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Results 3951-3960 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I received your favor of the eleventh yesterday. M rs Smith has quite recovered from her illness and is doing very well Our electioneering campaign was opened in due form last monday that is to say that The Freeholders of this City were called together to hear who were the men whom Ric d Harrison Rob t Troup and Josiah Ogden Hoffman would chuse to have made Gov r and L t Gov r of the State....
I embrace this Oppertunity by the Brigantine Saturn Rene Maillett Master (which I have dispatched for Nantes) to Acquaint you that your Family are well. I have lately, in Company with Mrs. Adams and a few Other Freinds, been to Visit Count D Estaing and his Fleet at Nantaskett, where we were Agreably and politely entertained. The Count has met with a series of Disappointments since his...
It gives me sensible pain to be under the necessity of troubling you further with my personal Concerns amid the weight of your public Cares: but entertaining the fond hope that you are not totally disinterested in my welfare, I am prompted to observe to you, that upon my arrival here I found M r Keith had been pushing all possible force for the Marshalship of this District a place which I...
I now do myself the pleasure to inclose to you a copy of the Arret explanatory of that of Sep. 28. on the subject of our whale oils. mr̃ Necker in a letter to me has renewed the promise of taking off the 10. sous per livre at the end of the next year. but at the same time he observes that whenever the national fishery shall be able to supply their demand for whale oil we must expect a repeal...
M. Searle nous à remis dans son tems, notre cher et estimable ami, la lettre donc vous l’aviez chargé pour nous, il a dû vous ecrire que nous étions très empressés à faire tout ce qui pourroit lui etre agreable, et qu’il a eu avec un des chefs de la ferme generale un entretien aussi long qu’il pouvoit le desirer. Il nous a paru être très Content du fermier general; nous sçavons que Celui-ci a...
The health of David Austin Esqr. the present Collector of the customs in New Haven, is declining so fast, that it is generally supposed that death, will put a period to his valuable life within a short period time. As that office will then be vacant, I thought it to be my duty, in as early a season, and in as respectful a manner as possible, to ask it of Your Excellency for myself. Perhaps an...
I have been duly honoured with your favour of the 19th Ulto, mentioning the nomination of Mr Murray to be Minister Plenipotentiary to the French Republic. With the writer of the letter, which I did myself the honour to enclose in my last to you, I truly observed that I had never held any correspondence; and I only knew him in his public mission from this Country to the Barbary States, the...
My solicitude to see your strictures upon Mr. Pickering’s Letter was satisfied by the last mail. I acquit myself, by the enclosure of the sheets, of one of the stipulations upon which you transmitted them to me—the other has not been violated. Nothing on the Impressment of our Seamen, has yet appeared which unfolds the subject so lucidly and satisfactorily either as to law or expediency. I am...
Pursuant to Doctor Franklin’s Approbation I have Settled your Account in the only way you could admit of, that is to Say I have given you credit for the sum you ordered to Mr. Dana’s Account £6857. 3 adding to that the Ballance I owed you on the 10th. of sept of 2557. 16 makes up a sum of £ 9414. 19 from which there is to be deducted 1st. the £400. making with the charges Bf 4045.2    at 53...
Altho’ it be the fate of persons high in power to be exposed to the importunity of the many, and they are obliged not only to suffer, but submit to it, I assure you I feel much repugnance in troubling you with this letter. The arrival of a Vessell here in the last summer with a number of German-passengers after a very tedious voyage, having communicated a contagious distemper to some of the...