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Results 39901-39950 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your favor of the 20 th is recieved, and I now inclose three notes for renewal in the banks. not knowing exactly the amount of each after the curtailments which have taken place, I send them blank, but will thank you for information of the present amount of each. to the 1244.25 in your hands will be speedily added the amount of 17. barrels of flour the last remaining on hand here and going to...
I have been here a fortnight, and am likely to continue a fortnight longer, and therefore not in a situation to hear any thing about the price or prospect for flour. but I see nothing which promises such a change for the better as makes it advisable to keep what we have on th h and, on the contrary a competition with the new crop will soon lessen our chance of selling the old. I would...
I wrote you on the 10 th from Poplar Forest , and on my arrival here my first attentions are to the state of my notes in bank. I find that on the 28 th of July I forwarded the last to you, and now therefore inclose one for 1700.D. for the bank of Virginia and of 2250.D. for that of the US. if I mistake the sums there is still time to correct them. I inclose also the one for 3000.D. in the bank...
Anxious to be on a sure footing as to provision for my additional note at the bank of Virginia , in the event of it’s not being within th e rule to renew it, I wrote to mr Nicholas President of the National branch bank of Richmond to know if I could be accomodated there with 2000.D. to be renewed for some months. his answer recieved yesterday is in thes e words. ‘we are restrained by the...
on my return to this place I found here your letter of May 4. but on my enquiry from my grandson , to whom I had written from Bedford to request his immediate transmission of an order in your favor on the bank of the US. he told me he had forwarded one on the 4 th inst. the day of the date of your letter. presuming therefore that it has been recieved, I must now pray you to make the remittance...
Being uneasy at the delay of my tob o in Bedford , I lately sent an express there to be ascertained as to it’s departure. mr Yancey informs me by that, that it is all at Lynchburg , that he has contracted with D r Cabell to send the whole on the return of his boats which were then down, and makes himself responsible it shall leave Lynchburg by the 10 th this being the season for the to which...
I shall set out tomorrow for the meeting of the Commissioners on the subject of our University , at the Rockfish gap , and when our business there is finished I shall proceed to the Warm springs and probably not return hither till the last week in August. altho’ I have already overdrawn my funds in your hands, yet, as mentioned in mine of the 20 th some neighborhood transactions oblige me to...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 17 th and the account stating a balance in my favor of 39.67 and am glad to learn the rise in the price of flour. this is the more important as the quantity will be less & the quality worse. there will not be half a crop made in this part of the country. I mentioned to you in a former letter that I had committed all my plantations to the management of my...
I recieved yesterday the inclosed letter from the President removing further suspense as to the application for your son, and inclose it to you with sincere pleasure and the assurance of my great esteem and respect. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
a view of the quarterly balances   in favor of mr Gibson     in favor of Th:J. D   c 1814. July  1.    752. 29 1814. Jan. 1.
I am this day setting out on my return to Monticello and have drawn on you in favor of mr Robertson for 230.96 D in my last letter from that place I mentioned that there were about 80. barrels of flour still to go from Albemarle . it turned out to be 96. of which 45. were sent off before I came away, and mr Tho s Eston Randolph (tenant of my mill) promised to send off the remaining 51. without...
I shall leave this place tomorrow on my return to Monticello from which I have been absent ever since the date of mine of Oct. 28. so that if you have favored me with any line since that time it will be unrecieved until I get back. some necessary plantation demands have oblige me to draw on you this day in fav r of A. Robertson for 112.65 which I do with reluctance but of necessity .
Johnson ’s boat, and one of mr Eston Randolph ’s went off yesterday afternoon with between 90 & 100 barrels of flour for me & would haul their boats round Magruder ’s locks, which by unloading & reloading, they say, is practicable. Johnson on his return will take off another load for me. in Bedford as we are 11. miles from the Lynchburg mills, and our horses all engage g
I wrote you from Poplar Forest on the 29 th Ult. covering a blank note for the renewal of my former note in bank with an addition: the messenger which carried that letter to Lynchburg brought me your two favors of Aug. 28. & Sep. 21. I am persuaded the former had laid long in the post office, altho I had never failed once or twice a week to have enquiry made there for letters. I very much...
