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Results 39921-39930 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Charleston, South Carolina, March 30, 1793. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by C. F. Libbie and Company, Boston, December 12, 1875, Item 537. Pinckney, a leading South Carolina Federalist and lawyer, had been a member of the South Carolina Provincial Assembly, a brigade commander and aide to George Washington during the American Revolution, a member of the...
Paris, 4 Nov. 1787 . Is preparing a political work under the sponsorship of the Archbishop of Toulouse which will be published within the next month. The work will consist of a statistical table, in four parts, comparing the political and economic aspects of the constitutions of all of the European powers. Asks TJ to subscribe for the work. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; in French; signed: “De Beaufort...
By so good an opportunity as the present, which offers by Mr. Welsh, I cannot omit repeating to you the assurances of my esteem, which I hope you have never doubted. It is some time since I have written you, and longer, much longer, since I have had the honor, and consolation of a line from you. I must presume that some of your letters have been lost on the way. The complection of our...
39924[Diary entry: 10 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
10. Dined at the Speakers & spent the Evening in my own Room. Today being Sunday, the burgesses did not meet. GW recorded under this date the payment of 7s. 6d. to Benjamin Bucktrout, Williamsburg cabinetmaker and merchant, for repairing a coach house belonging to the printer William Rind (d. 1773). GW may have kept his new chariot there while he was in town ( General Ledger A General Ledger...
The government of the US. being desirous of informing itself of the extent of the country lately ceded to them under the name of Louisiana, to have the same, with it’s principal rivers, geographically delineated, to learn the character of it’s soil, climate, productions, & inhabitants, you are appointed to explore , for these purposes, the interesting portion of it which lies on the Arkansa...
J’ai pris la liberté de vous adresser, il y a environ trois ans, une flûte en Cristal de mon invention. Veuillez bien me permettre de vous témoigner le désir que j’aurais d’apprendre Si elle vous est parvenue & si ce faible hommage de mon industrie vous a été agréable. Je vous prie de vouloir bien agréer l’hommage de la considération la plus distinguée avec laquelle j’ai l’honneur d’être,...
I have rec d your favour of the 19 th — I presume your answer to M r Jefferson will be sufficient: but If you write to the President, it will do no harm— Your letter to the President came to me after your appointment, so that I have never delivered nor mentioned it to any one; and shall keep it and all that came with it till your farther orders.— It is best it should not now be conveyed to the...
I do myself the honor to inclose a Copy of an Advertisement which I propose to have published tomorrow, relative to Contracts for the conveyance of the Mail for one year to commence on the first Day of January next, at which time the present Contracts expire. It is not materially different from the Advertisement ⟨ illegible ⟩ By the ⟨ illegible ⟩ for the ⟨transportation illegible ⟩ the Post...
Yours of the 10th. I receiv’d. Mr. Reynolds is now on his way to Newyork from what he inform’d me his partner got the Lists from a Clerk of the Treasury. Since I wrote you he receve’d some other Lists amounting to 3000 dollars due to the offi[c]ers of this state. The person that he corresponds with from this place and remits the Soldiers powers of Attorney to is William J. Vriedenburg No. 40...
Mr. Eustis, the late Secretary of War, on his way to Boston, remained two or three days here. During the time I conversed unreservedly with him. He informed me that it had been understood at Washington that I was in a very good way in business. I had no opportunity to learn from what source such a representation could have arisen. I understood that it had reached you & was probably credited by...