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Results 39871-39900 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Feeling my Self injured in the rank assingned to me as A Captain in the 13th. Regt.—I take the liberty to address you with fredom on the Subject; and to Spread before you my pretensions and Claims. as the rank is now arranged, I am placed as the third Captn. Captn. Meigs is the first Captn. Benjamin—2d. I have heard of no pretensions which Captn. Benjamin can have to take rank of me. It is...
Three bills of 1000 Dollars each, of those sent to Natchez in December last, have been presented for payment to day, by the house of Pratt and Kintzing of this City—Payment is suspended for the same reasons mentioned to you in my letter of the 21st. Instant—A premium of 6 per Cent was given for these bills if my informant is correct. I have the honour to be Sir Your Most Obed: Sert. I ( ALS ,...
General Pinckney, in a letter of the tenth instant, writes to me as follows “I will be obliged to you to enable me to answer without delay the enclosed letter from Col. Parker; the fifer mentioned therein is of very great service in instructing the other”. The following is a case of Enclosed is the letter from Col. Parker mentioned above— It appears to me proper that the fifer spoken of should...
I have received your letter of ye 21st. inst. requesting me to mention to you whether Lieut. Ross is in ye City of New York and not in charge of Captn McClellands company at Ellis’s Island, and if so, what it has proceeded from. Lieut. Hossack left this garrison about ye 13th. inst., previous to that time it was at my particular request Lieut. Ross remained in ye city, visiting ye garrison at...
I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 3d instant to General Wilkinson. enclosed is a Copy of my last letter to that General I have the honor to be Sir with every Sentiment of Respect your Most Obedient and Very humble Servent ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing Hamtramck to James Wilkinson, April 22, 1800 (copy, signed by Hamtramck, Hamilton Papers, Library of...
The Legislature of this State during their last Session has enacted a law ordering the Amount of the debt due to the U.S by the State of New york to be paid, during a certain number of years, on Condition that the whole should be employed on fortifying this harbour, and expended under the direction of the Secretary of War; 20,000 Dollars in the Sum appropriated for the year 1800. Employ’d in...
I have received your letter of the seventh instant, but the seventh section of the act to which you allude expressly provides that “no officer shall be appointed as Inspector of a Brigade who when appointed shall be of a rank higher than that of Captain” It is of course impossible to confer on you the appointment you request ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library...
In consequence of your letter of ye 18th. inst. directing me to enquire into ye truth of a certain statement made to you by a Sergt. Brinson, I called at Fort Jay and mentioning ye matter to Lieutenant Hancock I received from him ye inclosed letter which I imagine may prove satisfactory. I took care to admonish him of ye impropriety of addressing himself to you previous to an application to...
Permit me to request, that Lieutenant James Gordon of the 13th. regiment, may be appointed Brigade Quarter Master. He is highly recommended by Colo. Taylor and Major Ripley—for this station—is willing to accept of it, and appears to me well qualified to discharge its duties. I have the honor to be with the most perfect respect your most obt servant P.S. May I beg you to send the Chapter I left...
Agreeably to your request, before ten OClock this morning, I saw Lieutentant Dwight at his Lodgings No. 28 Front, or Water Street: At the Sign of Ferdinand Reading—The Man is dead, but Mrs Reading, occupies the Home. I called him aside; expressed surprize at his not having yet gone to Camp. He said he should go on Monday next, having received your positive orders; although he had not received...
Since writing to you on the 21. and 22d. instants more bills from Natchez have been presented for payment, the amount of those I am already advised of is 11.960. dollars. It is with reluctance that I trouble you on the occasion, Advice however from some quarter or other is absolutely necessary, and I know not where I can seek it with more propriety than from your self. I am unwilling the bills...
The Enclosed Certificate of Major Adam Hoops stating the number of days I acted as Recorder to the court of inquiry held at this Post in the case of Major Rivardi, has been sent to the Accountant agreeable to the directions of Major Hoops, claiming the usual compensation allowed in such case; but was return’d in a Letter from the Accountant, which I now have the honor of enclosing to you— If...
