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Since I had last the honor to address you, I have received from the Collector of Pennsylvania information of the arrival at Marcus Hook of Frenchman named Giraud, appointed Consul for Boston. It struck in one of the names presented last May by Mr. Létombe as Consul, for your exequatur was requested and refused. I turned to the Létombe’s letter, & found it so, with the variation of the last...
I have taken into my most serious consideration the important subjects contained in your letter of the 24th. of January last. The opinions I am about to give are predicated upon the supposition that the Legislature of France has passed a decree conformably to the advice of the directory in their message of the 4th. of January last relative to the Commerce of Neutral nations, and that our...
I am now to acknoledge the receipt of your favor of Jan. 25. Col o. Franks sailed in the packet of this month from Havre for New York. this arrangement of the packets opens a direct communication between Paris & America, and if we succeed as I expect we shall in getting Honfleur made a freeport, I hope to see that place become the deposit for our Whale oil, rice, tobacco & furs, & that from...
The President of the United States has instructed me to communicate, in confidence , to the Senate, the dispatches from Major General Wayne herewith transmitted, dated the 23d of December last, and which were received on the 28th instant. I have the honor to be, / Sir, / with great respect, / Your obedient Servt: DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I had the honour to receive your letter of the 10th of August inst. and shall cause the name of Dr. David King to be entered among the candidates for medical appointments, and his recommendations to be filed. I have the honour to be / with the greatest respect, Sir, / your most obt & most hble St— MHi : Adams Papers.
I am glad to find you so happy at college and I myself assure you I feel as much so here there is one thing I regret and that is the loss of Mr Gould for certainly let Ironside be himself whatever genius he may yet he does not know the right way of keeping school nor will he till he keeps order; but as it is now every boy in the school is talking from the minute he goes in till he comes out. I...
Parental solicitude for the welfare of a beloved son, I hope will excuse the liberty I take of inclosing you, a letter from Mr Bailey at Washington, who has kindly interested himself in behalf of my son, who you know is a Cadet at West point. My Son has been at the Academy four years, & in consequence, of not passing his last examination in mathematicks, was not included in the list of...
The enclosed extract of a Letter from Paris, which has been communicated to me, contains certain paragraphs from the Rédacteur a newspaper used by the French Directory for their official and non-official publications. It explicitly denies as you will observe that the Directory have determined to suspend their intercourse with the Government of the United States. It is among those paragraphs...
The summer has come upon us very rapidly without giving us any of our usual Spring weather. Some few days within the past week have been almost as warm as any during the last summer. This brings us at least peace and quiet. Almost all strangers have left the place and many members of Congress. Both houses adjourn tomorrow, having been excessively hurried in their business during the week....
Having met with the answer & recantation of Campbell the poet to Mr. Everett and being pleased I have thought you too might like to have it read to you, regretting that I cannot receive the pleasure and benefit of reading it to you myself—it has suggested an inquiry which it will gratify my curiosity if you will have the goodness to answer—viz—whether you think that at any period of our...
Hoping that ÿou will Recieve Cuppele Lines in a good health this is to give Notice to your honnour of our bad Luck which we have here in this Countÿ we where engaged bÿ a Man which Sold us and brouht us aboerd a Dutch Indiesman our T h ree being Thomas Black from boston John Williams and William Green but Sire I Thomas Black have mÿ wife and Familÿ in America and Should rether whish to Serve...
I hoped to have had the honor, before this time, of paying my respects to you at your Seat in Quincy, but have been unavoidably prevented. I am very happy to hear that you enjoy good health. May Heaven long preserve it; and preserve a life invaluable to the United States! Will you permit me, Sir, to recommend to your favorable notice, for an Office in the military line, Mr William Amherst...
Your favours of May 23. and the two of May 27. came safely to hand, the first being open. that of the 22 d. from Montreuil sur mer had been received and answered on the 25 th. The day before the receipt of the letters of the 27 th. we had had your cases brought to the barrier of Paris in order to get the proper officer to go that far to plumb them. From there they were put on board the boat...
