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Results 3991-4020 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have before me your letter of the 16th instant, concerning certain Brandy, intended to be exported by Messrs Clark and Nightingale. There can be no doubt that the Brandy, being a foreign article, will be liable, as the law stands, to duty on its return. The drawback cannot be allowed, unless the proof required, of its having been actually landed at a foreign port, is produced. I am, Sir,  ...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] March 25, 1779 . Acknowledges meeting Elijah Hunter. Advises using caution in dealing with double spies like Hunter. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
3993General Orders, 12 August 1779 (Washington Papers)
It having been reported to the Commander in Chief that Persons not properly licensed are selling liquors in the Garrison & in boats on the river as well to the injury of the health of the soldiery as to the Subversion of good order and discipline; Major General McDougall will immediately take effectual measures to have all liquors seized which shall be found for sale in the hands of any...
On the 26th Septr last I had a letter from Mr Robt Peter, Mercht in Georgetown, Potomack River Maryland who Acquaints me that a small Plantation that belonged to me on the Eastern Branch said River was confiscated by order of the State of Maryland, it consists of Fifty Acres of Land & upon it, there is a dwelling & some outhouses built[.] by a letter from Mr Peter to me of the 26th Novr 1788...
I enclose the copies of some resumés respecting the population, exports (of articles of domestic growth) and navigation of the United States which I prepared for and sent to Baron Humboldt. I supplied him also with several printed documents on revenue, expences &a. with manuscript notes. The summary of exports is better arranged than the usual reports to Congress— Respectfully Your obedt....
Le Baron Dedem a échoué. Mr. Van Berkel le Bourguemaître de Rotterdam, frere du Pensionaire d’Amst. s’est présente subitement, & l’a emporté venit & vicit. C’est donc lui qui sera Min re de la Rep. en Amérique. Je viens de l’en féliciter cordialement. Vous avez ses respects. Il sera charmé de vous avoir pour compagnon de Voyage. J’ai les respectées votres des 18, 22 & 23. Je fais de mon mieux...
399719th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. D went to take a walk. After dinner he went with Mr. Artaud to the shops. Mr. Hoogwerst came to pay us a visit.
I have received your favors of the 25th and 26th together with the examination of the Deserters. I am now making application to the Count de Grasse for some of the Mariners of the Fleet; should they be landed to assist in our Operations (as I expect they will be) they will then be employed on the Gloster side—in that case an Officer senior to the Duke de Lauzun or yourself will be appointed to...
I received your favor of the 8th last evening by Express—’Tho you have not met with the success you deserved, & probably would have obtained had the Enterprize proceeded, yet I cannot but think your whole conduct in the affair was such as ought to entitle you still more to my confidence & esteem—for however it may be the practice of the world, & those who see objects but partially or thro’ a...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance D r Gunnell, formerly of Virginia, but now a resident of this place—He is respectable alike, for his moral worth and professional acquirements—He visits the University: and feeling for you the same profound regard which is common to the rest of Mankind he is anxious to have the honor of paying you his respects—Hence I have taken the liberty of...
When I last had the pleasure of seeing you, I advised you to Collect all the shoes stockings shirts Breechers &Ca which could be spared by the Country, in order to supply such of the soldiery as might stand most in need of them, & gave you every authority in my power for this purpose Now, as the Detachment which first March’d down to Fort Mifflin under command of Lieut. Colo. Smith must be...
I recieved your letter only yesterday My Dear Papa nor did I know ‘till a few days before that you were at Monticello, as we have been here for some time past which has prevented our hearing from you, the prospect of seeing you so much sooner than I expected has in some degree consoled me for not being able to join you at this time, tho’ I am afraid I shall lament more than ever the distance...
I have recd. yours of the 25th. and return the letter from Mr. Kerr, who I presume is the former Senator from the State of Ohio. Not being acquainted with all the circumstances, which would throw light on the subject, among which is “the unfortunate circumstance mentioned in the Envelope,” not accompanying your letter, I cannot appreciate properly, the representation made to you. It is due to...
Some time since Andrew Foster, a relation of Mrs. Otis, applied to Mr. Otis for admission as student of law in his office— Mr. O. told him, that he then had his full number, the bar having limited themselves to three students at one time—that he could not then admit him, but that probably on Mr Adams return, I should prefer studying in his office, and if so, Foster then might fill my vacancy....
4005[Diary entry: 12 October 1789] (Washington Papers)
Monday 12th. Received the Compliments of the Count de Pentheve, commanding his most Christian Majestys Squadron in the harbour of Boston—these were sent by the Marquis de Traversy in the Active Frigate; who with all his Officers, were presented by the French Minister about One clock. A squadron of the French navy consisting of two ships of 74 guns and four frigates, under the command of Henri...