In my letter of Aug. 10. I informed you I should draw on you from Bedford for 600.D. in favor of Brown & Robertson . this I accordingly did; and from the same place made three other draughts in favor of the sheriff of Bedford for 111.D. Nimrod Darnell 50.D. & Jeremiah A. Goodman 37.50 D it is questionable however whether this last will be called for. in the same letter I mentioned that I...
I shall set out tomorrow on my return to Monticello , and this day draw on you in favor of the sheriff of Bedford for 133. D 80 C for the taxes of this place for the year, which I suppose will be presented about the usual time of the sheriffs going down. Doct r George Cabell carried down all or nearly all our flour & tobacco from this place and will of course call on you for the carriage, the...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 19 th with the 300.D. inclosed. I was sorry to learn that my letter had not got to you in time to avail me of the momentary demand for flour. I wrote by the first mail after hearing there was such a demand. but these advices reach us too slowly, and therefore I had entertained a hope of your selling without waiting to consult me. I think it impossible but...
Your favor of the 13 th came to hand last night, and confirms what I had not doubted that the error stated by mr Dufief had happened at Philadelphia . if the same has taken place with mr Steele the collector I shall be happy that it be corrected; because I feel much obligation to the Collectors for their kindness respecting these parcels. I should not have troubled you with this but that I...
I set out for Poplar forest tomorrow to be back on the 24 th and think it safe to send you my note for the Virginia bank lest it should be wanting. the others endorsed by my grandson go to Cap t Peyton his agent. I shall recieve a sum of money, in Bedford
Our late cold and snowy weather has prevented me for some days from riding as far as my mills, but I take for granted Johnson has now on board his boats, which are on their way down, about 100 Bar. of flour, which with a remnant of 20. or 30. Barrels still to go makes up the last years crop of this place of about 320. Barrels. from Bedford there will not be more than 30. Barrels, the fly...
In my answer of the 7 th to yours of the 3 d of Mar. I omitted to note what you had stated as to the bargain for Mazzei’s lot, to wit that the paiments were to be made within so many days after a sufficient title shall be made. I now expect daily an answer from mr Randolph after which there will be no delay in making what I deem a good title. but if mr Taylor should deem it otherwise, I take...
A great rain having given us a full tide in our river William Johnson takes on board of two boats for me this mor n ing 120. barrels of flour, which will probably be with you near ly as early as you will recieve this by mail. I shall not therefor e borrow flour from mr Colclaser as I had proposed. I shall draw on you from our court to-day in favor of Samu el Carr for 199. D 68 C and for about...
Your favor of Dec. 22. is recieved, and I now return the note with my signature. what you mention of the boat load of 35. barrels of flour mentioned in mine of Oct. 28. not having been delivered; is the first notice I have of that failure, and the 2 d time I have been misinformed in the same manner. the tenants of my mill are bound to de liver their rent of fifty odd barrels a quarter at...
The navigation of our river above M c Gruder ’s locking locks having been suspended by their being out of order for 2. or 3. weeks past, and likely to continue so some days longer, I am obliged to send a small cart for a part of the wines which I expect have been lodged with you for me from Alexandria , New york & Norfolk . I give to the bearer a paper of directions
The ice of our river has at length broke up, which enables us to get off this day 3. or 4. loads of flour, which, the tide being good, will be with you nearly as soon as this letter. the boatmen will call on you for their pay @ 3/6 per barrel. mr Yancey some weeks ago informed me that such was the press of tob o going from Lynchburg , that flour could not then be got down under 15/ a barrel, &...
Your favor of the 5 th is recieved and enabled me to send off my letters for Paris through mr Vaughan . I had been assured by the miller at the Shadwell mills that 213. Barrels of flour had been sent off on my account addressed to you. it was in payment of a year’s rent of the mills. your letter was the first notice that the whole had not gone to you, and setting me on further enquiry I found...
