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Results 3991-4040 of 184,431 sorted by author
The circle in which I move you know is very Contracted—and when I go round regularly like a hores in a mill I do pritty well—but if I indulge in the smallest eccentricity I am sure to suffer for it—I did however venture upon one which proved an exception—I went to Boston and dined with the Venerable Dr Vanderkemp at Mr Benjamin Guilds, in Company with a social Circle of Wise, Pious and...
Sewall, Attorney General. One of the highest Crimes, agravated as it was his Wife. Inquisition. Nancy Patterson. Lives in another Street, not so far as the Markett. Went to Bells House. He was in a great Passion with his Wife. She was bloody. He had a Child in his Arms, bloody. Cant tell the Time— whether it was a fortnight or 3 Weeks before she died. Her Eye was swelled so that she could not...
3993[Saturday Feb. 17. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Saturday Feb. 17. 1776. The Committee to whom the Letters from Generals Arnold, Wooster, Schuyler and Lee were referred brought in their report, which was agreed to in the several Resolutions detailed in page 67. and 68 of this Volume of the Journals. Same day Resolved that Mr. J. Adams, Mr. Wythe and Mr. Sherman be a Committee to prepare Instructions for the Committee appointed to go to...
In answer to your Question of the 11th of this Month which has been so long on its way, that I have received it but this moment, I have no hesitation in saying that at no period of our revolution, could any Man be his popularity what it might, could have persuaded the people of this Country or any considerable number of them to be governed by a King of their own, or even a President for Life,...
What think you of a North American Monarchy? Suppose We should appoint a Continental King, and a Continental House of Lords, and a Continental House of Commons, to be annually, or triennially or Septennially elected? And in this Way make a Supreme American Legislature? This is easily done you know by an omnipotent Continental Congress, and When once effected, His American Majesty may appoint a...
Mr. A. and Coll. Whipple, are at length gone. Coll. Tudor went off with them. They went away, about Three o Clock this afternoon. I wrote by A and Coll. Whipple too. By the latter I sent two large Bundles, which he promised to deliver to you. These middle States begin to taste the Sweets of War. Ten Thousand Difficulties and wants occur, which they had no Conception of before. Their Militia...
I have received your favours of the 8th. and 10th and the volume of Benjamin Edes’s gazettes printed at Watertown between the 5th of June 1775 and the 9th. of December 1776. I am much obliged to you and to Mr Austin, for the Loan of this prescious collection of Memorials I read last Fall and Winter, The Scottish Chiefs, Thadeus of Warsaw and The Exiles of Siberia; and Scotts Lay, Marmion and...
I am delighted with your delicious little Letter of 14 th. —but was puzzled to guess where you got your Description of Lubberland or what do the French call it? Pays de Cocany or some such Word. Does he get this, says I, from Old Chauar, or Spencer, or from shakespear? Young M r Otis, turned me to the Passage in elegant Extracts— It is it seems from the Tempest, which was to me, once very...
Nothing could afford me, more pleasure than to visit my Friends in Plymouth (where I formerly so much delighted to reside) on the 22d instant, according to your polite and obliging Invitation: but various circumstances will oblige me to denay myself that gratification. I feel a well grounded conviction that the best principles of sure great and glorious Ancestors, are inherited by a large...
Col. Forrest, informed me last Night that he delivered you the Letter I wrote by him. in which were orders upon the Bankers of Amsterdam to pay you your Salery, till then I was anxous about it, as you make no mention of it in yours of the 25 th of Sep r I am extreamly Sorry to hear of your unfortunate Situation, at the date of that Letter. but hope before this time there is some change for the...
I never heard a Word of your Arrival, untill this Day. I sincerely congratulate you upon it, and hope the fine Cargo you have brought will Set you at your Ease. Pray how did you leave all Friends and all Things at Baltimore, and in the rest of America? What is become of my old Friends Johnson, Paca, Chase, and many others? Baltimore flourishes, it seems in trade, which I wish may be increased,...
You cannot imagine how much I am obliged to you for your early Information of the glorious News. I have Since received ample details of it from America, but your Letter reached me several days Sooner. I last night recd yours of 23 Novr—and will write you more fully upon it soon. We shall agree in every Thing I believe but the Article of L 6857: 3s, which you charge me for 29 Feb. 1780, as an...
