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Results 3981-4030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
We have been suffering so much from intense heat this Summer my dear George it has been impossible for me to attend to any thing like a regular correspondence and indeed our lives pass in such ar a routine of invariable sameness there is not wherewithal to furnish an anecdote for a Letter or a line to interest a reader— I yesterday received a melancholy Letter from Mr. Pope announcing the...
I have sent by the Schooner Virginia, Capt. Otis, a Box containing a plaister Bust of Mr. Adams, which I beg you will do me the favour to accept. It is taken from the marble bust of Binon, which was made for the City of Boston, & is placed in Faneuil Hall. The likeness is considered most striking. No one can hesitate an instant in recognizing it, who has seen the original within ten years. The...
I have recd your friendly letter of June 30. and congratulate you on your safe return from so long a journey. The fact you confirm with respect to Genl. Hull furnishes the best apology for the imbecility which occasioned his downfal[l]; and his friends would shew more discretion in availing themselves of it, than in attempts to decorate him with artificial laurels. I am truly sorry for the...
I am requested by the Proctor, to inform you that there is a box here sent from Co l Peyton; it is directed to you, at the University & we suppose it to contain books likely, for this Library; But wait your better directions The enactments respecting the regulation of the library do not, mention by whom the fines, for the detention of books beyond the limited time, are to be collected or when...
This Letter will Be delivered By M. de Syon a Good Young French man who was acquainted with us in France, and Has much travelled with us through the U.S. He is going to See the Natural Bridge and other Curiosities But wish above all to Have the Honor to Be presented to You, as I don’t know when or How we will meet Again I Give Him this line of introduction. Your Amiable grand daughter is now...
My friends Colo Tennant, a distinguished merchant of Baltimore, and his son in law, M r Kennedy, one of my favorite brethren of the bar of that city, being about to pass through your part of the country, are desirous of an opportunity of paying their respects to you; and I give them this introduction with great pleasure, not only on account of their own merits and high standing in society, but...
You will find in the inclos’d letter, my account current for the Capitals & c & c balance due me, Dollars 362.77—which Sum, with the balance due me, on your private account Dollars 178.50. as transmitted to you in my letter of 22 nd of June, forming together, Dollars 541.27—which you will please remit, as hertofore to Samuel Williams of London, or if more convenient to you, to Tho s Perkins...
My last letter of the 22 nd of June, was Sent by the Brig Tamworth, Capt. Hamor, for Boston.—by that vessel, I shipp’d 24 cases: containing ten whole, & ten half capitels, to the care of H. Dearborne, Collector, to be convey’d to you.—By the Ship Caroline, Thomas Farmer master, for, new York, I shipp’d in may, all the bases & the paving Squares, to the care of Jonathan Thompson Collector, to...
Thomas Jefferson esq. of Virg a To Tho s Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 Dollars June To amount of 10 whole & 2 half Capitals } 6270.27 as ⅌ account render’d Credit 1825 Doll s May By balance due you in account of May 2875.50
The portrait I recieved yesterday in your favor of the 7 th is now returned. I do not wonder that Commodore Dale and myself think differently of it’s likeness to the same original. my opinion is that no two persons looking at the same face ever sieze exactly the same features. I am persuaded that two equal painters, pourtraying the same face at the same sitting may draw two different...
As I am afraid you will hardly recieve my Letter in time I hasten to tell you that if you have no part assigned to you you must come on directly so as to be here on Wednesday Week when Genl La Fayette is to pay us a visit and I want you to assist me in doing the honours of the House— Give my love to all and tell George to send the Silk by you to your affectionate Mother MHi : Adams Papers.
I enclosed you on the 5th. inst. a Certificate for $548.11 deposited to your credit. The 2 Hhds. No. 9 & 10 are at SeaBrooks Ware House and will be opened in course of the ensuing week. Having no Receipt for them I was under the impression they had not come in when I sold the others, but on reference to Mr. Eddins Letters I find he mentions them. Could I have anticipated the present state of...