Your favor of the 1 st is recieved the last night & I no w return you the note corrected to 1530.D. as you advised. the balance of my account is greater than I was aware, at which I am the more concerned as our river is so extremely low as not to float an empty boat in any part in many parts . it will require one or two plentiful rains to enable us to send flour down of which there is much...
Your’s of Sep. 30. has been recieved, informing me of the enlargement of my note in the bank. three days before that date I had drawn on you in favor of Clifton Harris sheriff of Albemarle for 230.32 D the amount of my taxes E t c in this county, and on the 11 th inst. I drew in favor of the same person for 150.D. for so much cash recieved here in exchange. Gen l Cocke will also present you a...
On my return here from Bedford I find your favor of July 11. covering my account to that date, balance in your favor 375.25 and I observe that a draught of mine of June 24. in favor of James Leitch for 120.D. is not entered which would add so much to the balance. to meet this I have 21. Bar. flour now in the mill to be forwarded by mr T. E. Randolph as soon as the state of the river will...
Your favor of May 30. came to hand yesterday and I now return the two notes signed, & with them a 3 d of which my grandson is endorser, which I will pray you to date & put in at it’s proper time. In my letter of Apr. 21. I mentioned the sale of tob o to mr Robertson amounting to 887.34 out of which I should have to pay him about 500.D. and that the balance should be remitted you. when I came...
On my return from Bedford on the 3 d inst. I found here your favor of Apr. 27. and that of the 10 th int inst . is now recieved, inclosing an accout account of sales of my flour. I am glad it is so well sold, as I had begun to apprehend worse. while in Bedford
M r Colclaser one of my mill tenants informs me he has sent forty odd barrels of flour, to be delivered to your order, and that he shall make it up 50. (a quarter’s rent) and if the river does not admit my sending 50. barrels more from the mill within a few days, I must get an order for that quantity on his stock in Richmond in exchange for so much of mine now in the mill. these supplies are...
A letter of the 5 th inst. from Col o W. C. Nicho las falls on me like a clap of thunder. in April was twelvemonth he requested me to endorse 2. notes for him of 10,000 D each, with an assurance that he would ask a continuance but for a year. I yeilded with much reluctance strongly manifested in my answer , and a reliance that it’s temporary limit would secure me. that limit being past, I was...
Your favor of June 28. is recieved. I had hoped that I had secured in your hands a sum of about 850.D. towards taking up my note of 1000.D. and that the flour to be sent down would secure the deficiency. but I see that the non-arrival of the tob o expected from Bedford , and short sale of the 16.B. flour (netting only 3.94) reduces that sum to 650.D. and the state of our river renders it but...
I am entirely in despair, dear Sir, on account of the obstinate state of our river . such a thing has never been known before since the opening it’s navigation 50. years ago, that the drought of the summer which commence d in June shoul d meet the ice of the winter, without a single interval for a boat to make a trip. for of the 100. Bar. of flour I sent from her e Oct. 10. I learn that 60....
In my letter of the 15 th by Johnson I mentioned that excepting for some small matters of current expence here I should not avail myself of your permission to draw, but for my remittances to Philadelphia and to mr Barnes , until the proceeds of the note for my flour, or that for the bank were in hand. and I had hoped that the remittance for mr Barnes might have lain over a month or two. but a...
Your favor of the 7 th is recieved just as I am setting out for Poplar forest to be absent 3 weeks. I inclose you a blank for the bank of Virginia , and another for the US. bank : the other for this last bank I have prepared, but my grandson not being here to indorse it, I shall, unless he comes before I depart, inclose it to him to indorse and forward. at Poplar forest I shall be able to...
I am just returned from a visit to Bedford , whither I had gone to ascertain & settle my crop of tobacco. I found that my former manager, Griffin , had very greatly mistaken the quantity of tob o he expected to make. he had been very confident of making as much as in the preceding year. as he had never before disappointed me by a mistaken calculation, I had fondly hoped to have cleared myself...