I have just received your letter of yesterday— Lt. James Gordon is appointed Brigade Quarter Master— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have just received your two letters of the twenty first and twenty second instants. The fact stated in Lieutenant Boote’s letter had been even communicated to me by General Wilkinson himself—But as a Pay Master had been appointed for the third regiment with the sanction of the S of War I do not think the appointment of Lieutenant Boote will be confirmed. However Nevertheless as the credit of...
Lieutenant Laidlie will shortly receive orders to repair to Vermont for the purpose of being employed under Major Bewell in the recruiting service—You will therefore take arrangements for receiving his pay from the Pa Captain Williamson the Deputy Pay Master General— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Lieutenant Bullitt, who will deliver to you this to you, is annexed to your command for the purpose of being employed in the recruiting service— Lieutenant Laidlie will also join you shortly— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I enclose you a letter from Samuel Annin and sundry depositions tending to prove that Joseph Cross a Private in Captain Faulkners Company 11. Regiment was under the age of 18. Years at the time of his enlistment—You will take such order therein as to you may appear proper. I am Sir with great respect Your obed servant— ( LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). There is an "X" mark in the...
I duly received your letter prolonging my furlough to the 31st ultimo, for which I offer my thanks. As soon as my health would permit after this date, I set out for your head quarters, but have been detained here in consequence of a relapse into the Ague & Fever. I shall proceed to New York so soon as my strength will permit—in the mean time I am Sir, very Respectfully, your obedt. hum:...
I have been honoured with your letters of the 10th., 14th. & 16th. instant— The transport requisite for the reinforcement for the western army shall be in readiness in due time— I have with great cheerfullness sactioned the appointment of Lt. Potter as Assistant Quarter Master General— I have the honour, to be, Sir with great respect your obt St ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress),...
I have just received your letter of the twenty fourth instant. The new mode of negotiation in the disbursement of public money is matter of Executive arrangement. It is therefore clearly within the Executive Competency to alter the mode where To alter the mode is therefore clearly within the Competency of the Executive. It might have been a question with the persons who took the Bills whether...
The enclosed copy of a letter to Col. Ha G. Wilkinson contains an answer to the question stated to me in your letter of the 18th. instant— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I take the liberty of recommending, Lieutenant Samuel S. Voorhis, for the appointment of Adjutant, to the 11th. Regiment of Infantry, in the room of Lieutenant William Potter, lately appointed an Assistant to the Deputy Quarter Master General. Mr Voorhis appears well-qualified to fill the station for which he is recommended, and, I have no doubt that, in case, he be appointed, he will...
Feeling myself particularly injured in the establishment of the Relative rank of the officers of the 13th Regiment I do myself the honour of Addressing you on the Subject & of Stating Directly to you my particular Claims & pretentions. This I do with the more freedom Since Col Taylor in his order in which the Rank was anounced directs those Officers who Should be dissatisfied with the present...
The Adjutant Gener of the eleventh Regt. has been attached to Colonel Ogden in his Capacity of Deputy Qur. Master General—It is necessary to select Some Character for the post which is vacant in consequence, and Colo. Ogden recommends Lt. Samuel S. Voorhis as well qualified to fill it. I request your Sanction to the nomination— With & (Copy, in the handwriting of Ethan Brown, Hamilton Papers,...
I have the honor of Reporting myself present. ( ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). A note on the cover reads: "Letter to be written in answer—"
I have had the honor to receive your Letter dated the 11th. Instant, and Should have answered it the moment I Recd. it, if it had been in my power, but Sir, I was then confined to my bed, by a Severe fever of which I have not yet recovered—I am this moment very ill, and hardly able to write a word— On my march from the Natchez to this place Sir, I experienced a great deal of Severe sickness,...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Major Shute relative to the application of David Jones which you sent to me some days since. You will perceive from the statement that given that the application of this Gentleman is a very improper one ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have received your letter of the eleventh instant, and have attended to your suggestion relative to the Clothing ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I have received your letter of the fourteenth instant with it’s enclosure—It appears from the statement given that the application of Mr. Jones is a very improper one—Matters will therefore continue as they are. ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
The friends of Pierson Green a private in Captain Henrys Company in the Second regiment of Artillerists and Engineers having applied to me for his discharge on account of his being disqualified for active service I directed him to be examined by Doctor Gillasspy formerly Surgeon of the 3d Regiment of Infantry who has given the following Certificate: “Philada. April 24. 1800 I certify on...