Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody, 5 October 1799
Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody
Quincy october 5 1799
My dear sister
I sent by the stage to Haverhill some cloaths for the Children, a suit of their Grandfathers which may serve to cut up for them. I also sent a spotted cloth for to make them overalls for daily wear, and some spotted thickset for Sundays. these I hope will last them. I must depend upon you to get them made. I also Sent what shirts were done at that time. I now send by mr smith the remainder, which will make four a peice for them. as to Stockings, I must get You to see them supplied, and with fine yarn I think. I really do not know what they have— I inclose Ten dollors to you, and I shall write to mr Peabody and send 50 dollors in advance for their Board. I should be glad to hear more frequently from you, and from them. the greater the distance, the more anxious we are to hear from our Friends—
I received a Letter from my Son at Berlin of July 3d when they were all well, and mr Adams was going to pass a few Months in travelling. From Thomas I heard as late as the 29th of sep’br he was at German-town, from mrs smith last week.1 the col was then gone to bring mrs Adams & children to east Chester, a person having taken the fever and dyed in the House where she Boarded2
I received a Letter from your son dated Worster where he arrived with the President on twesday last.3 on Wednesday I sit of with my domesticks, and expect to meet mr & mrs otis at West Town, and go in company with them from thence—
Mr smith removes with his family into Boston this week, so that Quincy will be solitary.4 I think if you could make a visit here after the Vacancy it would benefit Your Health. I shall regreet that it could not be before your son left us—5 I hope Abbe will have her health better this winter than the last my Love to her and compliments to miss Palmer
I hope you will not fail to write to your truly affectionate Sister
Abigail Adams
RC (DLC:Shaw Family Papers); addressed by Louisa Catharine Smith: “Mrs: Elizabeth Peabody / Atkinson”; endorsed: “October 5th 1799.”
1. For JQA’s letter of 3 July, see vol. 13:501–505. The letters from TBA and AA2 have not been found.
2. SSA and her daughters, Susanna Boylston Adams and Abigail Louisa Smith Adams, arrived in Eastchester, N.Y., by 7 Oct. and on 4 Nov. returned home to 27 Beaver Street in New York City (William Smith Shaw to AA, 12 Oct.; AA to Mary Smith Cranch, [4 Nov.], both below; New York Directory, 1799, p. 148, No. 35740).
3. Shaw’s letter of 1 Oct. has not been found; in a letter of 3 Oct. he reported that he and JA had made three stops between Worcester, Mass., and Hartford, Conn. (Adams Papers).
5. AA wrote to Peabody on 1 Oct., conveying Shaw’s regrets for departing without taking leave of his mother. JA and Shaw’s abrupt departure, AA reported, was due to “a Sudden call of the President to Trentown to consult with Ministers” (DLC:Shaw Family Papers). For the Trenton, N.J., meetings on the second mission to France, see TBA to Shaw, 23 Oct., and note 2, below.