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Results 3961-3970 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am very thankful to the Bunkerhill monument association for the honor they have done me in electing me an honorary member of that institution. the occasion, which has given birth to it, forms an epoch in the history of mankind, well worthy of the splendid ceremonies with which it’s first stone was lately laid and consecrated. the coincidence of circumstances too, was truly fortunate, which...
Your favor of the 2 d was rec d on the 16 th inst. together with the herb which accompanied it, and I am much indebted for the kind interest you take in my present indisposn, as also to mr Hooe & mr Buchner for their frdly attentions. I have submitted the plant to the inspection of D r D. my physician who recognises in it what is called Agrimony, with the use of which he is not unacquainted in...
I am still confined to the house by my painful complaint as I have been for more than 2. months. and altho’ we have Doctors in abundance, we have no medicine but Calomel Calomel Calomel , this obliges me to trouble you for another half pound supply of Gum Arabic, and 3. or 4. oz. Hyoscegamus or Hewbary ( you sent some of this last lately to the Univ ty the whole of which I have used) these...
Ever since the middle of the last month we have been in such a succession of events and interruptions that the time has slipped away with out a moments reflection on the interval between this letter and my last. On the 15th. of June General La Fayette came and his arrival was the signal for dinners parties and shows. You ask for a description of the 17th. of June. It has not been attempted...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Dickins, and thanks him for the copy of his oration of the 4th. of July last. J. M. had previously an opportunity of reading it in the Newspapers: But it well deserves a place among the select discourses on that anniversary, in the more conservative form now given to it. RC ( NN : Ford Collection); draft ( ViU : Special Collections). Minor differences...
I have duly received the copy of your Oration at Concord on the 19th. of April last; and have derived much pleasure from the excellent ideas with which it abounds, & the elegant language in which they are conveyed. You have given it particular value, by making it a record of interesting details which might otherwise have passed into oblivion. With great esteem & cordial respects RC ( MHi :...
Aussitôt après avoir imprimé mon ouvrage La Decouverte des sources du Mississipi etc., à la Nouvelle Orleans, j’accedai avec plaisir aux sollicitations de vos amis de vous le faire connaître, je vous en offris une copie avec une lettre d’hommage, vous priant de m’adresser vos reponses chez ce Mons. Leabbate Consul General de Sardaigne, et je partis immediatement pour faire un tour dans les...
Th:Jefferson sends his watch to mr Leschot to be put to rights. she goes 12 or 15. hours after being wound up and then stops—he is always sorry to give mr Leschot the trouble of coming here. The large clock has never gone right since the last repairs because the hands will not stand in place. in the kitchen the hour hand will not stand. if mr Leschot can come up some cloudy cool day Th:J. will...
Col o Wallace my son, now on his way to Staunton, being a delegate to the proposed convention, has promised me to stop a moment at Monticello and enquire after your health: to hear of its improvement will greatly add to my satisfaction as well as his and every other patriot of the day. My respects to Mrs Randolph, the Young Ladies, Col o Randolph and the young gentlemen. Accept dear sir, my...
Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance D r Gunnell, formerly of Virginia, but now a resident of this place—He is respectable alike, for his moral worth and professional acquirements—He visits the University: and feeling for you the same profound regard which is common to the rest of Mankind he is anxious to have the honor of paying you his respects—Hence I have taken the liberty of...