I have now the honour to inclose you a Report on the petition of John Mangnall, and of expressing to you the sentiments of perfect esteem & respect with which I am Sir— / Your most obedient / & most humble sert DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I had the honor of receiving, an hour since, your letter of the 22d instant, with the copy of one to you from Colonel Smith. I am happy to think that the question presented is on mere military principles a very simple one. The rule of promotion, by succession, does not in any service, as far as my knowlege goes, apply to a new corps, in its first organisation. Officers for such a corps, it is...
Yesterday I had the honor to receive your letter of the 15th. Supposing the cold of winter in the climate at Philadelphia to be an antidote to the Yellow Fever as the experience of 1793 seems to warrant, I am of opinion that Congress may hold its next session at Philadelphia without danger to the health or lives of the members. But if at this time it may be too hazardous yet a proclamation for...
Your highly esteemed favour of the 24 ult. I had the honor to receive. I am instructed by your remarks upon Hutchinson, Hamilton, and other characters, and by your deep sentiments upon finance, the want of a correct History of American affairs, the conduct of England, &c. I admire your candor to Hutchinson. I think your remarks just as well as candid. If he had fortunately escaped the old...
Certain matters touching the public good, requiring that the Senate shall be convened on Monday the 8th of June next; you are desired to attend at the Senate Chamber in Philadelphia on that day, then and there to receive and deliberate on such communications as shall be made to you on my part. LS , MHi: Adams Papers ; LS (duplicate), owned (1995) by Joseph Maddelana of Beverly Hills, Calif.;...
The Collector of the Port of Philadelphia having declared his intention to Resign that employment—We sue the freedom to bespeak your goodwill for a particular friend Mr Israel Whelen of this City for that Appointment— We sometimes, in our Advocations of this kind, make our appeals to the Judgment & understanding—sometimes to the benevolent feelings of the Heart—In the present case, with...
Your kind favour, of April 12th. & 13th. as well as the Copy of Mr Hancock’s Sermon, sent by a preceding Mail, reached me in safety. An absence of several days from the City, together with an unusual pressure of professional avocations since my return, have prevented my making this acknowledgment at an earlier period. I feel myself much honoured by this testimony of kind and respectful...
On this day three Weeks ago I did myself the Honor of writing a letter to Your Excellency, Covering an Address to His Excellency the President of the U.S. and the Honorable the Senate of the Same; which letter I handed to a Servant in waiting within the door of Your Palace.— It being actually Necessary for me to know, positively, before the 22d. of this Month, if that letter is gone safe to...
The House of Representatives agree to the amendment of the Senate to their amendments on the bill, sent from the Senate for concurrence, entitled “An act for granting lands to the inhabitants and settlers at Vincennes and the Illinois country, in the territory northwest of the Ohio, and for confirming them in their possessions;” They agree to the resolution, sent from the Senate for...
presuming no one living to be better acquainted than yourself with that period of our history, to which this discourse cheifly refers, or feels a livelier personal interest in it, I have ventured, tho a stranger, to send you my Address . Its literary exeortion gives it no claim on your attention, but the subject may, perhaps, interest you for a few moments. I will not doubt but my object will...
The Affectionate Attachment, I ever had for you, has induced me, to take a liberty, which I pray, may meet your abrobation;—My Dear Wife, was safely delivered of a Son, on Sunday, the Twenty fifth January last; on Sunday last, Fifth April, (being Easter day) he was Babtized, and Named John Adams, he is a fine Babe; should Providence permit him to live, to become a Man; the Wish and Prayers of...
Our correspondence has been long broken off. I had the honor of a line from you by the Count de Noel; but I was at a loss to tell whether I was indebted to you or to him for it. However in that letter you express a wish to renew our correspondence. I should have readily complied with your desire, but as the correspondence had droped from your disinclination and not mine, and as my situation at...