No. Mens Names when Inlisted County Age Size Trade Country Description Jno. Sallard } Serjeants Sepr 1755 Richmond 25. 5′ 10″ Joiner Virginia Fair Complextion, Freckled, Hair inclining to red, genteelly made
4007General Orders, 28 September 1775 (Washington Papers)
The enquiry into the Conduct of Dr Church, Director General of the hospital, and the respective Regimental surgeons, being finished in the four Brigades in and near Cambridge, conformable to the General Orders of the 7th Instant—The same is to take place to morrow in Brigdr Genl Thomas’s brigade, and in Brigadier Genl Spencers brigade on saturday. The General Court Martial whereof Col. Nixon...
Our last Respects were under date of 30 December since when We are honored with Your esteemed favor of 23 January, shortly after the date whereof You will doubtless have received our Letter of 24 October handing You the Account Current of the Department of State up to 30 June last; And You may rely Sir, that by the British Packet and very first Conveyance after the 1 July next, We will...
20 May 1802, Algiers. Notes the arrival on 15 May of an Algerine frigate with a Portuguese frigate captured on 8 May near Gibraltar. The Algerine frigate, flying American colors, had “ranged right along Side and Covered the Portugees’s decks with about 250 turks and moors and in the run of ½ an hour became masters of The Portugee whom had made no preparation.” The victory will “increase The...
You will observe by the enclosed letter, that Mr. Dallas wishes to know, what he is to do with the indictment against Bartholemew White, one of Burr’s men. The fact is, that Genl. Wilkinson had left Washington for New-Orleans sometime before I recd. the letter enclosing a commission to take his deposition. I agree pretty much with Mr. Dallas in opinion that White is too small game for us to...
I read in a great Writer, Montesquieu that “l’honneur, en imposant la loi de servir, veut en être l’arbitre; et, s’il se trouve choqué, il exige ou permet qu’on se retire chez Soi.” C’est une des Règles suprêmes de l’honneur, Que lorsque nous avons été une fois placés dans un rang, nous ne devons rien faire ni souffrir qui fasse voir que nous nous tenons inferieurs à ce rang même.” These being...
Last week I Sent Letters to Newyork for you Mrs Adams, and the children. I write now to Say that we are all well, and because I would not let a vessel go without a Letter for you I inclose one for George. we have not any Letters of a later date from you than july— Harper is displaying his Anti American Principles, if Principles he has. in Maryland a Part of that State are as turbulent as our...
4013[Diary entry: 2 February 1767] (Washington Papers)
2. Frozen Morning, clear still & pleast. afterwards.
I have recieved the treatise describing the very ingenious Bathometer for sounding the depths of the sea, which you were so kind as to send me, and with it a model of the instrument itself. I pray you, Sir, to accept my thanks for this mark of your attention. our Nation, as a publick body, being at present engaged in no pursuit where the use of this ingenious machine could be employed, I have...
I have now the Honor to enclose the Commission I hold, as his Majesty’s Commissary for all commercial affairs, within the Dominions of the United States, which I am commanded by his Majesty to present for the Approbation, & Recognition of the United States.— The Conversation you were pleased to indulge me with, in Regard to this Commission, leads me to offer some few Observations which I...
ALS : Public Record Office We have just receiv’d some important News from Presqu’isle on Lake Erie, which it is my Duty to take this first Opportunity of communicating thro’ you to his Majesty’s Postmaster General. The Public Papers, before this can come to hand, will have inform’d you, that Sir William Johnson had held a Treaty at Niagara, and concluded a Peace with all the Indian Nations or...
Rue des ⟨J⟩euners no. 26. My General, Paris June 1. 1790. The letter with which your Excellency has honored me of the 29. of august last, and which accompanied a copy of that excellent work, the history of the insurrection in Massachusetts, is a new favor, which I appreciate in all its extent. Happy, if with the aid of your indulgence, I may be able to justify the good opinion which you have...
MS not found; reprinted from Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Abstract of the Proceedings … 1885 , pp. 37–9. The Committee you have been pleased to appoint to consider of the present State of the Lodge, and of the properest Methods to improve it, in obedience to your commands have met, and, after much and mature Deliberation, have come to the following Resolutions: 1. That since the excellent...
§ From Joseph Warner Rose. 15 November 1805, Worcester. “I have taken the earliest opportunity on my arrival in this place from the Island of Antigua of acknowledging the receipt of your Letter dated in April last Original and Duplicate of which has never been received. “I quitted the above Island on the 15th of last Month and on the 17th a Vessel was dispatched after me to Montserrat where I...
I am doom’d my dear Sister to be the messenger of death to you. I believe for five weeks past my Letters have convey’d you an account of the death of Some Freind or acquaintence & almost all of them Suddenly taken away the death of Sucky warner whos remains I yesterday Saw depositted by the Side of our dear Parents & much belov’d aunt. there to remain till the last trumpet Shall bid them...