I was glad to recieve your letter of yesterday, altho’ I assure you it was not necessary to counteract any misrepresentations to your prejudice. having always abstained from all intermedling or enquiry into your affairs no one could have a motive for saying any thing about them to me. I thought indeed I sometimes my self observed symptoms of your being under difficulties, which I supposed had...
I find I had been too sanguine in believing that my complaint was wearing off. the symptoms within 2. or 3. days past have returned with force. I must again ask your assistance and in the express hope that it will be kindly yielded on the condn in my last letter that the same remunern will be taken as in other cases. ViU .
I feel a strong conviction that it is necessary I should make this endeavour to counteract the misrepresentations made to you every opportunity of my words and actions, of my feelings towards others and theirs for me; with respect to all of which the truth has but seldom reached you since the begining of the year 1815. From that period the 26 th year of the close alliance between us we have...
I have recd. yours of June 27th with a copy of Proposals, for publishing a Weekly agricultural paper at Richd. The object you have in view is so laudable, that I can not refuse to be a subscriber. It is so much my wish however to reduce rather than multiply engagements of that sort, which require attentions becoming every day more & more inconvenient, that you must excuse me for desiring it to...
Your favor of the 3 d was recieved yesterday. in our University the science of Political economy is ascribed to the school of law and civil polity. the chair of that school is not yet filled; and as the choice of their text books is left to the several professors, it follows that no such choice can have been made, nor the least foundation given for naming any particular book. be pleased to...
Though not Known to you except by a letter from D r Mitchill of N. York which I enclosed to you five or six years since & to which I received a friendly answer, I take the liberty of asking your attention for a few moments to a Subject with which I am at present occupied. In an introductory lecture which I recently delivered at the opening of the Medical School in this city, I attempted to...
I have had the honor duly to receive your much esteemed favor of the 2 d inst. , which has caused me some painful feelings, but I pray you to accept my most grateful acknowledgements for the information which you have been pleased to give me. I will state to you as briefly as possible in what manner I came by the painting herewith enclosed, Commodore Dale of Philadelphia (who was with Com:...
The last of yr. letters dated June 12. came to hand but a few days ago. You are very kind in taking so indulgent a view of my neglect, to answer preceding ones; for which I could offer several excuses which imply no want of due respect for the friendliness of your communications. In truth I have advanced to a period of life which obliges me to practice much economy in the use of the pen, and...
Mr. Morton of my neighbourhood will pass through London on a trip to Scotland with an object which he will explain to you. The esteem in which he is held by those best acquainted with him, induces me to introduce him to an opportunity of paying his respects to you, and of asking whatever friendly suggestions may be useful to him. He is accompanied by Capt: Glassel of the army of the U. States,...
I had the honor duly to receive Your interesting letter, in further illustration of Your views, As expressed in that to Major Cartwright. I should seasonably have acknowledged it, & expressed My entire conviction of the Soundness of y’r exposition of the passage in the Year books (which I own, I did not at first entirely see my Way to adopt) had I not felt some tenderness of pursuing My...
Th: Jefferson with his friendly salutations to mr Hatch incloses him an order on mr Raphael for the tuition fees. of Benjamin & Lewis Randolph for the last half year. NjP : DeCoppet Collection.
The form of the Earth having been ascertained by various experiments in Europe and South America, to be that of an Oblate Spheroid; and it being now admitted, that the ratio of the equatorial diameter to the polar axis is as 320 to 319, the measure of a degree in any latitude, according to that ratio, claims our attention; and the following calculations connected with this subject, are...
I recieved on the 6 th of June a letter from Mess rs Dodge and Oxnard with an invoice of wines amounting to 332. francs, and the wines themselves came to hand on the 22 d presuming you would recieve notice of it, I have deferred making the remittance expecting you would inform me of the sum in Dollars which would repay that including exchange, and also of a small deficit in my remittance of...
