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Results 3991-4000 of 184,431 sorted by author
The circle in which I move you know is very Contracted—and when I go round regularly like a hores in a mill I do pritty well—but if I indulge in the smallest eccentricity I am sure to suffer for it—I did however venture upon one which proved an exception—I went to Boston and dined with the Venerable Dr Vanderkemp at Mr Benjamin Guilds, in Company with a social Circle of Wise, Pious and...
Sewall, Attorney General. One of the highest Crimes, agravated as it was his Wife. Inquisition. Nancy Patterson. Lives in another Street, not so far as the Markett. Went to Bells House. He was in a great Passion with his Wife. She was bloody. He had a Child in his Arms, bloody. Cant tell the Time— whether it was a fortnight or 3 Weeks before she died. Her Eye was swelled so that she could not...
3993[Saturday Feb. 17. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Saturday Feb. 17. 1776. The Committee to whom the Letters from Generals Arnold, Wooster, Schuyler and Lee were referred brought in their report, which was agreed to in the several Resolutions detailed in page 67. and 68 of this Volume of the Journals. Same day Resolved that Mr. J. Adams, Mr. Wythe and Mr. Sherman be a Committee to prepare Instructions for the Committee appointed to go to...
In answer to your Question of the 11th of this Month which has been so long on its way, that I have received it but this moment, I have no hesitation in saying that at no period of our revolution, could any Man be his popularity what it might, could have persuaded the people of this Country or any considerable number of them to be governed by a King of their own, or even a President for Life,...
What think you of a North American Monarchy? Suppose We should appoint a Continental King, and a Continental House of Lords, and a Continental House of Commons, to be annually, or triennially or Septennially elected? And in this Way make a Supreme American Legislature? This is easily done you know by an omnipotent Continental Congress, and When once effected, His American Majesty may appoint a...
Mr. A. and Coll. Whipple, are at length gone. Coll. Tudor went off with them. They went away, about Three o Clock this afternoon. I wrote by A and Coll. Whipple too. By the latter I sent two large Bundles, which he promised to deliver to you. These middle States begin to taste the Sweets of War. Ten Thousand Difficulties and wants occur, which they had no Conception of before. Their Militia...
I have received your favours of the 8th. and 10th and the volume of Benjamin Edes’s gazettes printed at Watertown between the 5th of June 1775 and the 9th. of December 1776. I am much obliged to you and to Mr Austin, for the Loan of this prescious collection of Memorials I read last Fall and Winter, The Scottish Chiefs, Thadeus of Warsaw and The Exiles of Siberia; and Scotts Lay, Marmion and...
I am delighted with your delicious little Letter of 14 th. —but was puzzled to guess where you got your Description of Lubberland or what do the French call it? Pays de Cocany or some such Word. Does he get this, says I, from Old Chauar, or Spencer, or from shakespear? Young M r Otis, turned me to the Passage in elegant Extracts— It is it seems from the Tempest, which was to me, once very...
Nothing could afford me, more pleasure than to visit my Friends in Plymouth (where I formerly so much delighted to reside) on the 22d instant, according to your polite and obliging Invitation: but various circumstances will oblige me to denay myself that gratification. I feel a well grounded conviction that the best principles of sure great and glorious Ancestors, are inherited by a large...
Col. Forrest, informed me last Night that he delivered you the Letter I wrote by him. in which were orders upon the Bankers of Amsterdam to pay you your Salery, till then I was anxous about it, as you make no mention of it in yours of the 25 th of Sep r I am extreamly Sorry to hear of your unfortunate Situation, at the date of that Letter. but hope before this time there is some change for the...