James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John O. Lay, 9 July 1825

From John O. Lay

Richmond July 9th. 1825


I enclosed you on the 5th. inst.1 a Certificate for $548.11 deposited to your credit.

The 2 Hhds. No. 9 & 10 are at SeaBrooks Ware House and will be opened in course of the ensuing week. Having no Receipt for them I was under the impression they had not come in when I sold the others, but on reference to Mr. Eddins Letters I find he mentions them.

Could I have anticipated the present state of the market, the sales of your crop would I think have averaged at least $1. more than I obtained for it. Tobacco of that description (dry & sweet) is much sought after for the early shipments which have already commenced. Yours Very Respy.

Jno. O. Lay

Wheat 87½ a 90 c

Flour new $5.50

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

1John O. Lay to JM, 2 July 1825, with postscript dated 5 July.

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