Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to James Logan, 10 May 1748

To James Logan

MS not found; reprinted from extract in Stan V. Henkels, Catalogue No. 1082 (April 11–12, 1913), p. 38.

Philadelphia, May 10, 1748

As to the Battery,6 it goes on very well, a great Number of Hands being employ’d upon it, who work with the utmost Diligence. I suppose that in a few Days the Platform will be ready to receive the cannon and the carriages are all made, a particular committee is employ’d in providing cartridges, &c., and Jno. Pass has already cast a great number of large shot.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6According to Henkels’ Catalogue, this paragraph was preceded by one or more in which BF exonerated Hall of knowledge of the publication of the offending article and advised Logan not to publish a reply, but to pass over the matter in silence. Logan took the advice.

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