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Results 3981-4030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
We have been suffering so much from intense heat this Summer my dear George it has been...
I have sent by the Schooner Virginia, Capt. Otis, a Box containing a plaister Bust of Mr. Adams,...
I have recd your friendly letter of June 30. and congratulate you on your safe return from so...
I am requested by the Proctor, to inform you that there is a box here sent from Co l Peyton; it...
This Letter will Be delivered By M. de Syon a Good Young French man who was acquainted with us in...
My friends Colo Tennant, a distinguished merchant of Baltimore, and his son in law, M r Kennedy,...
You will find in the inclos’d letter, my account current for the Capitals & c & c balance due me,...
My last letter of the 22 nd of June, was Sent by the Brig Tamworth, Capt. Hamor, for Boston.—by...
Thomas Jefferson esq. of Virg a To Tho s Appleton of Leghorn—D r 1825 Dollars June To amount of...
The portrait I recieved yesterday in your favor of the 7 th is now returned. I do not wonder that...
As I am afraid you will hardly recieve my Letter in time I hasten to tell you that if you have no...
I enclosed you on the 5th. inst. a Certificate for $548.11 deposited to your credit. The 2 Hhds....
I was glad to recieve your letter of yesterday, altho’ I assure you it was not necessary to...
I find I had been too sanguine in believing that my complaint was wearing off. the symptoms...
I feel a strong conviction that it is necessary I should make this endeavour to counteract the...
I have recd. yours of June 27th with a copy of Proposals, for publishing a Weekly agricultural...
Your favor of the 3 d was recieved yesterday. in our University the science of Political economy...
Though not Known to you except by a letter from D r Mitchill of N. York which I enclosed to you...
I have had the honor duly to receive your much esteemed favor of the 2 d inst. , which has caused...
The last of yr. letters dated June 12. came to hand but a few days ago. You are very kind in...
Mr. Morton of my neighbourhood will pass through London on a trip to Scotland with an object...
I had the honor duly to receive Your interesting letter, in further illustration of Your views,...
Th: Jefferson with his friendly salutations to mr Hatch incloses him an order on mr Raphael for...
The form of the Earth having been ascertained by various experiments in Europe and South America,...
I recieved on the 6 th of June a letter from Mess rs Dodge and Oxnard with an invoice of wines...
Your kind lre of the 2 d seems to forbid all further controversy on the subject of compensation...
I sent you by the last mail an herb, which, as had been represented to me by Mr Buckner, had been...
Yours of the 2 d has been rec d covering blank notes for the renewal of yours at the Banks which...
I seize the first leisure time since my return (for I tarried more than a week in New York with...
It was stated in one of our Baltimore Papers a few weeks since, that my work on Political Economy...
In compliance with your letters of 2d and 23d ulto. I have executed a deed of my share of Land in...
I herewith hand you enclosed a Certificate for $548.11 being the balance due you on account of...
The inclosed letter to mr King covers a bill of exche. for 1350. £ sterl. for the purchase of an...
We have occasion for another bill of exchange to the amount of 3000. D to remit to mr King for...
I find myself now as well as I have been for several months, or as I probably shall be for months...
I know not how to express the gratification which I feel, at the subsidence of your troublesome...
Having lately rec d an intimation that an herb which I now send you, would be useful to you. I...
Your favor of June 29. was recieved yesterday. the fac-simile of the hand writing of J. P. Jones...
Mr. Fowler of Allen’s Lot. & Exc: office holds a note of mine for $500 payable on the 10th....
I have recd. my dear Sir, your very friendly letter of the 3d. instant. It has afforded me much...
Dr Dunglison presents his respectful salutations to Mr. Madison, & would wish the Servant with...
Having reached home but a few days since, I seize the first day of leisure to express to you, and...
Not having the honor of being personally known to you, it is incumbent on me to explain the...
I recieved yesterday from mr Brockenbrough a bill of exchange on London for 1350 £ st. = 6000 D....
I am duly sensible of the honour you have done me, in tendering the chair of the Professor of Law...
I presume that while with us you must have become informed that we were establishing in Virginia...
Know all men by these presents, that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk and...
I have duly recieved your letter of the 28 th covering a petition to which the names of many of...
I have the honor of transmitting herewith, an Engraving of John Paul Jones , which I received...
It seems an age to me , since we parted, and have not since had any accounts from those who have...