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Results 3951-3960 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the pleasure to enclose you a catalogue of the books contained in the box I last opened; which are the books stricken out of the catalogue from which I copied mine: this present of Miss Gurney’s I have entered in my list of presents.— I have the accounts of German, French, & English purchases sent over by Mr J. Bohn, which if you desire I will send for your inspection; the total amounts...
It gave me great pleasure to recieve your favor of June 20. altho’ with so extensive a range of acq es as that to which our revoln has given birth, there may not be a ground of contin d correspdce with every individual yet we are glad to hear once in a while that our old fellow laborers are alive and well. we look back with pleasure to the days which united us in action, and recollect ant t...
Your letter from Charlottesville came duly to hand, and an earlier answer would have been given to it; but for a hope, which has not been fulfilled that a little delay might enlarge the compliance with its request. The instances of longevity which you wish me to repeat on paper as within the limits of my farm, on which there are about 70 persons of every age & description and among my...
I delayed answering your[s] of May 10. in the hope of finding a private conveyance; having experienced in several instances a miscarriage of such remittances by the mail. Seeing now little chance of any other opportunity I commit to that hazard a bank note of $10.* which will discharge the debt, and make up for the delay. With friendly respects *of Bank of Virga No. 8428 date June 9. 1821 [...
The Supreme the sovereign Lord of Heaven and earth and of all things thereunto appertaining has now commanded me to renew my application to you for a sum of money to enable to proceed in the execution of His purpose on the earth—for those purposes see Isaiah Chapt 2 d Malachi IV and various other parts of Scripture I am further commanded to observe to you on this occasion.—that the principle...
As directed by Col o Randolph I am to enclose a letter for him, which it is important he should receive with the least possible delay, that you may have the goodness to forward it to him at Staunton.—The inclosure contains a Copy of proceedings in a Suit depending in the Superior Court of Chancery here between himself and his very dear & respected relatives, intended to sustain his application...
Having occasion to make a remittance to mr Appleton of Leghorn I desired Jefferson to make provision for a sum of 500. D. which I then thought would be suffic t and he informed me that I might accdly apply to you to procure such a bill for me. but I find it will require 550. D. will you therefore be so good as to procure such a bill as will place 550. D. clear of Exchange in the hands of...
Yours of the 18 th is recieved, and finds me ready, as I ever am, to render you what service I can. altho’ the head of the admn and myself have not been exactly in principle together, yet some of the members are much my frds, and particularly, the head of the particular deptmt to which your case belongs, is my hereditary as well as personal friend. but being but just arrived, and a stranger to...
Mr. Tod is in the City. I delivered him your letter yesterday and had the pleasure of seeing him at the dinner given to Mr. Rush. Mrs. Bache joins me in our most affectionate regards to Mrs. Madison & yourself. With great esteem Yrs RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM . Letter not found. A full report of the public dinner for Richard Rush, including toasts and speeches, held on 20 May at Washington...
I thank you for the copies of your two public addresses inclosed in your favor of the 6 th inst. that of Concord, as a morsel of exact history, and of a most interesting event was peculiarly acceptable. I am sorry it is not in my power to give you any information on the subject of the Louisiana treaty. my memory is gone, and I have no papers on the subject. but surely the ‘Conjectural note’...