James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Edward Everett, 19 July 1825

To Edward Everett

Montpellier July 19. 1825

Dear Sir

I have duly received the copy of your Oration at Concord on the 19th. of April last;1 and have derived much pleasure from the excellent ideas with which it abounds, & the elegant language in which they are conveyed. You have given it particular value, by making it a record of interesting details which might otherwise have passed into oblivion. With great esteem & cordial respects

James Madison

RC (MHi: Everett Collection); draft (DLC). RC cover addressed and franked by JM; postmarked Orange Court House, 22 July; docketed by Everett.

1Edward Everett, An Oration Delivered at Concord, April the Nineteenth, 1825 (Boston, 1825; Shoemaker description begins Richard H. Shoemaker, comp., A Checklist of American Imprints for 1820–1829 (11 vols.; New York, 1964–72). description ends 20441). JM’s copy, with a cover inscription, is in the Madison Collection, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library.

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