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Results 3981-4030 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Herewith you will receive a copy of my medical Inquiries and Observations upon the diseases of...
I had the honor to write to you very hastily by the post following the receipt of your letter. I...
Yours with the Inclosed came safe to hand last week, and have given me great pleasure. I wish I...
J’espere que dans peu vous aurez la satisfaction de voir paraître l’ouvrage de Mr de Mably,...
After having consulted Persons who are well acquainted with the Commerce of both Bourdeaux and...
Being informed that you begin your Journey for Philadelphia this week, I would beg to recommend...
The extreeme distress of mind under which Mr Adams labours in consequence of our dear Mother’s...
The simultaneous movements in our correspondence have been really remarkable on several...
Almost every body here is preparing for the fair which opens next Thursday, and as this is...
Pour que je ne fusse trop preoccupé de mon sisteme, j’ai profitté de votre permission de...
Since I had last the honor to address you, I have received from the Collector of Pennsylvania...
I have taken into my most serious consideration the important subjects contained in your letter...
I am now to acknoledge the receipt of your favor of Jan. 25. Col o. Franks sailed in the packet...
The President of the United States has instructed me to communicate, in confidence , to the...
I had the honour to receive your letter of the 10th of August inst. and shall cause the name of...
I am glad to find you so happy at college and I myself assure you I feel as much so here there is...
Parental solicitude for the welfare of a beloved son, I hope will excuse the liberty I take of...
The enclosed extract of a Letter from Paris, which has been communicated to me, contains certain...
The summer has come upon us very rapidly without giving us any of our usual Spring weather. Some...
Having met with the answer & recantation of Campbell the poet to Mr. Everett and being pleased I...
Hoping that ÿou will Recieve Cuppele Lines in a good health this is to give Notice to your...
I hoped to have had the honor, before this time, of paying my respects to you at your Seat in...
Your favours of May 23. and the two of May 27. came safely to hand, the first being open. that of...
I have now the honour to inclose you a Report on the petition of John Mangnall, and of expressing...
I had the honor of receiving, an hour since, your letter of the 22d instant, with the copy of one...
Yesterday I had the honor to receive your letter of the 15th. Supposing the cold of winter in the...
Your highly esteemed favour of the 24 ult. I had the honor to receive. I am instructed by your...
Certain matters touching the public good, requiring that the Senate shall be convened on Monday...
The Collector of the Port of Philadelphia having declared his intention to Resign that...
Your kind favour, of April 12th. & 13th. as well as the Copy of Mr Hancock’s Sermon, sent by a...
On this day three Weeks ago I did myself the Honor of writing a letter to Your Excellency,...
The House of Representatives agree to the amendment of the Senate to their amendments on the...
presuming no one living to be better acquainted than yourself with that period of our history, to...
The Affectionate Attachment, I ever had for you, has induced me, to take a liberty, which I pray,...
Our correspondence has been long broken off. I had the honor of a line from you by the Count de...
Your Excellency’s good opinion and Satisfaction of my Conduct, and the gracious favour Your...
I am favoured with your Letter of 25th., and agree with you in opinion that there is no necessity...
I am confined to my house with the epidemic cold—& much enfeebled by it. I cannot refrain,...
Nearly One third of a Century has elapsed, Since I first did myself the honor to write you from &...
Our sincere thanks for your kindness in sending us several interesting documents. I have the...
I told you last night that I felt myself unwell with the Commencement of a complaint on my...
M r Francis Baretto has as he informs me applied for the Consulate at Madeira and has requested...
I flatter myself with the hope that the subject of this note, will not be deemed by you as...
With all the respect which is due to your public station, and with the regard I entertain for...
I wrote you very lately, & very largely, without any Interested views but what arise from the...
I received yours of October 23. I want to hear from you every day, and I always feel sorrow when...
After having obtained your approbation of an enterprize to the Court of Spain &c for the two...
I am lately come from divine Service, if I may be allowed the Expression, performd by the Revd....
A desire not only to see, but to possess and preserve relicts of those venerable Heroes and Sages...
This being the first instance of capture and trial in my Court under the late Acts of Congress, I...