O that I had the talent at description of a Homer a Milton or a Walter Scott I would give you a picture of a hill that I have visited with more pleasure than I should mount Ida or Monticello. Mr David Hyslop has been importuning me for seven years to dine with him in Brookline: I have always declined till last Tuesday when taking my grandson George Washington Adams for my guide and aid de camp...
I nominate William McGuire of Virginia to be Chief Justice of the Mississippi Territory— William Henry Harrison Esqr: of Virginia to be Secretary of the Territory, north west of the River Ohio— Josiah Blakely of New York to be Consul of the United States in St. Jago in the Island of Cuba— DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
I have rec d the Letter you Yesterday did me the Honour to write me, and will lay before you, all the Accounts I have, which are little more than Sums of Money rec d. for my Salary as Soon as I can get at my Books and Papers, which are at the Hague. M r Grand will be able to furnish you with the Account of the Monies paid by him or by the House of Horneca Fizeaux & Grand at Amsterdam for the...
40061772. Decr. 23. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Major Martin at the Office. He is very gracious with the first Man in the Province. The Governor spoke very handsomely, of all my Council.—“He did you Justice,” &c. &c. The Major is to dine with me tomorrow. He wishes for Warr, wants to be a Colonell—to get 1000 st. a Year for 8 or 10 Years that he may leave Something to his Children, &c. &c.—“An Ensign in the Army is Company for any Nobleman...
Upon my Return to Town, to day I found your Favour of the 5th. instant: that of 31. Ult I had recd before. Am curious to know what Use will be made in the States of overyssell of the Memorial of the Russian Ministers. Will it be used as a Pretext for delay? It is really a Serious Thing, that great affairs should be thus obstructed by little ones. This Memorial promises more than Mr Fox’s...
4008[Fryday Feb. 23. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday Feb. 23. 1776. Resolved that Congress will on Monday next resolve itself into a Committee of the whole, to take into Consideration the Letters from General Washington.
Your address has been forwarded by Colonel Spencer as you requested, and demands a respectfull return. The approbation of any of the Inhabitants beyond the Mountains, is very acceptable to me for reasons which cannot be mistaken. You must share the Fortunes of your Bretheren in the Atlantic States, whether prosperous or adverse. Seperated from them you would soon be the Prey of one or another...
M r Adams presents his Compliments to M r Hazard, and returns, with Pleasure, the Proposal for printing his valuable Collection of State Papers, with a Subscription. RC ( NHi :Gilder Lehrman Coll., on deposit); endorsed: “Vice Presid t. Adams.” New York City bookseller Ebenezer Hazard (1744–1817) widely advertised his plans to compile and print his Historical Collections; Consisting of State...
M r Barretts Arrival at Paris, is a lucky Event, and his appointment by the Merchants in Boston a judicious Step; but I am not So clear in the Choice he makes of L’Orient to reside in.— Paris, or even Havre, Seems to me a better Situation. Paris in preference to all others.— If Boylstone would Act in concert with him, his Capital, would be equal to every Thing which relates to the Business:...
Your kind Favours of 14 and 18 Novr. I received together, this Evening. I thank you, for your obliging Remembrance of me, and for your entertaining Anecdotes. Is there not Ground of Suspicion, that the Standards, Trophys, and other things, are concealed among, the Officers Baggage? But by the Convention Burgoignes Honour is to be relyed on, that nothing improper Shall be So concealed. A broken...
4013Monday. 27. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Boulainvilliers, at his House in Passi, with Generals and Bishops and Ladies &c—In the Evening went to the French Comedy, and happened to be placed in the first Box, very near to the celebrated Voltaire who attended the Performance of his own Alzire. Between the Acts the Audience called out Voltaire and clapped and applauded him, the whole Time. The old Poet arose and bowed...
40141771. Sunday, June 9th. (Adams Papers)
Feel a little discomposed this Morning. Rested but poorly last night. Anxious about my Return—fearfull of very hot or rainy weather. I have before me an uncomfortable Journey to Casco Bay—little short of 300 miles. Looking into a little bedroom, in this House Shaylers, I found a few Books, the musical Miscellany, Johnsons Dictionary, the farmers Letters, and the Ninth Volume of Dr. Clarks...