Your Excellency’s good opinion and Satisfaction of my Conduct, and the gracious favour Your Excellency is pleased to bestow upon me, by Your own recommendation to Your Successor, are favours due of my Sincerest and most-dutiful thanks, with an impression of ever remembering Your goodness; I have done no more on my part, in consideration of trust and faithfulness, but which my duty required to...
I am favoured with your Letter of 25th., and agree with you in opinion that there is no necessity of discussing the question respecting the Commissioners, now; inconveniencies might arise from it, and no valuable purpose could be answered that I know of. I agree with you likewise that if the Fishery of New England has proved injurious, by introducing Luxury, and Vanity, it must be the fault of...
I am confined to my house with the epidemic cold—& much enfeebled by it. I cannot refrain, however, just thanking you for your two last very valuable letters—to me, with my views, peculiarly valuable—The No. of Histories published & in contemplation, of this country, & of our war, is no discouragement to me—as the one whh I contemplate is to be of a different character from either of them—it...
Nearly One third of a Century has elapsed, Since I first did myself the honor to write you from & I shall always recollect with gratitude the kindness I have uniformly experienced from you in all situations. By a coincidence of singular Vicissitude, (on my part) you are at the head of the respectable Massts Agricultural Society & I am undeservedly I admit placed at the head of the Berkshire A....
Our sincere thanks for your kindness in sending us several interesting documents. I have the honor to send you back a few, and of asking your permission to keep the rest for a few more days, because I did not have enough time to copy them all at once, and I intend to use them as space will permit. The two Philadelphia letters have already been copied, but I was unable to publish their...
I told you last night that I felt myself unwell with the Commencement of a complaint on my breast. I am this morning obliged to be bled. I s hd be very much obliged to you if you w d be so good as to prevail upon your Collegues to favour me with a visit this morning as I really cannot come out myself. The sooner the better, because I hope with bleeding & one day’s nursing that I may get off...
M r Francis Baretto has as he informs me applied for the Consulate at Madeira and has requested me to mention you to him as an acquaintance. He is a Native of that Island though for many years a Citizen of this Nation He has been known to me for more than ten years and his misfortunes of various kinds have excited my compassion and esteem as I beleive he did not merit them. If I should err...
I flatter myself with the hope that the subject of this note, will not be deemed by you as unreasonable importunity. My son my only son has been a midshipman in the Navy upwards of a year. Before that period he performed a long voyage to India. He is reputed to be well skilled as a navigator, active as a seaman, in addition to which the experience of three years, appears in the opinion of Capt...
With all the respect which is due to your public station, and with the regard I entertain for your private character, the following representation is presented to your consideration.—If in the course of it, any expression should escape me which may appear to be incompatible with either,—let the purity of my intentions;—the candour of my declarations;—and a due respect for my own character, be...
I wrote you very lately, & very largely, without any Interested views but what arise from the pleasure of Corresponding with a Man, whose Confidence, & Friendship, I have long Experienced and wish to Continue. The design of this is to Engage your Interest in a matter which I wish Exceedingly to Accomplish. Applications to great Men are Taxes which they must submit to. your rank & Influence,...
I received yours of October 23. I want to hear from you every day, and I always feel sorrow when I come to the close of a Letter. Your Time must be greatly engrosed, but little of it to spaire to the calls of Friendship, and I have reason to think I have the largest share of it. Winter makes it s approaches fast. I hope I shall not be obliged to spend it without my dearest Friend, I know not...
After having obtained your approbation of an enterprize to the Court of Spain &c for the two largest Frigates, it is painful for me to propose a different arrangement. But So much time has elapsed in getting the Constitution to Sea—& I have no accot. that she has yet got out; that I fear it would be the 15. of August, before the two Frigates could leave Hampton for Europe—they can Safely...
I am lately come from divine Service, if I may be allowed the Expression, performd by the Revd. Mr. Cushing, whom you’re not unaquainted with. He has fill’d my head brimfull, of Portions of Sentences, concerning the spirituall and natural man. If what Mr. Locke says be true, that an intent fixedness on any particular object, will cause an alienation of the rational Faculties, I am under no...
