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Results 39951-40000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
39951 Madison, James Randolph, Edmund From James Madison to Edmund Randolph, 13 October 1783 1783-10-13 RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover franked by JM and addressed to “Edmund Randolph Esqr. Richmond.”...
39952 Graham, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Graham, 21 September 1810 1810-09-21 I have the Honor to forward to you by this Mail a copy of a Letter received yesterday from Mr...
39953 Hamilton, Alexander President and Directors of the Bank of the United … From Alexander Hamilton to the President and Directors … 1795-01-31 Being arrived at the day some time since fixed for my resignation, I cannot forbear, among the...
39954 Washington, George Mifflin, Thomas From George Washington to Thomas Mifflin, 18 November … 1783-11-18 I have at length the pleasure to inform your Excellency and Congress, that Sir Guy Carleton has...
39955 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 January 1798] 1798-01-25 25. Wind Southerly all day & much like Snow in the forenoon—clear afterwards. Mer. 26–32 & 32....
39956 Jefferson, Thomas Curson, Richard From Thomas Jefferson to Richard Curson, 15 June 1789 1789-06-15 The bearer hereof, Monsieur Cahieres, established at Elizabeth town in New Jersey, being about to...
39957 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 15 March … 1791-03-15 This will be accompanied by a weekly return of Cash, and by a Certificate of Registry No. 5 dated...
39958 Jefferson, Thomas Superintendent of the Public Vessels From Thomas Jefferson to the Superintendent of the … 1781-03-12 Be pleased to deliver to Major Claiborne Continental Deputy Quartermaster General whatever Boats...
39959 Adams, John 5 Thurdsday. 1756-02-05 A fair morning but some symptoms of a Change of Weather. Kept School. Spent the evening with...
39960 Washington, George General Orders, 18 January 1777 1777-01-18 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
39961 Gordon, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Gordon, 15 April 1778 1778-04-15 When you have perused the enclosed, pray you to put it under cover & forward it to Genl Gates....
39962 Lear, Tobias Jefferson, Thomas Tobias Lear to Thomas Jefferson, 24 February 1793 1793-02-24 The enclosed letter came under cover to the President, and is by his direction transmitted to Mr...
39963 Minor, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Minor, 18 May 1807 1807-05-18 A young friend of mine Mr. Mann Page Lomax, son of Colo. Thos. Lomax of Port Tobago, having a...
39964 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 30 July 1802 1802-07-30 Mr. Smith has sent under cover to me the inclosed post-note for three hundred & sixty dollars,...
39965 Jefferson, Thomas Mifflin, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Mifflin, 9 November … 1805-11-09 I have just recieved from Mesrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond your account for sheet iron...
39966 Morris, Robert Adams, John To John Adams from Robert Morris, 23 October 1783 1783-10-23 I do myself the Honor to enclose the Copy of a Letter which I have just written to Mess rs....
39967 Washington, George Washington, Bushrod From George Washington to Bushrod Washington, 15 … 1786-11-15 Your letter of the 31st of Octr in reply to mine of the 30th of Septr came safe to hand. It was...
39968 Washington, George German Lutherans of Philadelphia From George Washington to the German Lutherans of … 1789-04-01 While I request you to accept my thanks for your kind address, I must profess myself highly...
39969 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Randolph, 7 September … 1794-09-07 Your favor of Aug. 28. finds me in bed under a paroxysm of the Rheumatism, which has now kept me...
39970 Madison, James, Sr. Madison, James To James Madison from James Madison, Sr., 10 June 1784 1784-06-10 Mr. Mordicai Barbour, by whom you will receive this, is just from Kentucky & informs us that one...
39971 Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Martha Jefferson Randolph, 25 … 1801-07-25 Your letters found us all together at Edgehill. Maria does not look well but considering all...
39972 Ward, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Ward, 20 June 1777 1777-06-20 Yesterday the Enemy retreated back to Brunswick; they were followed and fired on by a small party...
39973 Adams, John Rush, Richard From John Adams to Richard Rush, 20 November 1813 1813-11-20 You have most unexpectedly procured for me a very high gratification, by making me acquainted...
39974 Hancock, Philip Philip Hancock: Receipt, 29 July 1778 1778-07-29 ALS : American Philosophical Society Recu de Messieurs Horneca Fizeaux & Cie. d’ordre et pour...
39975 Smith, Robert Jackson, Francis James Robert Smith to Francis James Jackson, 1 November 1809 … 1809-11-01 1 November 1809, Department of State. Jackson’s letter of 23 Oct. discloses that Erskine knew he...
