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Results 3961-3990 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Je me proposois de vous écrire ce soir, pour vous apprendre la Résolution unanime que doit se prendre ce matin aux Etats-Généraux, pour la Garantie, par L. H. P. des 5 millions de florins que la France empruntera ici pour prêter aux Etats-Unis, lorsqu’on est venu m’apporter les deux Lettres ci-jointes, arrivées ici par la voie d’Ostende, où je suppose qu’un Vaisseau Américain aura abordé...
I have made repeated appointments and attempts to visit you, since you did us the favour of your company; but my professional and parochial duties, which have been much increased of late, have confined me entirely at home for the last two months.—I avail myself however of this opportunity to forward you the third volume of Search’s Light of Nature, persuaded that his chapter entitled, “The...
We received with pleasure your Excelly’s favour this morning and hope you are satisfyed with our endeavours to safe the honour of Congress drafts, the more as on the Reduced sheme is agreed for the million, so the inclosed explication will manifest to your Excellency, that in the final redeeming it is more profitable ƒ 1.89.946:17— than negotiated at 6 per C: a principal House the Broker,...
It is now two Years since I left America without the satisfaction of bidding You farewell, and of talking over with You many things then on my mind respecting Our Country and The great Cause in which We had been long engaged; To remedy this disagreeable Circumstance which at the Time gave Me pain, I wrote You a long Letter on my passage and sent it from Bordeaux; as I have never received any...
I did myself the Honor of writing you a few Posts since. I now inclose you a Letter which will communicate something agreeable. The Grand difficulty being removed I have now some hopes of seeing you in this part of the World. Personal motives engage me strongly to wish it but public ones which are of more weight seem to require it. By the Vessels, arrived at L’Orient are Letters as late as the...
I am exceedingly sorry I did not know that you were in this place today. Our want of Men and arms is such, as to render it necessary for me to get the best advice possible of the most eligeble mode of obtaining of them. I adjourned the Council of Officers today, untill I could be favourd with your opinion (together with that of others of the General Court) on these heads. They meet again...
Being on a Visit at this place, I am solicited by Mr John Pintard to introduce him to your knowledge. He means to apply for the office of your private Secretary in the room of Mr Malcolm, who he is informed has resigned— I am well acquainted with Mr Pintard and have been so from his Infancy, and can with pleasure recommend him in the strongest Terms— His liberal Education, knowledge of several...
Letters are this moment receivid from Gen l. Lincoln giving the pleasing intillegence that he dispersed the Party under Shays on the morning of the 5 th. instant— the Insurgents had marched on the 4 th. from Pelham to Pitersham distant 30 miles, with about 1500 Men— Gen l. Lincoln moved after them at Eight OClock on the same Evening and came on them by Surprize at 9. OClock the next Morning,...
In consequence of some conversation the other day at Quincy respecting Dr Priestley, I here send you the paper of to-day which contains what was intended as a vindication of Dr. Priestley from the aspersions of Willm: Cobbett.—Untill last Tuesday, I did believe that Dr. P. had excited the venom of the Porcupine more from his being a distinguished Dissenter from the church to which Corbbett is...
Not being in the habit since my return to private life, of sending regularly to the Post Office (nine miles from hence) every Post-day, it often happens that letters addressed to me lye longer there, on that account, than they otherwise would do. I have delayed no time, unnecessarily, since I had the honor of receiving your obliging favour of the 22d Ulto, to thank you for the polite &...
I was duely favoured with your obliging letter of the 15 th. of last Month and feel myself not a little gratified with the renewal of a correspondence with M r. Adams, a friend for whom I feel a most exalted respect and affection.— When I took the liberty to write to you last I mentioned my happy situation in business, and my independent feelings, but I hope I have not been misunderstood by M...
My last letter I believe, evinced a degree of excitement very uncommon for me. But the transactions of that week were of a nature to act upon the blood of persons less impetuous even than myself. And the feeling was shared by almost all persons in the city. You are probably aware of what took place the day before I wrote although at that time I was ignorant of it myself. Persons will praise or...
I have only time to write a few lines for the present as the Post is about to depart. On Saturday the 15th. instant I sailed in the Packet Boat from Hellevoetsluys, and had another, long tedious voyage, tho’ the weather was so fine as to compensate for it in some measure. I arrived yesterday in the afternoon at Harwich, from which place I came in the Stage Coach here. The Adelphi Hotel, being...
Being Just inform’d of an opportunity of writing to you by the Way of Bilboa, I snatch my Pen, to give you a laconic Account of Things here. Last Monday all the Towns in this State assembled for Choice of a Governor, Lt. Governor, and Senators, according to the New Constitution, of the peaceable Establishment of which, I gave you some Account in my last. In this Town, for Governor Mr. S. Adams...
J’aurois desiré pouvoir vous présenter mes hommages Comme ministre de L’a Republique française, j’ose esperer que vous me permettrés de vous Les offrir comme particulier. j’aurois deja sollicité cette Faveur si ma santé ne m’en Eut empechè. je ne puis plus differer de vous la demander, quoique je sois Loin de me bien porter. j’ai des Choses extrêmement importantes à Vous Communiquer. je vous...
