Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from J. B. Warner, 23 October 1806

Boston octr 23d 1806

I am informed that Colonel Joseph Wallis of washington County is recomended to fill the office of Colecter at the port of machias I have taken on my self to give you the Carricter of that Gentleman not from any Selfish motives only that he is and Ever has bin an avowed Enemy to Every Republican measure he is what may with the greatest proproety Be Called an Enemy to our present admenstrasion and I fear Eff he obtains that office it will be A Great Check to republickanesim which is now in its infancy in that part of yr Country thier is republican Gentlemen Enuff in that Quater to fill that ofice but I name none as I would not wish to be thought Intrested in the business

I Am with the Greatest respect yours &c

J B Warner

NB mr wm Cooper of boston is a true republican but Very old and inferm and I believer does not know the above Gentlemans politicks

DNA: RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.

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