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Results 3991-4000 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
3991[September 1760] (Adams Papers)
Ephraim Jones, being a Widower and having two Children by a former Wife marries another, and soon after dies, leaving a Widow, and the two Children, mentioned before. The Widow takes one third of the personal Estate, for ever, and is endowed of one third of the real Estate, which she lets out to one Tower, as we say to the Halves. Tower breaks up, and plants 1/2 a dozen Acres of the Land with...
39921760. Septr. 24th. (Adams Papers)
Ephraim Jones, being a Widower and having two Children by a former Wife marries another, and soon after dies, leaving a Widow, and the two Children, mentioned before. The Widow takes one third of the personal Estate, for ever, and is endowed of one third of the real Estate, which she lets out to one Tower, as we say to the Halves. Tower breaks up, and plants 1/2 a dozen Acres of the Land with...
3993Septr. 24th. 1760. (Adams Papers)
If I am the Proprietor of an House, and I lease it to any Man, and bind my self to keep it in Repair, it is reasonable and it is Law, that I should have a Rent. So if I am the owner of a ship, and I let it out on a Voyage to the Wist Indies or to Europe it is reasonable, and the maritime Law has made provision that I should have freight. For the sum of Money, that an House or a Ship would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Since my last of the 24th and PS of the 29th of June last I have received the 27 and P S 29 June and Duplicate with Addition of the 12th of July–with a long Letter from your Son of the 15th and Duplicate from yourself of the 12th and Addition of the 17th of July with the Report of the Board partial and...
ALS : Royal Society of Edinburgh I have too long postpon’d answering your obliging Letter, a Fault I will not attempt to excuse, but rather rely on your Goodness to forgive it if I am more punctual for the future. I am oblig’d to you for the favourable Sentiments you express of the Pieces sent you; tho’ the Volume relating to our Pensilvania Affairs, was not written by me, nor any Part of it,...
ALS : Scottish Record Office We are here upon a Journey which when first proposed was to have extended farther than the Season will now permit; we design’d going over to Ireland, and, having made the Tour of that Country, we were to have cross’d from its Northern Part to Dumfries, or some other Port on your Coast, which would have given us the pleasing Opportunity of seeing once more our...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote Yesterday but Joshua Howell calling to let me know he was just going to N York to take his leave of our Friend Christopher Kilby, I shall enclose this and request my old Friend C. Kilby to take the trouble of delivering it and wish him a good Voyage. I sent by way of Bristol in my above mentiond Letter a Copy of our Bill for...
For two years past Messrs Cary and Company have sent me a suit of Cloaths of your making, that dont fit me so well as I coud wish—this I attribute to some error in the measure that was sent. Having now occasion for 4 pair Breeches as underneath (for which Mr Cary will pay you) I have sent another measure for them, taken according to directions of a Taylor here: please to cut them out exactly...
Your Letter of the 31st May Via Bristol came to hand a few days ago; and I take the oppertunity by Captn Johnston of Inclosing you my Second Bill of Lading, which is all that Captn Talman gave; as my Steward informd me. You will find by that there was only 50 Hhds Tobacco Shipd pr the Cary, four by mistake being left out (as I wrote you in a Letter of the 28th of April last) which went...
Invoice of Sundry Goods to be sent by Robert Cary Esqr. & Company for the use of George Washington—Virginia. 1 pair Crimson Velvet Breeches 1 pair black knit silk Ditto 1 pair Black ditto worsted ditto 1 pair light colo[re]d silk Shag Ditto to be made by the Measure Inclosd to Charles Lawrence  2 pieces Irish Holland @ 6/ 1 piece of Cambrick for Ruffles, or something else proper if Cambrick is...