To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 27 June 1804
From Albert Gallatin
June 27th 1804
Dear Sir
I enclose the copies of some resumés respecting the population, exports (of articles of domestic growth) and navigation of the United States which I prepared for and sent to Baron Humboldt. I supplied him also with several printed documents on revenue, expences &a. with manuscript notes. The summary of exports is better arranged than the usual reports to Congress—
Respectfully Your obedt. Servt.
Albert Gallatin
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 27 June and “statistical tables” and so recorded in SJL. Enclosures: (1) Statistical tables on the U.S. population divided under two heads, “Territory possessed by whites,” including totals of whites, free blacks, and slaves for the years 1790 and 1800 and measuring population per square mile and square league as well as rates of increase, and “Territory possessed by Indians,” with subdivisions for “Atlantic in Georgia” and “On Western Waters” (MS in same: TJ Papers, 107:18428; in a clerk’s hand, with notations by Gallatin; endorsed by Gallatin: “Population & territory”). (2) Population tables for three territorial subdivisions—the northeast, comprising everything east of the Allegheny Mountains from the district of Maine to Delaware; the southeast, comprising everything east of the Alleghenies from Maryland to Georgia; and the west, comprising the states and territories beyond the Alleghenies—with totals for the white, free black, and enslaved populations in 1790 and 1800 and measurements of the rate of population increase (MS in same, 107:18429; in a clerk’s hand; endorsed by Gallatin: “Population details”). (3) “A summary statement of the value” of all U.S. exports for the year ending 30 Sep. 1803, divided into categories for fisheries totaling $2,635,000; “The Forest,” with calculations for peltries, ginseng, and timber totaling $4,850,000; agriculture, with calculations for animal products, grain, tobacco, cotton, and other items totaling $32,995,000; manufacturing, totaling $1,355,000; and undefined activities totaling $300,000; for an overall total of $42,135,000 (MS in same, 135:23332; in a clerk’s hand, with notations by Gallatin). (4) Comparative statement of the quantity of cotton of foreign and domestic growth exported from the United States during the years 1800, 1802, and 1803, with undifferentiated totals for the years 1791-2, 1797-9, and 1801 (MS in same, 135:23333; in a clerk’s hand). (5) Statement of the tonnage of American-owned vessels engaged in the coasting trade, fisheries, or foreign trade from 1799 to 1802, paired with a comparative statement of tonnage for American-owned and foreign ships engaged in trade between the United States and other countries during the years 1790, 1794, and 1799-1802 (MS in same, 135:23334; in a clerk’s hand; endorsed by Gallatin: “Navigation”; endorsed by TJ: “Statistical tables of the US. June 1804. by mr Gallatin”).