I have waited with impatience to hear from you as the begining of Feb: I sent a Box containing the 2d. vol Gerradaccis History of Bologna. you have been in search after it for some time; I met with it by accident in the city & am pleased to complete your copy you deserve it more than any having brought it into light Paradisum Voluptatis a real fact. what a pleasing article it would make in the...
It is intended with the leave of Providence to settle a Gospel Minister in this Town, the solemnity to be performd on Wednesday the 6th. of October next, at which time it will be highly gratifying to Willm. and Abigail Cunningham to be honoured with a visit from your Excellency and Lady. the pleasant season for travelling, the high and well ventilated situation here, whch is favourable to...
I hope every post to hear from you, but every post has hithertoo dissapointed me. a month is a long time to be absent from Home without learning any thing from you. you have often left me and always was very punctual in writing to me. this is but the second time I have left you, and the first that I have been so long without hearing from you. I have written three times before, but have very...
Since mine of May 8th I have not had any thing material to communicate to your Excellency. Mr Grenville indeed arriv’d just after I had dispatch’d that Letter, and I introduc’d him to M. De Vergennes; but as his Mission seem’d only a Repetition of that by Mr Oswald, the same Declarations of the King of Englands sincere Desire of Peace, and willingness to treat of a General Pacification with...
mr Dexter will come to Boston tomorrow for the Trunks you must go with him to mr Crufts who when you pick out the Trunks will deliver them—I See that nobody here will attend to them if I do not—they are lodged at mr Thorndikes Store Custer lies very dangerously sick your GM MHi : Adams Papers.
Herewith you will receive a copy of my medical Inquiries and Observations upon the diseases of the mind. PS My bookseller has disappointed me in not sending me a Copy of my book which I intended for you. It shall follow this letter in a day or two.—I shall wait with solitude to receive your Opinion of them. They are in general accommodated the to the “Common Science” of Gentlemen of all...
I had the honor to write to you very hastily by the post following the receipt of your letter. I was entirely unacquainted with the degree in which the present state of things might have been formerly brought before you, but having heard the point mentioned (on which I took the liberty to ask your recollection) it appeared to be of so much consequence, that I was very anxious to know whether...
Yours with the Inclosed came safe to hand last week, and have given me great pleasure. I wish I could in return give you any thing that would equally Amuse, Entertain, or gratify your Curiosity, but there is not so much as A single peice of News here to hand you. We are all Agreed that Burgoine is “treading dangerous Ground.” You are doubtless better Informed of the Motions, and Intended...
J’espere que dans peu vous aurez la satisfaction de voir paraître l’ouvrage de Mr de Mably, ouvrage qui honore également l’Ecrivain & le héros. Un Régent de cette République a bien voulu se charger de le traduire; il est déjà connu par une traduction de l’Esprit des loix très estimée. Cette production est trop intéressante pour tarder à fixer l’attention des Anglais & des Allemands. J’aurais...
After having consulted Persons who are well acquainted with the Commerce of both Bourdeaux and Nants, and the principal Houses in each, I have resolved to settle in this place, and accordingly I have chosen the House of Messrs. Feyers freres, provided they will agree to receive me into their family, for I am informed it is not the custom of this House to allow their Clerks the priviledge of...
Being informed that you begin your Journey for Philadelphia this week, I would beg to recommend to your Consideration the Services of Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin, who Joyned the Army the Beginning of the last Campaign, and has Continued ever Since in the army as an Engineer on the works. He has received for the months of June and July from the Assembly of our Colony Colonels Pay. But as the...
The extreeme distress of mind under which Mr Adams labours in consequence of our dear Mother’s distressing illness, totally incapacitates him from writing to you on the subject which excites in us both the most painful anxiety—. Most readily will I set out to Boston if in any shape I can afford assistance, and I should delight in giving every testimony of dutiful affection and respect to our...
The simultaneous movements in our correspondence have been really remarkable on several occasions. it would seem as if the state of the air, or state of the times, or some other unknown cause produced a sympathetic effect on our mutual recollections. I had set down to answer your letters of June 19. 20. 22. with pen, ink, and paper before me, when I recieved from our mail that of July 30. you...
Almost every body here is preparing for the fair which opens next Thursday, and as this is Leyden- ’Lection I was saying to my companion that it was a pity Master Charles was not here that he might see that a Dutchman can be merry when he is resolved upon it. And John seems to wish it so much, that I thought I would write to you and if you had no objection we should have the little Gentlemans...
Pour que je ne fusse trop preoccupé de mon sisteme, j’ai profitté de votre permission de consulter autrui, quoique seulement une seule personne, mais qui en valloit bien dix en fait de connoissances Sur votre Commission du Congres des 13 Etats, mais malgré que Messieurs Franklin, Deane, Lee n’ont eu d’autres Titres que vous Monsieur, nous n’y pouvons trouver d’autre autorité ni d autres...