39976 Roberdeau, Daniel Franklin, Benjamin Daniel Roberdeau to Benjamin Franklin, John Fothergill … 1770-10-02 AL (letterbook draft): Historical Society of Pennsylvania You’ll please to be refered to what I...
39977 Washington, George Phelps, Oliver From George Washington to Oliver Phelps, 21 April 1782 1782-04-21 I have received your favr of the 19th instant. A Variety of Circumstances at present operate to...
39978 Williams, Otho H. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Otho H. Williams, 14 … 1789-11-14 Baltimore, November 14, 1789. “Herewith I will transmit you my Weekly Return, in which you will...
39979 Carr, Frank Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Frank Carr, [after 1 … 1813-12-03 Thomas Jefferson in acct with Frank Carr   D r 1813   $ Dec r   3.   To visit negro woman at...
39980 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Deborah From Benjamin Franklin to Deborah Franklin, 22 November … 1757-11-22 ALS (mutilated): American Philosophical Society; parts reprinted from Duane, Works , VI , 20–4....
39981 Hamilton, Alexander Jackson, Daniel From Alexander Hamilton to Daniel Jackson, 21 June 1799 1799-06-21 Inclosed you will find the Copy of a letter from the Secretary of War, received in answer to...
39982 Washington, George Malcom, William George Washington to Colonel William Malcom, 30 … 1778-11-30 Fishkill [ New York ] November 30, 1778 . Will not be able to stop at West Point as intended....
39983 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 11 January … 1805-01-11 I have the honor to propose for your approbation the following list of Promotions and...
39984 Adams, John Quincy Saturday 29th 1780. 1780-07-29 This Morning we got up at about 7 o clock and at about half after seven we set away from...
39985 Adams, John Conversations with John Adams Reported by Harriet … 1823-02-27 The friendship of M Hawley is among the sweetest recollections of my life I first met him at the...
39986 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 7 October … 1801-10-07 It is requested by Mr Hancock , if not impracticable, that he should obtain this afternoon the...
39987 Mussi, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Mussi, 9 June 1794 1794-06-09 My Brother Stephen Mussi partner in the houses under the firm of Bolongaro Simonetta in...
39988 Chapman, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nathaniel Chapman, 13 January … 1807-01-13 The very polite manner in which I was received when I had the honor to visit you about two years...
39989 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 9 March … 1793-03-09 The enclosed from Messrs. Johnson and Carroll have this instant come to hand. Along with them you...
39990 Adams, John [April 1779] 1779-04-14 At Nantes, Hotel de la Comedie, Rue Bignonestar.... Walked, this Morning with my Son over all the...
39991 Graham, William Alexander Humphrey Adams, John To John Adams from William Alexander Humphrey Graham … 1799-06-28 I have before Intimated to you that spent my Time since the first of August last in the state of...
39992 Constable, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Constable, 13 July … 1797-07-13 [ New York ] July 13 [ 1797 ]. Requests Hamilton’s opinion on whether he and his associates “are...
39993 Ellery, William Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William Ellery, 5 March 1792 1792-03-05 Newport [ Rhode Island ] March 5, 1792. “I have received a Letter from the Assist. Secry of the...
39994 Fairfax, Bryan Washington, George To George Washington from Bryan Fairfax, 4 November … 1794-11-04 I have received Your Favor with the Letters inclosed but I did not receive it till last Week,...
39995 Washington, George Ménonville, François-Louis-Arthur Thibaut, comte … From George Washington to François-Louis-Arthur … 1781-05-09 As there is a great deficiency of such kind of artillery as Colo. Menonville applies for, at the...
39996 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 11 September … 1808-09-11 Your favor of the 6th. was recieved yesterday—Without advancing so far as to leave the least room...
39997 Jefferson, Thomas Turpin, Edward A. From Thomas Jefferson to Edward A. Turpin, 10 January … 1826-01-10 Your favor of Dec. 14. came to hand yesterday, and I now inclose you a copy of the laws and...
39998 Hamilton, Alexander Remarks on the Quebec Bill: Part One, [15 June 1775] 1775-06-15 In compliance with my promise to the public, See page 78 of the Farmer Refuted, a pamphlet...
39999 Washington, George Irvine, William From George Washington to Brigadier General William … 1779-06-06 I just now received your letter; I am happy to inform you that our supplies, of provision are...
40000 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 28 December … 1790-12-28 The Secretary of State has the honor of presenting to the President a copy of the Report he read...