Your favors of July 5. and 21. came to me yesterday at this place. I am extremely chagrined at the omission of my note to Col o Nicholas , and indebted to you for saving the failure. I cannot account for this slip of attention but by the pressure & hurry for several days of winding up business at Monticello , and the journey & reopeni ng business again at this place. I now inclose you a...
I must ask the favor of you to send me by return of post an hundred dollars in bills of from 5. to 20.D. on reciept of this I shall immediately set out for Bedford to hasten down my flour from thence. our river here will not yet float an empty boat, nor I expect permit a loaded boat till the middle of December. by soon after that period I am in hopes the winter gales will force the enemy from...
The term now approaching for the payment of my note to Th: J. Randolph for 1000.D. in the bank US. and other calls having obliged me to draw a part of the money left in your hands for that object I have taken a review of our transactions, as far as known to me, since the date of May 11. when the balance was 493.08 D in your favor, in order to see what sum is wanting to accomplish that note. it...
Your favor of the 13 th with 300.D. inclosed is duly recieved, and I now return you the note for the bank filled up with 2000.D. the additional 500 D. being intended to cover my draughts until I shall get some flour down. I am concerned to learn that flour is but at 5.D. in Richmond . I see by the prices current of Philada it is there at 10.D. and some gentlemen now with me & recently from...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Gibson to have twenty Dollars remitted to the bank of Fredericksburg subject to the order of mrs Mary Dangerfield of Coventry near that place. he is sorry that a circumstance which forbids his writing even the letter of notification obliges him to request mr Gibson to have such an one addressed to mrs Dangerfield of Coventry near Fredericksburg . PoC
I recieved in December from M r Dufief of Philadelphia a letter of the 16 th of that month informing me he had not recieved a sum of 31.D. which I had notified to him that you would be so kind as to remit him. I immediately inclosed him the sum in bank notes. a few days short time after this, say Jan. 19. your favor of the 16 th came to hand inclosing my account, in which I found the...
Nobody rejoices more sincerely than myself at the return of peace, nor could the season for it’s being made known be better timed. I shall get down the rest of my flour as fast as possible. my crop was a poor one here, and still worse from in Bedford . it will be under 100. Barrels of flour there. here the crop will furnish about 300. Barrels and 150. Bar. rent from my mill, in all something...
I am really afflicted at having suffered the renewal of my note to have escaped attention; and the more so as yours of Mar. 28 did not reach me till after the departure of our post yesterday, Monday and our next Richmond mail is not till Friday, 4 th the very day on which my note becomes due; and it will not reach you till the morning of the 6 th . but regret is useless, however sincerely...
Your favor of the 13 th has by some accident lost a post, so that I am on this day only enabled to return you a blank note for renewal at the bank of Virginia , which I now do, with the assurance of my friendship and respect. PoC ( DLC ); on verso of a reused address cover from John Gorman to TJ; at foot of text: “ M r Gibson ”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure not found.
I now inclose you 150. D. in Richmond bank bills to cover a draught I have this day made on you at sight in favor of Nathaniel Gordon of Orange or order for 133D. 25 I send from hence by a vessel bound for Richmond which sails tomorrow 10. casks, & 17. boxes, besides 3 or 4 boxes of which I do not know the marks & numbers. the captain’s reciept will be inclosed. I have written to mr...
After the departure of our mail of yesterday, I recieved a letter from mr Yancey at the Poplar Forest dated on the 12 th saying that on that day or the morrow a boat would leave Lynchburg with 7. hhds of my tob o weighing about 10,000 ℔. he speaks of 6. of them of excellent quality for which he could that day have 8 ½ .D. in Lynchburg . perhaps it would have been better he should have taken...
Your favor of the 24 th was recieved yesterday. I did not know that the bank had determined to curtail their discounts, which lays me under the greater obligations to you, for indeed I should have been much distressed without the accomodation. my taxes here and some demands not regularly payable till the spring were so urged as to embarras me. being to set out for Bedford tomorrow; I have...