Permettez moi de vous presenter Mon Ami monsieur John Trumbull Fils du Governeur Trumbull et cidevant Colonel au service des Etats Unis— Il a l’Ambition noble de consigner a l’immortality les Evenemens de notre Histoire par son Pinceau— vous verrez son Warren et son Montgomery— M r. Trumbull est un Citizen tres estimable, et Je vous prie de l’assister avec vos Bontés Allow me to present to you...
The inclosed recommendation of Capt. Samuel Robinson to be keeper of the lighthouse on Wigwam point are from such authority & so decisive that I presume it will be unnecessary to look any further. With great esteem &c. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I received last night, your favor of the 23d. I am very glad to be informed, that the instructions for the envoys will be prepared in a few days, & that you have written to Mr Davie What think you of our envoys landing at Lisbon, & the frigate that carries them, takeing Mr. Smith to Constantinople, or cruising on the Spanish coast or in the Mediteranean? I am not for delaying the negotiation...
I wish it was in my Power, to write you any Thing for the Relief of your Anxiety, under the Pressure of those Calamities which now distress our beloved Town of Boston and Province of Massachusetts. The Sentiments expressed in your last to me, are Such as would do Honour to the best of Citizens, in the Minds of the Virtuous and worthy of any Age or Country in the worst of Times. You can have no...
Esteeming very highly the opinion & character of your friend General Marshall, I thank you for inclosing his letter of the 3d of March in yours of the 14th which I have received. The nomination of Murray has had one good effect at least It has shown to every observing & thinking man, the real strength or weakness of the constitution, & where one part of that weakness resides It has also...
Whether you are Citizens or strangers I Thank you for this civil Address which is at least civil and polite presented to me by Mr North a Senator in Congress from New York. The strong sense you express of the Duties of Obedience and support to that Government which benignly protects you, is in conformable to the general Character of Nations the English and Irish Nations. In return for your...
I nominate the following persons for promotions and appointments in the Army of the United States. Dragoons. Stephen G. Simmons Lieutenant vice Slough resigned Charles Warfield Cornet vice Ball promoted William Tharp ditto vice McDermot promoted. First Regiment of Infantry. William H. Harrison Captain vice Kingsbury promoted 15. May 1797 Nicholas Rosencrantz Lieutenant vice Harrison ditto
For the sake of harmony and ananimity Mr. Jay and Mr. Adams very readily agreed with Dr. Franklin to strike out the commencement of the letter to Mr. Livingston as first drawn up by Mr. Jay, and concluded to leave it out. The part left out is as follows: Sir—We have had the honor of receiving by captain Barney your two letters of the 25th and 21st of April last, with the papers referred to in...
As there are certain particulars, in which it has appeared to me that the friendship of a French Minister has been problematical at least, or rather not to exist at all, I have freely mentioned them to Congress; because I hold it to be the first duty of a public Minister in my Situation, to conceal no important Truth of this kind from his Masters. But Ingratitude is an odious Vice, & ought to...
I take an opportunity by part of my family bound to London, to remind you of a person who is taken once had an opportunity of knowing you personally, and to express my sympathy with you under your sufferings in the cause of Liberty. Inquisitions and Despotisms are not alone in persecuting Philosophers. The people themselves we see, are capable of persecuting a Priestly, as an other people...
4025May 18 Monday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. La Frété’s Country Seat, at the Foot of Mount Calvare. The House, Gardens, and Walks are very spacious. It lies upon the Seine—nearly opposite to that Castle whimsically called Madrid, built by Francis I. —The Company Yesterday, were all single Personnes, except Mr. and Mm. La Frété and myself. Mont Calvaire, also called Mont Valérien, rises above the village of Suresnes, west of...
Inclosed is a letter from Lieut Cordis which I recommend to your consideration MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I have rec d your Favours of the 8. &. 10, and although I am Sorry you did not find every Thing to your Satisfaction in America, I congratulate You on your Safe Arrival in Europe and wish you Success in your Views. If by giving a proper Consistency to our Confederation you mean, the making of Congress Souvereign and Supream in the Negotiation of Treaties of Commerce, and in Regulating the...
