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Results 39871-39900 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I safely recieved the clover seed by mr Peyton’s boat Johnson again disappointed me in taking down 36. barrels of my flour, instead of the full load of both his boats. I shall no longer trust to him alone therefore, but on the return of the Milton boats (all of which went down at the same time) shall employ others to take down the whole. in truth I begin to be uneasy lest the market should...
since my last I have drawn on you in favor of Dabney Carr for 68. D 10 L. H. Girardin 25.D. Joseph Milligan 92.D. and this day in favor of Th: J. Randolph for 275.D. I set out tomorrow for Bedford , and shall probably be there to the last of the next month. Not knowing the day when my note of 1000.D. in bank will need renewal, I must ask the favor of you to notify me
I have recieved here your favor of the 13 th . I had seen on my way here Col o Nicholas who told me he had advised the suspension of my note until his return which was to be the last of that week, and of course I presume he is now in Richmond . I write by the mail to Charlottesville to desire my grandson to send you a proper order for the reciept of the money, the propriety of it’s going from...
Not knowing the exact date of my note in the bank of Virginia I inclose a blank supposing the time of renewal must be at hand. supposing too the curtail to be of 80.D. the sum must be somewhere between 1000. and 1100.D. I have therefore left the odd numbers blank. on the 4 th of Feb. mr Colclaser informs me he sent you a quarter’s rent of 50. Barrels of flour. another quarter is due within 3....
Understanding that the 4. cases of wine shipped for me from Alexandria are arrived with you, and the state of our river rendering it improbable that it can be brought up than that under a month or six weeks, I send the bearer with a small cart, and pray you to deliver to him two cases. the other two may wait for either Johnson or Gilmore . if you can procure for me & send by him also a cheese...
Your’s of Aug. 11. came to hand yesterday & I now inclose the note of 3000.D. for the bank of the US. signed. I note the observations on the articles of 250.D. which I recollect, that of the 31. D of which I had not before been ascertained, and the 10. respecting which I have not the papers here, but I presume your corrections are right as to that as well as the others. accept the renewal of...
Your letter of June 10. has been duly recieved. the 5. barrels of flour lately delivered by Craddock are a part of 20. barrels which he purloined out of a boatload sent from here in Octob. but which by a fall of the water did not get to Richm d until December. he withheld & sold 20. barrels & forged your reciept for the whole load. this parcel has been missing in our accounts until producing...
I returned a few days ago from the springs , my health entirely prostrated by the use of the waters. they produced an imposthume , whic h with the torment of the journey back reduced me very low, so that I am not yet able to set up to write. but I am sensibly mending. my first attention has been to provide against your suffering as my endorse r by the bank curtailments. my grandson tells me he...
Your favors of Feb. 14. and Mar. 13 . were duly recieved. the last came to hand so as to allow time merely to reinclose my renewed note by return of the mail. The inexactitude of my mill-tenants has sometimes led me into erroneous information to you as to flour sent down on my account. I have lately obtained from mr T. E. Randolph a statement of all sent from Oct. 12 17 . 1814. to Feb. 21....
Your favor of Aug. 11. 27. finds me still here, but on th e eve of my departure for Monticello . I have recieved from mr Nicholas the most solemn assurances that he has taken such measures as to prevent my suffering the least inconvenience from my engagements for him; and my grandson who knows what his estates are, has gone into particular explanation s with him as to the means proposed, and...
Just now returned from Bedford I find here your favor of Dec. 11. and without a moment’s loss of time I return you my renewed notes for the banks, and repeat the assurances of my great esteem & respect PoC ( DLC: TJ Papers , ser. 10); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; at foot of text: “ M r Gibson ”; endorsement by TJ chipped. Enclosures not found. On this date TJ recorded renewing the...
I have been here since the 20 th of the last month, and am now within two or three days of my departure for Monticello . during this time no letters addressed to me have been transmitted on account of the slowness and uncertainty of the cross mail between the two places. I do not exactly know how I stand on your books, but my impression is that when I left Monticello I had nearly or quite...
While in Bedford I sent off two boat loads of flour, and a third was to follow, carrying in all between 140. & 150. barrels. we shall begin to send from hence immediately after the Christmas holidays. but we do not make half a crop here, nor more than half a one in Bedford . we shall soon see now whether the enemy mean to venture on riding in our bay through the winter. on that I suppose will...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 27. and one hundred Dollars inclosed in it. it was only one of the smallest size of Peacock’s ploughs which I wished to recieve: consequently his N o 4. would not answer my purpose. I have usually got my stock of red clover seed from the other side of the Blue ridge , but am quite disappointed there this year; and am therefore obliged to apply for it at...
Your favor of Jan. 26. came to hand by our last mail, and I now inclose you the three blanks for renewal. mr Yancey answered my letters enjoining him to get down his flour immediately by saying that the price of the moment for carriage was so exorbitant that he had venture d to wait awhile in the hope of a fall. he says also that his tobacco is in considerable forwardness for sending down. I...