A desire not only to see, but to possess and preserve relicts of those venerable Heroes and Sages whose exertions won, and whose counsels have preserved that glorious liberty which I, in common with millions of my happy fellow citizens enjoy is the cause of my addressing you at present, in which I hope you will excuse the liberty an intire stranger , has thus unceremoniously taken. My wishes...
This being the first instance of capture and trial in my Court under the late Acts of Congress, I take the liberty to inform you that the Ship Niger, brought into this District by Capt. Nicholson of the Constitution, after long and very able arguments by the best Lawyers of this Country, was decreed by me to be restored to the Respondents, together with the ordinary Costs of defence.— It...
Being at this Time at Boston, on my Way to Washington, I have a Favour to ask your Excellency, you will not deny; I have it in Contemplation to remove from Hallowell, on the Kennebec next Season, either to Washington, or Baltimore in Maryland; in case I should fix at Washington I would, Sr. intreat the Favour, that you would give me a Letter of Introduction, There, by which I can find the Way...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully represents to the President of the United States. That the account of the President of the United States—stands charged in the Books of the Treasury with fourteen thousand dollars advanced by Warrants of the Secretary in pursuance of the Act of March 2d. 1797.— for the purpose of closing which account, the Secretary transmits the draft of an...
We beg Leave to acknowledge gratefully your Excellency’s marks of Friendship, and thank you in the best manner for your confidence your Excellency’ll permit us to Lay down before him that we’d be able to make a better employ of a news of such an importance, if we were acquainted with it before it was generally known, this makes us take the Liberty to pray you, if an important news happen’d...
Commodore Gillon has applied to me by letter requesting that I would furnish Captain Joyner with bills of exchange on Paris for Twenty thousand Guilders which sum he says is required to pay the ship accounts of the South Carolina frigate, and is necessary to fit her for sea. As this sum appears to be requisite for the purposes mentioned in Commodore Gillon’s letter to me, I have to request...
A short time before the receipt of your letter of the 4 th. of Nov r: I had written to you & enclosed an account of the cash I had advanced for your Son; and acquainted you that I shoud not draw upon you without your express direction: being unwilling to put you to the least inconvenience in the payment of it. In the letter abovementioned you have desired me to draw upon you for it, unless I...
The House of Representatives concur in the bill sent from the Senate, entitled “An act to continue in force the act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for the payment of pensions to invalids, and for the support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers.” Printed Source--Senate Journal.
Je me faisois une grande feste, samedy dernier, D’avoir Ihonneur de vous voir, de diner avec vous et de boire a votre santé chez monsieurs alain, mais 1’utilité de votre travail pour le bien public m’a fait supporter plus aisement cette privation, j eus cependant eté bien content de pouvoir vous parler moy même au sujet des besoins urgents ou commence a se trouver la fregatte du roy de france...
La Poste, qui part à 5 heures aujourd’hui, & un mal de reins violent, m’obligent de renvoyer la réponse aux honorées vôtres à Jeudi prochain. Ce matin L. H. P. ont pris une Conclusion conforme au Préavis de la Province d’Hollande, Sur les Instructions à donner à leurs Plénipo: pour arriver à la Paix générale. Il y a de l’inconstitutionel dans cette Conclusion, en ce qu’elle n’est point...
I have the satisfaction to acknowledge your kind Letters of the 19th: Novm. & 1st. inst. The favourable opinion you have been pleased to express of my Address is very grateful to my feelings. The belief, that the effort I was about to make when I commenced this Address, would plead strongly with minds like yours in favour of the Author, altho, his work should not merit much praise cheered me...
Tho revelling in what you justly call luxury, planting and adorning the place round me, yet you have presented me with the highest luxury in producing a people emancipated and enjoying their natural rights under just & equal laws procured by your exertions. Did envy enter into my composition you would have no small share of it. but my walk is humble and limited. I endeavour that the good is...