Stephens for I was to Repay the money if you Did not Like of it and Richard Stephens told me you choosd to Settel with Mr Ballendine your Self and upon that I paid the money Back to Richard Stephens all from Sir your humbel Sar. ALS , DLC:GW . Joseph Stephens was a Fairfax County...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take this Opportunity to return you my sincere thanks not only for the pleasure your Company afforded me during your short stay in Worcester, but also for the Entertainment I am confident I owe to you after your Departure— The Interest of Great Britain with Respect to her Colonies gave me a more distinct view than I ever had before of our Connexions with...
Inclos’d I send you a Letter that I sent to yr house Last winter, but you being out some way, the Bearer brot it back & understanding you intended to prosecute me for a fraud I had the inclos’d deposition taken as I really did believe there was 2 Tons of Iron when I told you of the number of Barrs that was counted to the waggoners believing the Iron was Justly weighed that came down Last, as...
40351760. Novr. 19th. (Adams Papers)
Parson Smith says the Art of Printing like most other Arts, and Instruments, was discovered by Accident. Somebody, at an idle Hour, had whitled his Name, cut his Name out in the Bark of a Tree. And when his Name was fairly cut out, he cut it off and put it into his Hankerchief. The Bark was fresh, and full of Sap, and the Sap colored his Hankerchief, i.e. printed his Name upon it. And from...
4036Wednesday [19 November]. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Badcocks, with McKenzie. He pretends to Mechanicks, and Manufactures. He owns the snuff Mill, and he is about setting up some Machine to hull our Barley. One Welsh dined with us, who he said was the best, most ingenious Tradesman, that ever was in this Country. McKenzie and Welsh were very full of the Machinery, in Europe, the Fire Engines, the Water Works, the silk Machines, the Wind...
Copy: American Philosophical Society This is just to acknowledge the Receipt of your Favours of August 24 and 27. with the Bill for £100 on Messrs. Thomlinson &c. No. 1876, and to acquaint you, that I have at length receiv’d the Money from the Exchequer and lodg’d it in the Bank as nearly agreeable to the Directions of the Act as I possibly could; for they would not, as I acquainted you...
Had your Letter of the 17th of August come to my hands before the 18th Instt I shoud not have given you the trouble of perusing my answer to it at this late Season. I am sorry you shoud think it necessary to introduce a request that is founded upon Reason and equity with an Apology, to me—had you claimd that as a Right, which you seem rather to ask as a favour I shoud have thought myself...
40391760. Novr. 21st. Friday. (Adams Papers)
This day has been spent to little Purpose. I must confine my Body, or I never shall confine my Tho’ts. Running to Drs., cutting Wood, blowing fires, cutting Tobacco, waste my Time, scatter my Thoughts, and divert my Ambition. A Train of Thought, is hard to procure. Trifles light as Air, break the Chain, interrupt the series.
40401760. Novr. 21st. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Finished the History of the Common Law, the second Time. The Dissertation on hereditary Descents, and that on Tryals by Juries, are really, very excellent Performances, and well worth repeated, attentive Reading. This, the second entry so dated, is from D/JA/4, JA ’s fragmentary record of studies.
4041[November] 1760. (Adams Papers)
Pater was in a very sociable Mood this Evening. He told 3 or 4 merry stories of old Horn. Old Horn, a little crooked old Lawyer in my fathers Youth, who made a Business of Jest and Banter, attacked an old Squaw one Day upon the Neck. The old Squaw made answer, “You poor smitten Boy, you with your Knife in your Tail and your Loaf on your Back, did your Mother born you so?” A Man, whom he...
Extract: American Philosophical Society; copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Share allotted by the Lords of the Treasury to Pensylvania and the Lower Counties, of the Parliamentary Grant for 1758, was £29,993. The Rule their Lordships follow’d in the Division of the £200,000 was, to proportion the Sums for each Colony according to the Number of effective Men each had in the Field....
AL : The Royal Society Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. Canton, and is sorry to find that he cannot have the Pleasure of waiting on him this Evening, being oblig’d to attend a Committee at the Society of Arts; but as he expects to see Mr. Canton on Thursday at the Royal Society; some other Evening convenient to Mr. Canton may then be agreed on. The Minute Book of the Society of Arts shows...
4044Novr. 25th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
Rode to the Iron Works Landing to see a Vessell launched. And after Launching went to smoke a Pipe, at Ben. Thayers, where the Rabble filled the House. Every Room, kitchen, Chamber was crowded with People. Negroes with a fiddle. Young fellows and Girls dancing in the Chamber as if they would kick the floor thro. Zab Hayward, not finding admittance to the Chamber, gathered a Circle round him in...
40451760. Novr. 26th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Ten days are now elapsed, since I began Hale the 2d time, and all the Law I have read, for 10 days, is that Book once thro. I read Woods Institute thro the first Time with Mr. Put. in twice that time i.e. in 3 Weeks, and kept a school every day. My present Inattention to Law is intolerable and ruinous. This entry and those that follow, through 1 Dec. 1760 , are again from D/JA/4, JA ’s record...
40461760. Novr. 26th Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Night before Thanksgiving.—I have read a Multitude of Law Books—mastered but few. Wood. Coke. 2 Vols. Lillies Ab ridgmen t. 2 Vols. Salk eld’s Rep orts . Swinburne. Hawkins Pleas of the Crown. Fortescue. Fitzgibbons. Ten Volumes in folio I read, at Worcester, quite thro—besides Octavos and Lesser Volumes, and many others of all sizes that I consulted occasionally, without Reading in Course as...
40471760 Novr. 28th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
I have not read one Word of Law, this Day. But several Points, and Queries have been suggested to me, by the Consultors.—In whom is the Fee, and Freehold of our burying Yard? What Right has any Man to erect a Monument, or sink a Tomb there, without the Consent of the Proprietors? In England, the Church Yards are the Places of Burial, and the Parson is seised in fee, of them as of the Ground...
40481760. Novr. 29th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Read no Law.—An exclusive Property is certainly claimed and enjoyed, by private Persons, in Tombs and Monuments, as well as in Pews. Inhabitants of other Towns, have usually asked Leave of the Select Men, to bury their dead in our burying Place. But I should think the Precinct Assessors, or Parish Committee, had rather the Inspection of our burying Yard. My Father never knew License given nor...
4049Novr. 30th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Read no Law. Read Bolinbroke.
4050Cash Accounts, December 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra Decr 10— By George Taylor’s Balle pr Acct 20/ —Club at Hughs’s 1/ £ 1. 1. 0 11— By hire of a Boat to go to Mr Rozer’s 10/. Club at Masons 1/6 0.11. 6 12— By Colo. Carlyle’s Servts given 10/ 0.10. 0 By Mr Muirs Acct for 2000—10d. Nails 1. 0. 0 13— By Jno. Carney for a horse £10 10. 0. 0 By Saml Johnston for 15 head of Sheep a 6/6 4.17. 6 By Ditto for a horse had of Jos[ep]h Gardner