I this morning recieve your favor of the 6 th inst. informing me of the omission of the curtailment of 80.D. omitted in your account of Mar. 30 . and leaving in your hands a balance of 57.D. only, instead of 137.75 to which I pay due attention. about a week ago Johnson set out with 30. barrels of flour, which you probably recieve ab out this time. when recieved I will ask the favor of you to...
In July last you were so kind as to remit for me to John Vaughan 550.D. this was for wines and books I ordered from Marseilles , Leghorn & Paris . these articles are just now beginning to arrive in different ports of the US. 2. boxes (one containing wine) which had arrived from Marseilles in Philadelphia were shipped by the Collector
Your favor of the 14 th is now recieved. the letter I wrote to the President, altho’ it proposed to get your son entered as a midshipman, was in it’s general terms such as to prepare the mind of the President for that or any equivalent favor, and to assure him of the gratification it would be to me: and I think it would be best for yourself or your son, in a letter to him referring to mine to...
I must ask the favor of you to send my acc t for Jan. Feb. Mar. with as little delay as convenient, this being the season of the year at which most of my engagements fall due. this renders it necessary for me to ask further that if any flour remains on hand, the quantity may be stated, as a full view of my funds is necessary to govern my draughts. my crop of wheat in Bedford , which from 400....
Your favor of July 14. was duly recieved with my acc t annexed, which I believe is all right except that to the balance of 662.19 should be added an error of 10.D. in the account of Dec. 31. 1816. where the proceeds of the sale of 175. Bar. flour for 1581.75 is mis-entered as 1571.75 this error of the copyist is easily rectified. I believe also I have not yet been credited the charge of 31.D....
This moment arrived here, I find your favor of June 26 and lest the notes should be wanting, I sign them without loss of time and inclose them with assurances of my great esteem & respect PoC (Mrs. T. Wilber Chelf, Mrs. Virginius Dabney, and Mrs. Alexander W. Parker, Richmond, 1944; photocopy in ViU: TJP ); on verso of portion of reused address cover; at foot of text: “ M r Gibson ”; endorsed...
I have been here about a month and shall now within a day or two set out on my return to Monticello . on winding up my here I find my debts amount to 222.D. which sum I recieve from mr Robertson , and draw for the same on you in his favor. I found on my arrival here that mr Yancey had preferred employing the teams in getting in the new crop sown, rather than in carrying the old to Lynchburg :...
Your favor by the last post is recieved. I am sorry a load of my flour has turned out so badly. the mill will have to make it up in good flour in addition to 100. barrels I am still to recieve from it and forward. I It is unlucky that the embargo catches me with so much unsold. I expect however that as soon as the merchants have had time to fix on a channel of vent, it will rise again. the...
M r Mazzei’s repeated urgencies to sell his lot in Richmond could not leave a moment’s doubt as to the expediency of accepting a reasonable offer for it. but the research for the powers he gave me has taken considerable time, & ended not satisfactorily. I remember certainly the recieving from him a blank power of Attorney giving express power to sell his real property here. (I had long before,...
An unexpected delay in my return from Bedford lost me a mail in the time of sending the inclosed note proposed in my letter of Apr. 22. I hope it will be recieved, & shall be glad to be notified of it as soon as done. the 50. barrels of flour from the Shadwell mills which I mention d as to be sent immediately, Mess rs Randolph & Colclaser tell me are ready and will be sent off on the return of...
Yours of May 29. with 150.D. inclosed was duly recieved as is that also of June 5. I should not be for recieving the paiment of the monies for mr Mazzei before they are due on any other discount than of legal interest, say ½ per cent per month. I inclose you a letter I have recieved from mr Edmund Randolph , by which you will see that he executed our joint deed to mr Taylor on the 22 d of May...
I return by our first mail the note for renewal inclosed in your’s of the 20 th inst. and I am very thankful for the accomodation obtained, and payment remitted to Leroy and Bayard . if the Virginia bank cannot consistently with their rules renew it, I am in hopes that of the US. may come to my aid, as I understand it begins business this week. I observe a stamp on the paper you inclosed me;...
Your favor of the 2 d inst. came to hand yesterday and I percieve that the sale of the last hhd of tob o 79.05 with the balance of 400.81 D stated in yours of May 16 . enables me to request you to remit to mr Vaughan the sum of 444.D. this sum will answer a particular portion of the objects for which in of my letters of Apr. 23. and May 12. , which I wish to be expedited, and I shall shortly...
you be so good as to inclose 30. Dollars to Goodman , at Poplar Forest near Lynchburg ? mana ger there and has an immediate & pressing sum. Accept assurances of my esteem PoC (Robert Clark, Corporation for Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, 2011); left-hand corner torn away; at foot of text: “M r Patrick Gibson ”; endorsed by TJ. This document, located after the pertinent chronological volume was...
Your favor of the 24 th is recieved and the 700.D. therein inclosed. I have a letter from Derieux of the 8 th a paragraph of which will shew you that he is conscious of having no legal claim on mr Mazzei it is in these words. ‘our destiny, Sir, is in your hands. and if you will, you can yet save us from the deplorable situation which threatens us, by becoming our father & benefactor [advocate]...