From the long Series of arduous services, in which We have acted together, I have had Experience enough of your accurate Judgment, in Cases of Difficulty, to wish very often that I could have the Benefit of it here. To me it appears that there will be no more cordial Friendship, nor for many Years to come any long Peace, between G. B. and America, and therefore the French Alliance is and will...
Your favour of the 11th. has conjured up, in my Imagination so many Ghosts that I am in danger of being frightened as much as the Old Lady of Endor was at the Light of Samuel.— Many are the Years, in which I have Seriously endeavoured to Strip from my Mind every prejudice, and from my heart every Feeling, unfavourable to Mr Hutchinson. The subject is so familiar to my thoughts that I could...
Dr. Church has given me a Lotion, which has helped my Eyes so much that I hope you will hear from me oftener than you have done. Pray write me as often and particularly as possible. Send your Letters to the Care of the Committee of safety who will forward them. I long to know, how you fare, and whether you are often discomposed with Alarms. Guard yourself against them my Dear. I think you are...
I am much obliged to you for your kind Letter of the 2 d. of November, and hope that a Correspondence So agreably begun may be prosecuted, to the Benefit of the Country We have the Honour to serve. Although I may be not personally known to you, the Character uniformly given of your Talents, Application, and publick Spirit, leave me no room to doubt, that I Shall derive much necessary...
I had the Honour of a Letter from, your Excellency at Nantes, but as I was setting off for this Place could not then acknowledge it. I Staid, no longer at Nantes, than just to look about me, before I determined to see Captain Landais, that I might know, the state and Prospects of his Frigate. As you was so good as to desire Mr. Schweighauser, to consult with me, and Mr. Schweighauser wrote to...
40331779 December [5]. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
We are now supposed to be within 100 Leagues of Ferrol or Corunna, to one of which Places We are bound. The Leak in the Frigate, which keeps two Pomps constantly going, has determined the Captn. to put into Spain. This Resolution is an Embarrassment to me. Whether to travail by Land to Paris, or wait for the Frigate. Whether I can get Carriages, Horses, Mules &c. What Accommodations I can get...
I know not when or where I have ever received a more luminous letter, than yours of the 2nd of this month. It is a Misfortune to an Old Man to receive a good letter: because it Springs a mine in his memory, and disposes him to write a Volume, which his life would not be long enough to finish. Hence the proverbial Garrulity of Age. I find nothing So difficult as to abridge and compress. You...
I have received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me on the 17. of this Month. I wish Sincerely well to your Plans of Connection with America, but as they are of a private Nature I have no more Authority to give you Advice or Assistance, than any private Citizen. I cannot give you any Encouragement, that Congress or the State of Maryland, or any other of the United States, will give...
I recommend the inclosed letter from Mr. David Peter, for Robert Peter, recommending his son George for an appointment in the Artillery to your attention, with all other applications of a like nature, when you form a list of appointments With sincere regard &c. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Some day next Week Mr. John Thaxter, will Sett off, on his Journey for York Town. You may remember, the Want of Secretaries and Clerks, which We suffered before I came away, and that I agreed to send you one or more. Mr. Thaxter is of a good Family, was educated at H. Colledge, and has Spent three Years in the study of the Law in my office, and was last Summer Admitted to the Bar. You may...
40381771. Thurdsday June 13th. (Adams Papers)
Remarkable, the Change of Thoughts, and feelings, and Reasonings which are occasioned by a Change of Objects. A Man is known by his Company, and evil Communications corrupt good Manners. “Man is a Social Creature and his Passions, his feelings, his Imaginations are contagious.” We receive a Tincture of the Characters of those we converse with. Stopped at Mr. Putnams, and at the Court House,...
In your Letter of the 21st. of October you Say that Mrs Knox said to you that “her husband was the parent of the American Navy.” It is interesting to enquire what Idea that Lady could have had in her Mind. Have you Seen Mathew Careys History of the Rise and Progress of the American Navy? If you have read it you have Seen that the American Navy was begotten and born and a System of Naval...
Regretting with you on every account, public & private, the prevalence of the fever, I cannot but approve of the removal of the public offices to Trenton. Inclosed is a letter from Hugh McAlister, complaining of Mr Simmons & incloseing a certificate from Capt Irvine & another from Mr. Simmons himself. You will please to enquire & satisfy yourself, that justice is done. The original certificate...