Your kind lre of the 2 d seems to forbid all further controversy on the subject of compensation for your late trouble. in asking your attentions so freely I had no doubt of permission to remunerate them, and should have been much happier in that permission. the remembrance of them, however long gratefully, is but a meagre equivalent. against the last sentence of your letter however I must...
I sent you by the last mail an herb, which, as had been represented to me by Mr Buckner, had been useful to M r B. Hooe, in the complaint of the strangary, with Mr Buckners letter on the subject, which I hope you have receivd. Doctor Wallace, happening to be here, when the packet & explanatory letter were despatched, I shewd them to him, & found that he was well acquainted with the herb & its...
Yours of the 2 d has been rec d covering blank notes for the renewal of yours at the Banks which shall be attended to. The dft: you advise of having drawn shall be paid when presented. I was in hopes you had quite recovered your health before this, hearing you had been at the University since your first attack. I hope Judge Dade has accepted the Professorship of Law in the University, if it...
I seize the first leisure time since my return (for I tarried more than a week in New York with my Daughter) to express to you my thanks for your polite attention when on your pleasant mountain. It enlarged my view of things in more senses than one. It has also gratified an old Pilgrim in the fulfilment of his vow. A thousand questions are asked concerning you, and your noble offspring in your...
It was stated in one of our Baltimore Papers a few weeks since, that my work on Political Economy had been adopted in the University of Virginia as the standard work on that subject. In the last Richmond Enquirer that statement is contradicted. I find on enquiry that the statement was made upon the Authority of M r Hillyard of Boston who I am told is the contractor to furnish the University...
In compliance with your letters of 2d and 23d ulto. I have executed a deed of my share of Land in Salem Vermont, which as soon as I can get it acknowledged, I will forward to Mr Baxter at Brownington I am not certain whether you intended to advise that I should buy out the rights of the heirs of Norton Quincy to the Wood Lot which you mention. If you do I shall readily consent to the purchase;...
I herewith hand you enclosed a Certificate for $548.11 being the balance due you on account of Sales 6 Hhds. Tobacco as per statement annexed and which sum is deposited to your credit subject to your order, in the Farmers Bank of Virga. The Sales referred to were transmitted you by mail 20th. inst., the Certificate has been delayed for a Bill from the Mechanic for an Augur (which was not...
The inclosed letter to mr King covers a bill of exche. for 1350. £ sterl. for the purchase of an Apparatus for our University, and the two accompanying letters are from two of our Professors on the same subject, wherefore I have placed them under my cover. the importance of these papers occasion me to take the liberty of assuring their safe passage to N.Y. under your cover and of requesting...
We have occasion for another bill of exchange to the amount of 3000. D to remit to mr King for the Anatomical apparatus. this is to be charged to the library fund and will close our calls on that fund for the present. ViU : Thomas Jefferson Papers (Proctor’s Papers).
I find myself now as well as I have been for several months, or as I probably shall be for months to come. the remains of my complaint will wear off slowly. all this is from your kind attentions, to which you have still to add that of informing me what compensation I shall make you; in this I pray you to do justice to yourself as it will place me at ease with myself and be the greatest favor...
I know not how to express the gratification which I feel, at the subsidence of your troublesome affection; nor the fervor with which I hope the favorable prognostication in which you have indulged may be verified. With respect to the subject of compensation for any trifling attentions which I may have been able to pay you—I beg that I may be allowed to fix my own terms, and to declare most...
Having lately rec d an intimation that an herb which I now send you, would be useful to you. I hasten to do it by the present mail. The parties are highly respectable, I mean Mr Hooe on whom it has operated, & Mr Buckner who writes the letter which I send you. I will write you again by the next mail. I have no doubt of the extr y efficacy of the remedy—in haste yours MHi .
Your favor of June 29. was recieved yesterday. the fac-simile of the hand writing of J. P. Jones is good; but as to the engraving of his figure, I must in truth and candor say, it does not recall one single feature of his face to my perfect recollection of him. Houdon’s bust of him is an excellent likeness. why have they not taken a side-face of him from that? such an one would be perfect. and...
Mr. Fowler of Allen’s Lot. & Exc: office holds a note of mine for $500 payable on the 10th. instant. From his letter to me on the subject I infer that the enclosed Check will be a payment not inconvenient to him; and I prefer it to the risk & trouble of remitting bank notes by the Mail. On substituting the check for the promisory note, be so good as to send me the latter in a cancelled State....
I have recd. my dear Sir, your very friendly letter of the 3d. instant. It has afforded me much pleasure, both as an expression of your continued regard for your old friends in your native State, and as a proof of the blessings you enjoy in your adopted one. You are particularly happy in combining with the ample gifts of fortune, what is but too rare, a grateful acquiescence in their...
Dr Dunglison presents his respectful salutations to Mr. Madison, & would wish the Servant with the swelled neck to take 10 drops of the Tincture in the phial, twice a day, in a little sugared water, until the whole is consumed, when the Doctor would be glad to know whether the tumor is diminished by its use. Should symptoms of cholera morbus arise during the administration of the medicine, it...
Having reached home but a few days since, I seize the first day of leisure to express to you, and your good Lady my grateful acknowledgements for your polite attention, while sojourning in your hospitable mansion, where I experienced what I had often heard from the voice of fame. After passing about a week at Washington, principally with my greatly esteemed, & highly venerated friend, I left...
Not having the honor of being personally known to you, it is incumbent on me to explain the circumstances which have led to the liberty of addressing this letter to you. of the establishment of an University recently in the state of Virginia you are not uninformed as I am authorised to understand by mr Gilmer whom we sent to England to procure for it some Professors. he owed to your agency...
I recieved yesterday from mr Brockenbrough a bill of exchange on London for 1350 £ st. = 6000 D. my letters to mr Barlow and mr King had been before prepared and every thing is now ready to be sent off. but having in both these letters referred to the of your bond, and in that particularly to mr King given some outlines of the case and asked his sollicitns of a remission of it, I would be glad...
I am duly sensible of the honour you have done me, in tendering the chair of the Professor of Law in the University of Virginia; and grateful for the kind and obliging manner in which you have been pleased to communicate it. Without doubt, the inducements to accept that offer are exceedingly strong; nor is it the least of them, that I should be thereby enabled to contribute my feeble aid...
I presume that while with us you must have become informed that we were establishing in Virginia an University on a scale of considerable respectability. we are now provided with funds to procure for the institution a competent library and Apparatus. for the former we have engaged a special agent, now on his departure for Europe, on that business. for the selection and purchase of our...
Know all men by these presents, that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, now abiding at Washington in the District of Columbia, for an in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars paid me by Leonard Bowker of Salem in the County of Orleans and State of Vermont, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, and do...
I have duly recieved your letter of the 28 th covering a petition to which the names of many of the Students of the University are underwritten, asking for a vacation from the 4 th of July for the space of ten days or more, at the discretion of the Faculty By the act of the Legislature establishing the University it’s government is committed to a board of Visitors with authority to establish...
I have the honor of transmitting herewith, an Engraving of John Paul Jones , which I received yesterday for the embellishment of his Life, which is now, in press: my object in enclosing this engraving to you, is, to ask your opinion as to the likeness , design, & c . and if you think the facsimilie of his signature is Correct. My great anxiety in having the Work & likeness Complete must be, my...
It seems an age to me , since we parted, and have not since had any accounts from those who have visited me here what has been the state of your health since that period, the best evidence I have rec’d has been thro the medium of the public News papers, in one of wch. is given the toast you sent the charitable masonic association Dinner given to Gen. LaFayette. If I can draw an Inference from...